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Shakar's actions

I, Shakar (the Bold) in the space of time provided to me to force my will upon the realm... shall do the following:

1st - Write the preceding letter to Tj. Begin checking out Azariah's staff for interesting (and potentialy usefull) characters.

2nd - 4th In a previous post (turn 9) you mentioned that I had the oppourtunity to meet with "Zaris and I'jalis" from Cas'lm, both perhaps usefull henchmen for Tj. If I could meet with them sometime in the span that I'm here, I would pad their pockets (with a couple rods) and send them off to meet with Tj. They would also bear a few more messages for me (contents to follow).

5th - 7th Listen for the word of travellers coming out of Pela'jah's lands. See what they have to say about troops and such.

9th - 15th The honour guard should be arriving soon. I will compose a few messages for Ji'al to carry back with her: One for "Taris" (ex-spy, hiding as servant): Tell him of employment opportunity with Tj, and to deliver three messages on his way to Tj' one to my shadow mage cousin (who loves me) "Alisi'a Jili'ar", and another letter to "Sefami" (boy-buggering priest in Eja's lands), and finally one to "Vae'eral" (commander of the guard for Ishimaji)... the letters to follow.

16th - 18th Begin to prepare for a journey to Cas'lm. I'm being discreet about my intentions. On the way I intend to spread rumours among the peasants of Rafimem's kidnap (and subsequent loss) of Ji'al. I'll take a couple of her possesion down with me to plant for evidence.

19th - end Leave on my journey. I intend to seek out Mahamat & Lataj Wajar'il in Cas'lm.

Message to Tj' borne by Zaris and/or I'jalis:
These are the first of many who may come to call on you and offer their services. Some will ask for some of your wealth, others know me (or owe me), and will require only the burden of that to motivate them. I have decided to leave Ji'al in the capable hands of her father's warriors. She will bear a few messages for me that will hopefully provide you with more help in the pursuit of your noble cause. Myself, I am journeying to the South to learn more of our enemies’ plans. I hope also to make contact with a few old friends that may be able to help us further. If my friend Taris (he is very skilled, treat him well) makes it to your side, and tells you he has delivered his messages successfully. Then you should have three more contacts of varying use (including Taris). Sefami - A priest of some repute (most of it ill... shh!) in Eja's lands. I think he will find it in his best interest to sing your praises to his eager flock. Vae'eral - Commander of the guard for Alm Ishimaji. His senses have become more pliable since he embraced mother opium so tightly. It's his weakness.

I will see you in less than 40 days. S

Letter to Alisi'a Jili'ar borne by Taris:
Alisi'a, It has been too long since we have been together Little One. I hope the study of the art of shadow has not darkened your pretty smile. A friend of mine said he was passing through your lands, and I couldn’t refuse the opportunity to renew contact with you. So he has agreed to bear this letter. I wish there was some way we could convey messages to each other without having to worry about the unreliability of messengers (these are troubled times), or the burden of time. Aren't you the mage of the two of us? Can you not find some way to bend the will of the shadow to suit our needs? I miss you, and I hope to be in touch soon. Love, Shakar

T'j's actions

1st – 3rd T'j will compose and send letters to Shal'aj, Hamaij, Semiral, Eja, E'pval, Ahar'al, Raclem, Vaf'im, Zelaraj, Ferazaher, Rahamar, Irriri and Ma'caha. The letters will state that I have brought the tribes up to bring peace to the Empire and for the Southern Alms who have had to defend the Empire with little or no help from the Empire. Although the path to peace with the tribes will likely be a difficult one, Chal will help us along that path. The tribes are not here to invade the Empire. they are here to reclaim their Ancestral Stones and the surrounding lands that have been taken from them in the years of the past. An openess and an exchange of ideas and culture will be required to move us through the transition. Those of you who have these Ancestral Stones upon your lands will be most involved in this process of peace. For it is you that hold it within your power to bring peace to the south. Peace to the south. There is something that has been unobtainable - until now. Many of you are struggling with defending yourself from the tribes and ex-slave and still participate in the events of the Empire. Many of you have had no help from the Empire - simply because of your geography, not because of what a great leader and asset you are to this Empire of ours. We can change that. You can change that. It is time to strengthen the south of and all of the Empire. We must step above the Empire of the Past and take each other's hands so that we may stand up, unified, and strengthen our future. Together we can succeed, apart we will, and have, failed. I have been called Orzan. Chal would approve of that title for the Orzan is a force that brings unity not war, pain and suffering. Help me to make the Empire better first by making your lands, lives and loves safe, strong and secure. Then we can all work together to bring about the changes that must come for the Empire to recognize that the south is part of the Empire and will not be ignored any longer. I will be the first to extend my hand to you all in peace and to hold on to during this process of change, rebuilding and strengthening. Others have taken hold already - let us all take hold. T'j

