Turn Eleven Results
General Information
Many Alms have answered the Church�s call for troops and support in its fight against the forces of the heretic. These include Alms who had not previously supplied troops. The banners of Camal�s supporters have been seen as have the banners of Jas�caj�s supporters, Jiraha and his supporters sent more troops as have half R�acpra� supporters. The Ji�alms Saip, Pract�la and Vaf�im and Shalar have counseled against their supporters sending troops, but a handful of each group have sent men. As a result the forces stacked against the southern Alms huge. It is suspected that the lands of Alm Pelej, Shem�ai�ah and Elejazar will fall into the hands of the Church supporters with several weeks. Airal and Cirshavar will also recapture their lost territories. The fighting is expected to begin in earnest by the beginning of the Summer month.
The Emperor is not lifting his hand in what he calls an internal dispute best handled by the Alms. However, many believe that he is paralyzed because he is caught between competing interests, mainly the church and several of the Ji�alms who have kept in power (Camal, and R�acpra).
Information For T�j
The greatest challenge you had to overcome in the first 7 days was negotiating with Alm Earls�s father. You both were in a stalemate position, you could not attack and take him over, without expending your strength, but you could not leave him as an enemy in your rear. Alm Eral did not have the power to expel you from his lands either. In effect you both need each other. Alm Eral�s greatest concern was for the welfare of his people and he knew that if there was going to be war the common folk would be the ones to suffer the most. As a result the first seven days were most frustrating. In the end Alm Eral agreed to hand over power to you and your heirs and signed the papers agreeing to his surrender. However, he asked to remain on as an advisor and advocate for his people and asked that such a post be a permanent place. Details to be worked out later. He also asked that one of his generals remain as leader of the Eral armies. His name is Ma�lor Jozaris. He is an older man in his 60s. He was not prepared to hand over the remains of the spy network that he had created and used that as a condition for handing the lands and title. The spy network would be answerable to him and he would also be given annual funds to maintain this and fund other projects. This agreement did not prevent you from developing your own spy network. As the senior advisor he will gave you the following information.
There are 4 towns in these lands
• 1 Rasomari - population of 4000
• 2 Galala�a - population of 4500
• 3 Tir�aman - population of 6000
• 4 Omarali�a - population of 3500
There are 293 villages in the lands clustered around the streams, hills, roads. The average population of a village is approximately 600 people.
There are 5 castles on these lands, but one is completely destroyed.
He notes that these population numbers are for the times before the attack of the blue demon and you can cut the present numbers in half. Many of the villages are now abandoned and many of the folk have fled to the towns to escape the invasion of the Shawnal. The towns and the castles receive extensive damage but were the focus of rebuilding so the defenses are ad hoc but adequate. DamageOfTheBlueDemon
The resources of the lands is in the cotton fields and two large coal mines. These are the two large export items.
The current problems for the lands are a lack of food, housing, and uncertainty regarding the tribes. Once the tribes are not an issue the folk will be more willing to return and rebuild.
The current military forces are small, 100 calvary and 200 infantry that are not required to defend the castles or the towns.
There is a substantial force to the north fighting against the church lead forces, about 2000 troops.
The Shawnal enthusiastically embrace the idea of hunting bandits, something to do with rectifying the wrongs done to the Shawnal. However, there is great reluctance to helping the usurers with rebuilding their homes. In fact, Saer levels a long quizzical look at T�j when that plan is suggested. The only viable compromise reached is that the Shawnal will trade their labor for metal goods (such as spear points, pots and tools). There where some isolated instances when the Shawnal killed a few citizens (slaves actually) the explanation given was that they wronged and insulted the Shawnal involved. The slaves were not able to make the required reparations and so forfeited their lives.
The Shawnal start building their own dwellings around the ancestor stones. In total there are about 15,000 members of the White Lion tribe in the Eral lands. The Shawnal have dropped subtle hints about going and forcibly reclaiming the other tribes ancestors stones.
The Shawnal are also willing to trade some of their food supplies (i.e.: sheep and goats).
Trade with the other alms is slow in building because you have to reestablish a coal supply again. The one Alm who is willing to begin trading right away is Jial�s father, Hahfaig.
Letters that you sent to most of the Alms are not replied to, at this time. Distance and time are a factor as the couriers often have more than ten days journey time.
