Shawnal of the Dancing Grass
The Shawnal of the Dancing Grass (Eastern Shawnal) has been shorn from their lands, stories and history. Once the alliance between the Eastern and Western Shawnal was shattered, the Western Shawnal thrived a generation or two until they were betrayed themselves by Kokorn and later the Empire of the Tiger. Those that remained in their traditional lands were subsequently persecuted by the Mi'lar after they defeated the Kingdom of KoKorn.
The result is that
No Shawnal of the Dancing Grass can read their language in fact fewer than 1/5 can speak or understand some of their own language.
Few Shawnal remember which tribes they belong too and very few remember the Ashani stones.
They are cut off from their families, ancestors, stories and traditions.
Tribes of The Shawnal of the Dancing Grass
• Iron Faces (TheIronFaces)
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