4th – 6th T'j will spend time seeking out the old staff of Alm Eral and Eral's father. T'j will review each's position and offer that position back or another, more appropriate position, to each member. T'j will show that he is not in the mindset of a conqueror but of a bringer of peace in a time of change and upheaval. Alm Eral's father will be offered a position of senior politial affairs advisor. A position that requires nothing more than his insight if he so chooses and a position that will let him re-shape his former lands if he so desires. 7 and onwards T'j will start the arduous process of bringing the people of the Empire and the Tribes together. The best way that T'j sees for now is to have the tribes start to help with rebuilding of settlements and to build new ones. T'j will speak with the tribal leaders to learn about their desires for how things should be re-built in the areas around the Ancestral Stones. T'j will make sure that the Tribes understand that although I am here to bring them to their Ancestral stones, that path does not always bring violence. The stones will probably mean very little to people of the Empire but their homes will. We will all work together to move settlements if need be away from the Stones so that the people of the Empire will still have their homes and the New People of the Empire will have their old homes restored.

7th – 9th T'j will make sure that the tribes camping areas are set up well and will suggest that the tribes start to make some more permanent structures as a sign that they are here to stay.

11th and onwards T'j will start to set up trading again with the surrounding Alm's. Any bandit activity will be dealt with so that these lands are safe to travel upon.

12th T'j will send a letter to the Church asking to meet with it so that they may understand exactly why the Tribes are here. The Fist is welcome but their representation within the Church delegation, if any, must be proportional to their representation in the Church.

13th – 15th Where are those spies? T'j will try to determine if, among Eral's old staff, there are any of his spies. During this time, T'j will send a letter to the Heretic to appraise him of the situation. Again, T'js intentions, so far, are noble and for the good of the Empire. With that, T'j will ask what the Heretic's views on what the Tribes' desires are and what suggestions he would have to further their cause along with the Empire's.

16th – 20th Through trading and hunting resources, T'j will start the process of collecting supplies in preparation for a war against the Church or other Alm's. T'j will also use the Tribes to start 'patrolling' the lands to keep abrest of troop movements and of anywhere that the Tribes can assist the people of the Empires. t'j

21st to end of turn T'j expects to hear back from some of the Alms by now and will respond to any positive responsed with a short letter of encouragement and an indication that T'j would like to meet with them in the near future - a date to be announced. In the mean time, T'j would like to hear of their concerns with their current situations and problems they've had with the Empire and with the Tribes to date. If the Church agrees to meet with T'j, T'j will also respond positively and will also hint that he'd be willing to construct a church once things are settled. Any negative responses will be replied to with a letter asking about their current issues with the Empire and the Tribes so that I can be more informed of their situation and so that I may be able to address these concerns even if they are not interested, right now, in joining hands. T'j

Letter to Alm Sepiam

Dear Alm Sepiam, I was saddened to hear of your father's untimely end brought on by the Blue Demon. I steal no such miracle of its destruction, however. I was acting as the Hand of Chal and therefore the ultimate credit rests with the Almighty. A fraud, I am not and your accusation is unwarrented. Equally unwarrented is your accusation that I am an enemy of the Holy Empire. I have brought the Tribe here to end the bloodshed between the Empire and the Tribes. The Tribes will be brought into the Empire - that is the way of Chal. If you doubt that, seek out your father's historians. As for your son, your declaired heir to the late Eral's lands, let him come forward and challenge me. I would hope that he is at least as powerful as the Blue Demon. I will not give up the claim to the lands. I am here with a much stronger physical force than any can muster here, a much stronger spiritual purpose to see that the Empire grows stronger, and a much stronger determination that our Empire will become a better place to live once peace is brought about - by the will of Chal. T'j (copies to Shal'aj, Asalam, Hah'faij, Semiral, Eja, Azariah, Hamaij, E'pval)

Saer’s actions

1st – 3rd Write and send the aforementioned letters.

4th – 6th Send out scouting parties to the Ancestor stones to find out the lay of the land. (info already received, thank you Chal)

7th – 9th Assist T'j in his efforts to understand the tribes and their culture.

10th – 14th Assist leaders of the White Lion Tribe establish some form of trade with the Pirem Citizens. Stress that all Citizens of the Pirem Empire, unless directed otherwise by the Orzan are to be treated as honoured guests.

15th – 21st Worry strenously about the fist of chal. Send out scouts, find out their whereabouts, especially that wicked captain whose sample turn we read, but I can't seem to find the damn thing!