You receive Letters from the following Alms.
a T�j Pract�la
I wonder if you still can claim the name Pract�la, my son still enjoys my blessing and protection. You claim peace yet the tribesmen are looting and stealing from the citizens of the Empire. These are bastards who wantonly raid and steal from our lands, on the pretense that they worship these stones. Chal has warned us of those who worship the Dark Praj, and these heathens will desert and betray you. Your power is fragile be careful of whom you make enemies of.
yours Alm Sepiam
a T�j Pract�la
I thank-you for your missive and your desire for peace. We all wish to have peace and posterity for our citizens. I have heard word that you are called the Hand of Chal and have destroyed the Blue spawn of the Praj that plagued our lands. If so I am in your debt. I admire ambition and I see a man who seeks to further his place in the world. However, ambition and advancement usually come at a price to someone else, so forgive me if I seem cautious and hesitant. However, I would welcome to read more of your plans and thoughts about the Empire.
respectfully, Alm E�pval
a T�j Practla
Too long have we been subject to the tribes from below the wall, and if you can bring peace from that quarter then I would welcome you into the ranks of the Alms. However, I know that the road to peace is lined with force and violence. As we assert our rights here in the south, we are met with war. Inviting the tribes to the Pirem empire will also be filled with pain. This will go much smoother if you can demonstrate tangible control over the tribes. By bring the military power of the tribes to the battle the power of the church will give you my support. By doing so you will show us that you are not only here for your own gain, and will work with the rest of us in a united front. I wish you well and look forward to working with you.
yours, Alm Eja
The soon to be Alm T�j son of Pract�la
I hope that you find joy in your reunion with Ji�al. I prayer that Chal will bless you both with grace, joy and old age. Ji�al is a remarkable woman and her love for you must be strong to endure such a long separation from you and her family. Despite her isolation she has remained strong in her conviction for you and your quest. I trust that this still remains the same. Through this moment of trial and turmoil there is great opportunity to restructure some of the foundations of the Empire and defeat some personal foes along the way. When the time comes our mutual support will create the conditions to effect the changes we desire. Your flag of support will be appreciated and will seal the bargain we started so many months ago.
Chal grant you many blessing, Alm Azariah
T�j the hand of Chal
Times of trouble bring moments of greatness and opportunity. By vanquishing the servant of the Dark Praj you lay hold of the mantle of greatness and rightly so. By bringing the prophecy of the return of the Tribesmen to fruition you are seizing opportunity. Both greatness and opportunity hold a large degree of risk At this time I do not understand why you have seized both greatness and opportunity, what do you seek to fashion with these tools. I understand that you seek to bring peace, but I know that the way to peace is voilence. I also know that the way to a new understanding is the undeniable presence of the new idea. At this point the Empire is on the brink of social and religious change. This change could be effected if we are able to maintain ourselves through the force of arms. I had hope for this possibility depsite the powers arrayed against us. However, your presence casts this all into doubt. You have the potential of undermining the process we have begun, by dividing ourselves against each other as we come to understand you and your goals. I would be negilent if I allowed this to occur, and I would also negate the sacrifice our soldiers have shouldered. I do not deny you your opportunity and greatness, but do not linger with indecision and aimlessness.
Many Chal guide us, Alm Hamaij
On the 62 day of Spring Ji�al and her escort found out by the Ancestor Stones of the White Lion Tribe. She was overjoyed to see you, and you spent a pleasant day in her company. She stayed until the 66th of Spring.
Accompanying Ji�al were two men Zaris and I�jalis. Ji�al vouched that they were sent by Shakar. Zaris claims to be an old friend of Shakar and worked as the information gather for a trading house that is now financially ruined. He was looking for work and adventure and Shakar told him that T�j would make him rich and provide all the adventure he wanted. So he is here for work. (He has a letter from Shakar as well, see the previous turn fro Shakar�s letter to T�j - both of them). However, he needs to travel northward to deliver several messages on Shakar�s behave. But will also gather what information T�j requires.
I�jalis was a former spy for Alm Eral, but was commended to death when he killed someone in Eral�s household whom he suspected of being a spy. He escaped and was on the run, until the collapse of Eral�s infrastructure due to the Blue Demon. He appreciates the irony of working with someone who is taking over Eral�s lands. He is motivated to work for T�j to redeem himself and prove that he was right and was acting out of loyalty. Also enjoys the idea of rubbing this in Eral�s face.
Information For Saer
Life as a Jarazine does not know quiet moments. Many of your days are spent sorting out misunderstanding between the citizens of the Empire and the Shawnal. The Shawnal begin the process of building permanent dwellings around the ancestor stones. Food is now difficult to come by and the Shawnal seem to have striped the countryside bare. Most of the citizens of the Empire are frightened by the savages from the south. The Shawnal have been very frustrated with the number of slights and insults receive from the Pirem people, especially since they have been asked to be on their best behavior. In fact this boiled over several times when the Shawnal were gravely insulted and the Pirem person was not able to make the appropriate restitution and the Shawnal took the life of the offender as retribution for the insult. Luckily these individuals were bonded people and slaves so their deaths were not as offensive as they might have been.
