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A letter to SerafimaArmalis? the niece to Alm Armalis from a priest from the Varimi Order.

M'almis Serafima Armalis

In the name of Chal and his blessed prophet, I wish you happiness and wisdom on your fifteenth birthday. You are an inquisitive and curious child and have asked me many questions over the years. I have tried to answer them as best I could, however Chal in his wisdom has asked that I write you this letter in the hope that your questions might have answers.
I pray that Chal will guide you and lead you as you read these humble words. My words alone will not suffice, however the blessing of Chal can reveal the truth. Forgive me, I revisit lessons that you already know, but the old lessons will provide the foundation for new insight.
As you well know Chal created this world. Not only did he create the world, but also the heavens and the Praj. Chal instructed the Praj to bring his creation alive and then govern and lead it. The Praj created a multitude of creatures and plant life and the world was alive with beauty and wonder. The Praj brought forth the trees, the flowers, the beasts and fishes and the people of this world. However, over time some Praj saw themselves as the creators and believed that they no longer needed Chal. Others remembered who created them and remained faithful to Chal. Thus the heavens were divided and the Praj began to war. Not only did they war in the heavens, they used their creations on the earth as instruments of their struggle. As a result, the world was filled with pain, hate and anger. All beauty was destroyed. Chal watched and warned the Praj, but they did not heed his words, and in his anger and sadness he stopped the War of the Heavens. Chal punished the Praj who betrayed him by banishing them from his presence and from influencing his creation. Then Chal asked those who remained faithful to repair the world. Unfortunately, the Praj were unable to completely heal the wounds caused by hate, pain and anger. The Dark Praj who were banished continue to wait beyond the creations of Chal. They wait in the space between the heavens and the earth. There they seek to ensnare the souls of the dead from the Praj who tried to guide us to the heavens. Chal in his mercy knew that unless he intervened we would be lost to him.

Chal sent his words to his holy prophet I'lamSil'aj to save the souls of this world. The prophet I'lam Sil'aj recorded the words of Chal into our holy books. Doing so Chal charged the prophet I'lamSil'aj with spreading the word of life. It is through our faith and devotion to Chal that we will be spared from an afterlife living in the whims of the Dark Praj. If we serve Chal and obey his commandments he will bring our souls to his fold to spend eternity with him. Chal knows that we are imperfect and cleanses us through the holy waters and rites of purity so that we can make the journey to the heavens. For the holy waters to work we must be devoted to all that Chal asks of us.

The Holy Prophet has shown us how to serve Chal and obey his commandments through the seven paths of righteousness: Truth, Devotion, Steadfastness, Honor, Forgiveness, Action and Proclamation. By walking these paths we can become ready to receive the holy waters that will transport us to a holy life with Chal in the heavens of his creation.

The Path of Truth may appear to be a simple path. Some say that always speaking the truth is all that this path requires. Yes, speaking the truth is an absolute must. However, knowing what is true is another story. Only Chal knows the absolute truth and only he can reveal that to you. There are many layers truth and deception in this world and we can not always trust ourselves to recognize a falsehood or the truth. Knowing when to ask Chal for guidance is vitally important, especially when there appear to be several truths. For example in a conflict between families each may have a story that they know to be the truth. However, neither story will accurately depict the truth as the origin of the conflict is forgotten or twisted with each retelling. Learn to look beyond the immediate and seek to understand, because it is through understanding that you will gain the truth. Prayer and the paths will help you to understand and discern the truth.

The Path of Devotion requires you to acknowledge no other being as your God. Through this path you acknowledge that Chal is the creator of the world and Praj. All life has come from Chal and all creation is in his hands. There are three key stones on this path, Prayer, Cleansing and Fasting. The Prophet's words say that you must pray twice each day, at Sunrise and at Sunset. These are the ideal times and I know that it is not always possible, but praying twice each day is necessary to keep you on this path. At least once each cycle of the moon everyone is required to go through the rites of purity. These rites will wash away your transgressions and prepare you step back on the Paths of Righteousness.

The Path of Steadfastness will be part of all aspects of your life. Steadfastness includes loyalty to Chal, family and friends, staying on the Paths of Righteousness, staying on the course you have begun, keeping your word, and staying within your capabilities. As you are required to stand behind your loyalties, actions and words, you must be careful in what you do. If you act without thought or chose unwisely you must keep to your choices and live with the consequences that result. Therefore do not act without haste or without reason, do ensure that you can live with your choices and then chose and walk on the Path of Action.

The Path of Action states that once you have decided upon a course of action, do not hesitate and do not delay. Pour your mind, body and soul into your task knowing that you have made the right choice. Cast your doubts and fears and aside and act. If you walk on the Paths of Righteousness have faith that your choices are good and right. Only your fears and doubts will stop you from accomplishing your task.

The Path of Honor. To many misuse this path to justify petty revenge and ignoble actions. The Path of Honor asks you to act and speak in such a manner that you and those who stand with you are seen in an honorable light. Honor is different from pride and many mistake the two. Your honor is a result of how you walk the Paths, and how your deeds reflect your words. Pride is petty and is concerned with insults, slights, and a desire to be in the right. Honor does ask you to care how those you give your loyalty are treated. Honor also requires that you rectify mistreatment and misfortune. As part of the Alms family your Honor extends to those who serve you, thus you must ensure their well being.

The Path of Forgiveness is a simple concept but often difficult to practice. Some avoid this path and do not forgive. Others forgive all and will not address wrongs. Forgiveness is the act of putting aside anger and hate and dealing with a misdeed with grace and equity. You are expected to seek a justifiable outcome to a misdeed or crime, but do not act from your own pain. In many cases the justice can be left to the Laj'al (Lajal?). There are occasions that outright forgiveness is desirable and good, especially if forgiveness will bring good to the person who is being forgiven.

The Path of Proclamation asks that you do not ever deny your faith in Chal, no matter the outcome, because Chal is your salvation and by denying him you cut yourself off from Chal. The Path of Proclamation also requires you to spread the word of Chal to all who do not know the message of salvation that the holy prophet I'lamSil'aj has given to us. You also show your faith by attending the biweekly call to prayer. At the public prayer one can gain guidance and strength from other believers and servants of Chal. However, as a leader of a people your presence at the prayers will strengthen your people.

Serafima use the Paths to guide you in life and strengthen you when you are faced with difficult choices. You may not know what is in store for you, but your actions and decisions will act not only you, and your family, but also the people you govern. I know that it may appear that you do not govern or lead, but you do. While your father has the title and will pass it to your brother, in fact your whole family has the title. Each member of your family will be obeyed by your folk and they will look to you for direction. You also lead by example.
I pray that these words my help you in your quest of life and your journey of discovery.

I am you humble servant of Chal, Cha'zul Tatir

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