(Note: This is a GM-only page!)
Lielm Island 11 Under Ground
(see also LielmIsland11)
There is an extensive aqueduct system under this island that takes the waste away into the river. The waste is fed into the aqueduct by gravity and is washed away by the flow cleverly powered by the natural flow of the river.
To prevent passage (and other clandestine acts), magical water elementals are installed at each intersection.
Passages The passageways in the aqueduct system are 20ft wide and 45ft tall, ovular. The water is approximately 20ft deep in the spring and 12ft deep otherwise. In the spring, the water moves at about 5mph, 3mph otherwise. The walls are made from a smooth, sandy, stone mortared roughly together.
Intersections Every intersection is a T intersection where the water will flow straight or where the water turns, is a extra large space accomodated by a diagonal wall cut through the corner. This creates an extra large 'water room' supported by a single pillar 4' in diameter. Each intersection is 'protected' by a Large Water Elemental, whose mandate is to stop the flow of traffic of large living organisms; essentially, the Water Elementals were put there to prevent the aqueduct system from being used as a transportation system. If you pass a Water Elemental without actually touching the water, it won't notice your passage.
Water elemental: HP:72 AC:20 INIT-MOD:+2 SPEED:20ft/90ft(Vortex) ATTACK:+10/+5 DMG:2d8+7 SAVES:+10,+4,+2
[+1 ATTACK and DMG if Elemental and opponent are in water; can overturn all watercraft that fit in aqueduct; Vortex for 4 rounds every 10mins, reflex save DC: 19, DMG: 2d6 - failed save must save again or be caught in vortex]"
RANDOM EVENT ON D20: 1-18 No Event, 19-20 Random Event
See feces | 1-12 | You see feces floating in the water and if you are in the water, you take 1 point subdual damage from the severe wretching that overcomes you. |
Leeches attack | 13-17 | You suffer 1 point damage from a swarm of leeches that attach themselves to you. |
See large board | 18-19 | A large wooden board, approximately 2"x"10"x6ft, floats by. It is large enough to float on without swimming effort (but you'll still be touching the water). |
Jellyfish attack | 20 [1-8] | You suffer 1d2 damage from an attack of fresh water jellyfish. |
See foam | 20 [9-12] | You see a bunch of foamy bubbles floating on the water but sticking to the wall and not moving. (GM: there is no adverse effects to this foam as it is just soap.) |
Found glass orb | 20 [13-16] | You find a four inch glass sphere floating by you in the water. |
Bat bight | 20 [17-19] | A bat flying by actually bites you. (GM: they suffer no HP loss but it leaves them very unsettled and concentration checks are affected for the next hour at your discretion.) |
Water Elemental | 20 [20] | The nearest intersection Water Elemental attacks you in a passageway - he is out of position for some reason. |