TheKurdrunMission part 2
[prev: TheKurdrunAssignment][next: ALittleFurtherEast]
It is the evening of the 74th of Summer.
We sit around enjoying a port purchased by Velan.
As we make up our mind to head north instead of going back to Lie'lm or splitting up, Afalar hears the sound of hooves approaching the Inn.
Just as Sru Ravam heads downstairs a horse comes crashing in through the gate. On the back is a naked man who has been mutilated and tortured. The man is quite dead. has six toes and is obviously the agent of Sru'haro that has gone missing.
The inn keeper comes out and Afalar discerns that inn keeper recognizes the dead man. After a flurry of crowd activity the man is pulled of the horse. On his back is a message, "Fiira, tell your master to keep his agents away or they will suffer the same fate."
Then Sjer, Zali, and Ezra with Volorn go down and approach the main gate. There is one guard dead there, which Sjer looks at briefly. He then moves to go out the gate, but the guards challenge him. Sjer proclaims his need to find the villians who did this. After an impassioned speech and rallying cry, two of the guards follow to help. So Ezra, with Zali, Volorn, two guards, and Sjer go tracking the two horsemen that Sjer had seen from the window just after the other horse crashed through the gate of the Inn.
Afalar then grabs the dead man's horse and, on his second attempt, breaks out through the gate after us. We trail the men into the darkness.
After an hour of searching and tracking with Ezra grim and attentive we at last discover their whereabouts.
We ride up out of the creek towards a stand of trees. Immediately arrows come flying out of the trees towards us. Ezra lets out a cry and charges, covering the terrain at a surprising rate. Afalar heads off down the right side with the hopes of circling behind. Zali heads down the left side and Sjer and Volorn come up the middle behind Ezra, the slightest of flickers hinting at the arcane protections surrounding them.
Dead druid type , stockily build. Studded leather armour. Has a tatoo on his left foot. He has a composite bow that Sjer cannot draw. He has a scimitar which is finely made as well. He has a bunch of herbs and bandages.
Tattoo On Left Foot Of Bearded Man
(Who Sjer chased)
Items Found On The Ambush Group
The bearded man:
(Who Sjer chased)
— Composite Short Bow (very difficult to pull)
— Scimitar with Kurdrun Markings
— Silver Ring with a small ruby
— A Satchel containing: a letter, pitch soak wood (for firestarter), wax cord, a container with pepper, extra bow string, chewing tobacco, a light cloak, tinderbox
— Money Pouch (3 rods, 7 drops)
— Studded Leather Armor (good quality, but several cuts)
— 25 arrows of good quality
— A bow and arrow quiver
— A wooden shield with metal rim and boss - good quality
The others:
(who died valiantly in battle)
— Clothing (much of it blood soaked)
— 7 suits of chainmail, 2 in excellent condition, 3 in acceptable condition and 2 in poor condition
— 7 composite bows
— Approximately 210 arrows
— 7 quivers
— 7 scimitars
— 7 light wooden shields
— 7 daggers
— 9 extra bow strings
— 7 waterflasks (1 that has a hole in it)
— 2 horses - with all the tack
— 2 sets of saddlebags, 2x bedrolls, 2 extra cloaks/clothing, utensils, 1 set of cooking pots, pot of wood glue, writing paper (12 sheets), 3x quills, black ink pot.