The Shawnal refused to help the Piremese rebuild their homes and villages. The reasoning was, would you help a thief steal from yourself, no. However, they were willing to work as trade. Barter and trade are very noble and strong traditions within the Shawnal culture. Metal and clothing were the preferred items of trade. The Shawnal are also willing to trade their livestock in exchange for the above items.
The Shawnal had difficulty distinguishing between the protected Piremese and the bandit Piremese. After some confusion and mistakes the Shawnal zealously pursued the thieves and bandits and as a result the Eral lands are free from banditry.
During the last 13 days several hundred non White Lion tribe members joined the ever growing ranks of the Shawnal and several bore messages for you. These new comers question why there has been no push to the other Ashani Stones. Many seem to be impatient and press for war.
Ranging scouts have told you that too the north many of the Piremese seem to be preparing for war. Most seem to be heading northward. However, one ambitious scout who traveled far to the north and east noted that a group flying a read bander with a clenched fist was moving southwest. Unlike other Piremese this group was moving quickly and with purpose down the rivers. Upon further questioning the scout agreed that this group would have to move overall a quarter of a moon cycle before reaching these lands. Was not able to determine the number.
Information For Shakar
As always your charm and well chosen words (and rods) convince both Zaris and I�jalis to journey to meet with T�j. They seem interested in the opportunity for new adventure and gain. Besides they like the sound of what T�j is trying to do.
The honor guard of Alm Hahfaig arrives, (50 mounted men in all). Alm Azariah greats them with dignity and respect and accords them the hospitality due another Alm. Ji�al is overjoyed to see a familiar face and the prospect of going home. They spent three days at Azariah�s and left on the 50th of Spring. You know that Azariah handed the commander of the guard a letter for Alm Hahfaig, but you do not know the contents of this letter. Ji�al promised to deliver the messages that you gave her. As far as you know Azariah stuck to the story that Rafimem was the culprit behind Ji�als capture and that T�j brought her back.
Your journey to Cas�lm was not notable other than you were able to elude the spy that had been following you. You arrive in Cas�lm on the 63rd of Spring and you were able to make contact with both Mahamat and Lataj. Mahamat is thrilled to see you and is willing to engage in his old profession once more, especially for an Alm that seeks to upset the apple cart. Lataj sends word that he will meet with you to answer your questions as best as he can.
While at Azariah�s you remember or rediscovered that Azariah is the leader of a group of seven Alms (including himself) This group of seven includes the following Alms: Ham�miel (married to Azariah first daughter Friha) Faj�mal�n (married to Azariah�s second daughter Azzi) Alja�ca (married to Azaiah�s third daughter Rashal).Alm Micahaj (was supported by Azariah when he was being attacked by Alm Hi�frimal, saved from the brink of destruction) Alm Irhanah (was given this land he lead the Alm Azariah�s forces in wiping out the previous Alm who held this territory) Alm Lev�ja (a child hood friend of Azariah).
You also know that Azariah has a son who �touched by Chal� and therefore not fit to rule. Azariah has another daughter, Ali�cial who is in close to 30 who is unmarried and so is his heir, but due to the political and social nature of the Empire will not be able to rule in the Azariah name once she weds. If she weds she will take on the other man�s name and his family will gain control of the lands. If she rules unmarried she will not be taken seriously and be beset by countless suitors. It is Azzariah�s opinion that this is unjust and believes that Ali�cial would make an excellent Alm. He has said that he wished that she had been born a man.
You have heard that the Alms Pela�jah, Ra�fimem, Ijrri, E�halef, and Ma�ca�ha are sending troops over to Alm Saip�s lands. The pretext for this is that he needs the troops to quell the bandits and his own rebellious Alms to the north and needs troops to bolster his own forces.
You also aware that the Azariah group is training more forces and has drawn the levies. They are sending forces to bolster Alm Ham�miel as well as their own defenses.
• You received a letter at the in you were staying at from a courier from the Kurdrun clan mother
I hesitate to disturb you from your quest, and I am reluctant to engage in haste, however I wish to ask you if you had the opportunity to relay our previous conversation with your friend. If so what would his thoughts be? If you wish to reach me leave a message at the House of Stars
With respect, Kurak'dur Pador'Nural