Doctor Milizaro's note book
Found the 22th of Zaral’a’mazi (Spring) 372yp
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Jivaral nar Olira imi’Tasil’Ilaram (the lucky)
I treated him for a severely broken leg after an accident in the Tulr’imi’haro’jil on the 2nd day of Jasil’a’amzi. Although he was able to keep his leg he, in my opinion will never race again. He will have very limited motion in his knee, in fact he may not be able to bend it on many days. He confined to me while I was operating that he believes that a rival, Emara Taroril imi ‘Tasil’ Omaj, tampered with his saddle. He stated that Emara Taroril hoped to kill him because Jivaral knew that Emara Taroril was secretly sleeping with the wife of Feziral Quaralis. He is currently serving as a horse trainer with the Tasil’Ilaram.
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• Ji’cafir’imi’Haziral
I treated Ji’cafir’imi’Haziral for a nervous twitch. I have prescribed medicine to help with the twitch. Ji’cafir’imi’Haziral was concerned that this twitch would hinder his ability to establish a branch of the Cofiraj trading house in this city. Ji’cafir’imi’Haziral confided that he is afraid that his father will cut him off if he is not successful in this venture. Ji’cafir’imi’Haziral is the eldest son of Haziral Cofiraj a prominent merchant in the city of Piri'lm. The merchant house of Cofiraj specializes in silks and fine clothes.
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• Raj Evasir
This man is in excellent health, and appears to be a man in his middle years. However, my examinations lead me to believe that his man is almost a hundred years old. I can not explain how this is possible, yet my examinations of his teeth appear to confirm this. Sometime within the last ten years he and his sister established a school for scribes and lawyers. I do not know exactly where they came from but I believe that they came come area close to Cas’ilm. The name of the school is Ulisor’asir.
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• Ila Evasir
This woman is the sister of Raj Evasir; she is only a few years younger than her brother is. She too appears to be a handsome woman in her middle years, yet she too is near a century old. I will endeavor to be discrete, but this demands investigation.
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• Lariza Shammai
On the 85th day of Jazil’a’mazi I provided her medicine necessary to end her pregnancy. She said it was necessary because the father of the child was not her husband, Mi’Alm Favilar imi’Caraji Shammai. That she had relations with another man would be evident, as her husband has been away from the city for two months. Furthermore, she indicated that it would be abundantly clear that the child was not from her husband’s seed. The little research I have done leads me to believe her lover is Nar’avalis Sahar, youngest son of Alm Sahar.
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• Taremar Mimalac
He came to me complaining of vision problems. I was able to temporarily relieve the cataracts, however I fear that his eyes will become worse. He was desperate to restore his eyesight. He is the chief pilot for the harbour and is greatly in debt. Therefore, requires the money and the privilege of the position to maintain his lifestyle. I warned him that his eyesight will get worse. He then asked if I knew anything about the Cas’cral Ta’frac’t or knew where to find them or it. I was not able to help him, as this is the first I have heard of this Cas’cral Ta’frac’t, but bears some more investigation.
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• Jolanir’nar Toraj
Debts he owes me
Jasil’a’mazi 4th – 1 rod – clap treatment
Jasil’a’mazi 18th – 2 rods – treatment for a sword injury on the right thigh
Jasil’a’mazi 46th – 3 rods – diagnosis of Arikali poisoning and treatment
Jasil’a’mazi 73rd – 1 rod – clap treatment
Zaral’a’mazi 7th - 1 rod – treatment of a head wound, from a blunt weapon
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• Vazira Horilar
I treated this boy on the Jasil’a’amzi 68th. The family rushed me to their estate and I found the boy to be near unconsciousness. Over time his body became increasingly paralyzed and eventually his heart and lungs were paralysed and he perished. The paralysis began at his extremities and moved to the core of his body. Matching the spreading paralysis was a black discoloration just under the skin. When he died he was completely discolored. I believe that this was a poison that he ingested as I saw no wounds or pricks in his skin. It was not a disease as no one else suffered was affected. It did not respond to any of my remedies. The boy died within 6 hours of the first signs of discoloration.
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• Azilira Rozilarij
She came to me asking for a remedy for her husband’s impotence. Although they are having intimate relations she is unable to produce an heir. Maror blames his wife and has threatened that if she does not produce he will throw her and her family on the mercies of the street. Apparently he has done so with three other wives.
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• Urazila Vavarila
Sira Vavarila has requested that I import the Lir’iza’val leaf. I suspect that she will not use it for the traditional Hurkan remedy against infection and warts.
This Document was found in the episode TheGoodDoctor in the campaign AnAdventurousIntroductionToLeilm