The Story of the Tribes of the Broken Lands. (BrokenLandsShawnal)
We are the Jarazine?, the seers and lore keepers of the Tribes of the Broken Lands. We hold in trust the vision for Orzan, the true leader of The Tribes of the Broken Lands. While we pursue this goal we guard and record the passage of the Tribes. We must be vigilant so the Tribes do not forget our story and our betrayal. With the priests and shamans of the Tribes the Jarazine guide the destiny of the Tribes of the Broken Lands.
The Tribes of the Broken Lands once lived above the Barrier Cliff, on the lands north of the great cliffs many generations ago. We were joined in a confederation of eighteen tribes to protect ourselves from the armies of the northern empires. This confederation was broken when the tribes of the Betrayers made a pact with the armies of the Tiger. In exchange for peace and land they betrayed us to the Banner of the Tiger. The Eight Tribes fought their way to freedom and began the Journey of Tears. Less than half of those who counted themselves part of the Eight Tribes survived the Journey of Tears to the Broken Lands. Once we arrived in the land below the Barrier Cliff we became the Tribes of the Broken Lands.
The Betrayers lived for a time in peace but little by little these tribes were overrun by the armies from the northern lands. Ironically the Betrayers (DancingGrassShawnal) were betrayed by their weakness and lack of unity. The last of the Armies were those of the One God. With the coming of the armies of the One God, the Betrayers were finally overrun and consumed by the people of the One God. Only remnants of Tribes of Betrayers survive.
The Broken Lands forced the Eight Tribes to split up due to the limited resources of the broken lands. While the Tribes of the Broken Lands compete amongst themselves, often fiercely, they have stood together against all outside threats. The rivalry of the Tribes has prevented the Tribes of the Broken Lands from uniting under one banner and one leader.
The prophet Jaraz the Seer foretold that the Orzan, a great leader would unite the tribes and lead them out of the Broken Lands to reclaim the pastures above the Barrier Cliffs. Jaraz the Seer foretold that the strength of the Tribes united would sweep aside those which live on the lands of our ancestors. The ghost of our ancestors call for our return. If we are to honour our ancestors, we must return to care for the Ancestor Stones. Therefore we continue our search for the Orzan.
Until now. He is found, rejoice and sharpen your swords, for war is coming.