The noise of the people is deafening some are productive and others aren't. the poor are herded by the poor in power
There is a boat being loaded by slaves. The slaves are being treated vry well, and appear surprisingly happy.
Tad explains that they are soldiers who fought for the heretic. They are happy to be out of that situation.
Upon closer inspection, you realize that they are all armed with daggers. The man directing them is offering water and words of encouragement to them.
Tad says, "Strange bedfellows indeed."
Chris Epting: who is the man in charge of those slaves
Lincoln Silk: He works for Alm Ciriah.
Lincoln Silk: He transfers the money around.
The Alms Ahi am, Jeruhi el, Shalar and Shimeja and Arhafaj commit troops to help the Southern Lords.
Chris Epting: I find my order's temple in Lie'lm
Chris Epting: I go to the temple district
Chris Epting: I find our accomodation in the administrative building
Lincoln Silk: The building is large and well-marbled. The main entrance is of course, the entrance you avoid. To the North of the building along the water, but out of site of the bridge that leads to the Tiral'inuq, is the entrance to the Order of the Aviz'amar.
Chris Epting: Enter into a round chamber with two other exits, equidistant
Lincoln Silk: For the Aviz'amar, if you bring the unknown with you, you always go left.
Chris Epting: Down a ramp, the walls rise up and there is no new ceiling. at the bottom a doorway to the left. A cooridor to the right and a continuing straight line.
Chris Epting: I go into the doorway and deposit the egg shaped outline in gold, the Krudun collar and the note on the bench.
Chris Epting: Then I go down the right hand corridor
Chris Epting: There is a bath inside the corridor. Kettle, travel food and a robe. I will lght the fire and put the kettle on to boil. And strip down and take a bath
Chris Epting: No one comes and it is somewhat surprising that no comes. I find a room and put my belongings in it, with a key.
Chris Epting: Library further down and a kitchen. I have eaten and drank tea.
Chris Epting: The library is in disarray
Chris Epting: There are bodies lying in a pool of blood - kitai?
Chris Epting: Two bodies. One person is person in charge, Ramalar
Chris Epting: The other is a teenaged assistant