Sjer Mihan (young and foolhardy)
• Vintner
• Loyalist of Sru'haro
• Chosen of the Milar
• Catalyst of Volorn
• [SjerStats]
• updated Sept 15, 2006

Sjer Mi'han is a gifted 16 year old Sorcerer with a startlingly deep voice.
(I hate him already :) )
His parents are both alive. His mother is a weaver and his father a
vintner in the southern area of Sru'haro. Sjer has an uncle who came to
the notice of the old Alm during the defense of Sru'haro from raiding
skirmishes by the neighbouring alms. We do have the best horses
around after all. Sjer's uncle, Ki'lam Mi'han, also has a sorcerous gift.
With the advent of the new Alm after the passing of the old one, Sjer
received his invitation to join the "cause".
Sjer enjoys tracking down bottles of fine wine and brandy, and also
cataloging the wine cellars known to him. You never know when
access to the right bottle will seal a deal or save a life.
Sjer plans on devoting his talents to helping the new Alm achieve his
rightful place on the Ji'Alm council.
If you were offered an opportunity to join the shadow mages would you? Why or why not?
If I were offered the choice between death or joining the shadow mages, I would become a willing member. However, if my life were not on the line, then I would not join. The shadow mages are not of the Mi'lar. My gift is bestowed by Chal, it is Chal's way of connecting the Mi'lar that were with the Pirem Empire as it has become.
Why Chal has chosen our family to receive this gift, I know not. Obviously the church can only do so much and does not represent Chal to the fullest. The Shadow Mages are an integral part of the Pirem Empire, but gifts such as mine were an integral part of the Mi'lar when the Prophet came to us. I think it is obvious which powers are blessed.
Describe three things or people that you hate and explain why.
I hate? Well, I suppose we all are capable of it.
Do I hate what I fear? That would be the hatred brewed by cowardice?
Do I hate what is weaker than myself? That is the hatred bred by
Is my hate based on past events? That burning hatred is simmered by
revenge denied.
I find 'hate' itself is a hateful word. I prefer to use a top ten hit list. It is
much easier to identify the types of hatred when they are kept in a neat
and useful order.
Sjer's top ten hit list
1. My loneliness -- I feel like something is missing from my life. It is a feeling that has been growing ever since I arrived in Lei'lm. I have thought about it and I know it does not concern my family or friends I left back at home. Something is calling to me and I do not understand what it is. I wish the feeling would leave me or I would understand it. I hate not knowing something that feels this important.
2. Substandard Wine -- I made myself a promise when I turned 10 and my father
allowed me to begin learning his craft, I would reserve the number two spot on my hate list for bad wines.
3. Zanji Hami'm -- I just met this fellow, but I've moved him right up to number two. He works here at the Sru'haro house. He has shown me discourtesy and ill manners on three occassions. On the last occasion he went so far as to brush into me and knock me into the stable muck. He laughed as he continued on his way. I have not yet decided what to do about this man, but I do know there has to be a permanent change in his attitude. If others see this treatment they will copy it. I have seen this at work amongst the slaves back home.
4. My failures -- I hate the mistakes I have made since arriving. I know I am coming up short in everyone's eyes, Afalar's and L'talas's most especially. It shouldn't bother me. Everyone screws up; but I fear that those two are not the type to forgive and forget.
5. Tateer the Gaunt -- There is something about this man that makes me afraid and nervous. I would have gone back to the Broken Horse by now just to poke around and find out what happened there that night Dr. Milizaro was waylaid by us, except I fear I might run into Tateer. I hate that this fear appears to hamper my freedom in the city.
6. That paranoid feeling I get when I walk near a shadow mage. -- Whenever I'm near to one I feel like they know my secret. I have talked with Uncle and he assures me I have an overactive imagination, but I've caught their looks.
7. Sjer Ahashaj -- So what if he is the son of an Alm, that doesn't give him the right to belittle me and my family. He fancies himself a vintner because his father gave him a vineyard to play with. The only reason the wine is good is because of his slave Afa'zuna's knowledge. I have the misfortune of sharing a name with this man, maybe that led to the trouble in the first place.
8. The previous Alm Sru'haro. This is probably an unwise hatred of mine, and I am extremely careful never to voice it, especially not to my uncle. The old Alm was weak, he avoided all conflict and sold what he could not keep by force. I believe Sru'haro lands suffered under him. I
hold for that Alm the hatred of contempt. Thank goodness his son did not inherit his weakness. It is time the Mi'lar once more put forth their will.
10. Chiva Fas'imji -- Spurned by her in public at the age of 14, definite revenge category.
What kind of reputation are you trying to develop in Lie'lm.
What are going to do to accomplish this and what kind of
people will you have to develop a relationship with.
Dear Mama and Papa,
I have been in Lei'lm for less than a week and already I fear I am getting the wrong reputation. You both know I had big plans to be like Uncle Ki'lam. My head was filled with images of heroic subterfuge, daring rescues, and a growing wine cellar. Today my head is filled with guilt, remorse, and self-loathing. I have managed in the course of 24 hours to fall prey to most of the big city vices you warned me about. My purse was cut from me in the market. That is bad enough, but it contained my employer's money. And then there was this woman in a tavern ... NO, NO, not anything like that, Mother. She
was after information about our business and our Alm, and like a country rube I could not hold my tongue. Chal knows where that information will end up. Most likely it will come back to haunt me.
I know I need to do better. I have not been vigilant enough. I want to be seen here as competent and quick witted. Perhaps my wits aren't quick enough to fulfill that particular wish, but by all that is Mi'lar competence has more to do with thoroughness and industry than sheer intelligence.
I must find a way to purchase what I was supposed to without the funds that were stolen. No, don't send money, I will not be bailed out like a child. From the moment I set foot in this city I told myself I would take my lumps like a man. I didn't believe the lumps would come so quick and plentiful, but Chal blesses where he will. I must run now. I will either finish this day in much better shape than this morning or in much, much worse. I will wish myself luck on your behalf, because by the time you get
this my current endeavours will be over.I need to develop a wide range of contacts here. I am no wildwood ranger to survive on my own. The more contacts I have outside of Sru'haro influence the more effective I will
be. I have not the courtly manners to impress the wealthy and noble here in the city, so I will have to content myself with contacts in the markets. It takes money to develop mercantile friends. I may not be able to send anything home to help out, but I will try.
Remind Sjan to tend my vines. I will try to extoll the virtues of the Mi'han grape here to the sellers. I will be home for the harvest Papa.
All my love,
Describe your ideal lover or mate, they may or may not be the same thing.
Well, they are, in fact, two different things. If your mate is an ideal lover
then you have the best or worst of both worlds. By that I mean that they
aren't mutually exclusive.
The ideal mate wishes to further my goals. The ideal lover wishes to
pleasure me into submission. A person who wishes both will choose to
take advantage of my addled brain to convince me to do things that are
beneficial to me. That isn't always a good thing. I just pray that if I ever
experience such a situation that she has good judgement. Of course, if
I am in such a situation, my judgement will no longer be trustworthy at
all. I believe the line "damned if you do, and damned if you don't" may
Of course, one thing that is not possible is to have the ideal mate and
the ideal lover at the same time without the two being the same woman.
Because the ideal lover will have me jumping through hoops that the
ideal mate will see are not at all to my best interests. Then it will be
either drop the lover or lose the mate. I believe a long bar tab might
result from such a situation.
Now, which would I prefer? Well, my head says get the mate, but my
blood says mate schmate.
Fortunately I am not yet pursuing either.
Ah, freedom. It is almost as if a more experienced man is whispering
into my ear, for how else could I even answer such a question at the
virginal age of 16, hmmm?
Chal preserve me, I must be in over my head already.
What are your views on slavery?
Views on slavery? What kind of crackpot are you, sir, to ask such a question. Probably one of those University types who don't live in the real world.
Slavery is essential to the health of the Empire itself. Why half of the feuds in Sru'haro alone would end in somebody's death if slavery wasn't there for the loser. A gambling man who lost his fortune would have no chance to hold his head up without slavery. As a free man who owes money he his worse than a beast of burden, but as a slave he can take pride in his station and strive to be worthy enough to take his place in the world of men once more.
Imagine war without the device of slavery. What would you do, have the losing side remain free and outnumbering the victors? Imagine what kind of culture would arise from that, talk about the tyranny of the whining majority. If you fight for your country and lose, well, you might find death or perhaps service in the new government, but if you stayed home and then thought you had a right to decide your own future. Slavery is the only option.
Slavery can cure many an ailment such as sloth, laziness, and cowardice. And it benefits the brave and valiant greatly. Where would a new lord gain the workers needed to the tend the land if not from the slaves that used to own it? How could a vineyard keep up with the arduous task of hand picking so many grapes without the system of slavery? I tell you, sir, without slavery, many good things would whither and die. If I ever found myself a slave, I would hold my head up and try to advance my master's fortune.
Not that I'm advocating illegal slavery, mind you. That is truly a man-made blight on Chal's world. A man should only become a slave when he wagers and loses, or trades his freedom for something he could not afford any other way. But, to walk down an alley and have thieves bag you, brand you, and sell you is unconscienable. Even slavery itself is too good for those engaged in illegal slavery. Death is the only answer for them.
Perhaps torture first and then death.
Come agree with me or leave, I'll not drink with anyone who cannot see the good in slavery.
Assessment of your two companions
Dear Mama and Papa,
Life is better now. Lie'lm has decided that I should survive and
flourish on its streets and in its houses. I believe that my two
companions and I are gaining some measure of trust and respect from
L'talas and, hopefully, Alm Sru'haro. We have somehow managed to
become useful. Just last week I was asked to head up an investigation
into a theft from the Sru'haro wine cellars. There is precious little
evidence to go on, but L'talas believes I have the skills necessary to
find out the who and the why.
I have managed to scrape together enough money to finish
purchasing the wine that L'talas asked me to get. I still smart at the
memory of having 4 rods stolen from me in the market. I walk around
with my hand holding my purse at all times now. I would look ridiculous
doing that back home, but here it seems to be a standard practice.
I haven't been neglecting my faith, mother. I attended the end of
fasting ceremony of the festival of deliverance in the big temple,
Pir'ulra'ail'Ji'ur. The emperor himself was there. I have also recently
begun a study on the seventh path of Chal. We never seemed to
properly explore that one at services back home.
I should tell you something of my two companions. By now you are
probably wondering and wishing to know more about the men who help
ensure I survive this adventure in the city.
Zali'haro is older than I. He is a large strapping fellow who has
recently joined the Ta'im'ielm. Zali is very even tempered and has
shown himself a selfless companion. He has made sure on more than
one occasion that your son returned home in one piece. His
commitment to Alm Sru'haro may not run as deep as mine, but I believe
that unless some large and obvious temptation drops in his lap that he
will remain true. He does have one annoying habit however, he tends
to call people he has just met "friend". So far no one has objected, but I
myself would develop an instant distrust of someone were they to walk
up to me and call me by that name whilst asking for information. I'm
afraid I would be looking for the burly friends sidling up to pop a bag
over my head and cart me off to the mines.
family. Yes, I know. I sometimes lay awake at night wondering when
his relatives will show up and cart me off to someplace worse than the
mines. But, father, so far he has shown little alarm, nor even interest,
in certain happenings. He is a very intense individual. I'm sure he
doesn't think very much of Zali or I, but so far he has worked with us
and helped make us a very effective team. I don't doubt that every day
he looks for ways to advance himself that have nothing to do with us,
L'talas, nor even Sru'haro. I don't believe he is Mi'lar, but the topic has
not yet come up in conversation. I wouldn't dare press him for
information about himself. The less inquisitive he believes me to be,
the safer I will feel.
I heard a rumour that Death has returned to Lie'lm. No one living has
seen him, of course, but I have been sleeping with my shutters latched
Perhaps next month we will have earned a vacation. As soon as I am
able I will come home for a week or so. I have picked up some lovely
burgandy material for Sjan. If anyone wishes me to bring anything
home they should let me know sooner.
My love to all,
Sjer Mi'han