22nd - Prepare the White Lion Tribe to receive the other tribes that will be coming up to join. Stress that as they were the first, it is their honour to act as host

Tj, I hope this missive finds you well, with an army of loyal tribesmen trailing behind you, making sure that none step on your shadow. My journey went well, I was followed by 'spies' I am sure, as I am sure you were as well. With every attempt I made to double back to learn more of them, my pursuers eluded me. I fear that if they can escape me, they are not using conventional means of stealth.... or are beyond them. In any matter, I made it unmolested (save for by a tavern wench or two along the route). The one where I am, suggests that Rafimen may be behind the capture of your flower. He also suggests that another story may be told if you do not bide him. My mouth slavered in spite of itself when he spoke such impudence. The flower shall be returned to its pot by a host of gardeners. To make sure the transplant goes smoothly. I, as ever, shall use my time, and my host's parchment to work your bidding. You drive a heavily laden cart with wheels held on by hope. Remember, that such a cart is easy to upset. It will not take much for those who would see you fail, to put a rut in the road before you. S

Letter to Odorn

Odorn, Keeper of my Hopes It has been more than a year since we last spoke, Brother. I find that the time to right the great wrong that was done to us is at hand. The Orzan has been chosen. T'j Practla, son of one of the powerful in the Empire. I need you now, Brother as I find myself in the clutches of my own Gorass. Unlike any previous attempt to return to our homelands, this time we have a unique opportunity. The Empire is in chaos. And the southern lords, whose lands coincide with our own will want us as allies against the northern lords. T'j has taken and controls the lands which contain both the White Lion Ancestor Stone, and the Whitepeaks Ancestor Stone. We must move swiftly and with all of the tribes. The groundwork has been laid. Bring the Whitepeaks tribe to the Whitelion stone. From there we will go reclaim the Whitepeaks stone. Stress to the tribe that they are not to attack unless attacked. You and they must have faith in the Orzan. We will be called to battle. But it must be a place and time of his choosing. Until then, it is enough to return home.

yours Saer Nav

Letter to Kodalr

Kodalr, Keeper of my Memories You once said that you hoped we lived in interesting times. You would remember best when that was. But those times have come upon us. The Orzan has been chosen. T'j Practa, son of Alm Practla who sits on the council. Ah, yes, I see you understand. I have the White Lion Tribe here now, they are in control of their stone and all of their old homeland. The Whitepeaks tribe will be on the way shortly. Their stone is available for the taking, although not quite all of their land. I need you to bring the Silver Eel tribe to the White Lion Tribe's Ancestor stone. The Silver Eel stone is up outside the lands we currently control, but we will be heading that way. The stones themselves are open, but we need to let T'j play his politics. We are coming as allies of the Southern Lords against the Northern Lords. As such we cannot attack at will. We must let T'j choose our battles. I have much faith in the man. The Ashani have faith in the man. The White Lion have faith in the man, and they have their homelands back. He is a man worth having faith in. Come Brother, we await you.

Letter to Jolarmar

Jolarmar, Keeper of my Wisdom For many centuries, the Shawnal have yearned to return to the home of their ancestors. The Ashani have chosen T'j Practla as Orzan. He is a purposeful man. He has desires and ambitions within the Pirem Empire, and he believes the Shawnal will deliver this to him. I know that he will bring all of us unto the lands of our Ancestors to accomplish this, and I know that he will make us allies to the Pirem Lords of the South. This is the way we will return. We had two ancient enemies to whom we owe our exile. The Empire of the Tiger, and the rift in the Shawnal. The Pirem Empire defeated the Empire of the Tiger. By allying with the Pirem Empire, we too can claim that victory. The betrayal will take much more to expiate. The White Lion Tribe is here, they are in possession of their Ancestor stone. The Whitepeaks tribe will be on the way by the time you receive this. Their stone is also ready for the taking. All of the others will take work, but much work has been done. We will prove our dedication and worth by joining the Southern lords in their fight against the north. And we will claim our heritage in return. We will not wait until their war is settled, that is the road to another betrayal. We will claim it as we go, and then when the final victory is acheived, lo we are a part of the land once more. To accomplish this we need all of the tribes, all the members of all of the tribes. We need to act in concert, as we failed to do those many centuries ago. I have written to the Silver Eel and the Two Spears, the Whitepeaks, and the Grey Coyote. Please urge the rest for me. Send messengers to all of the tribes, even the ones I have mentioned. We must unite that the tribes may unite. The time has come, my father in learning, to act upon our knowledge. You have heard the rumours of the demons, and the weakening of the wall. The broken lands are no longer a haven, we must return above the wall. Your dutiful son, Saer Nav

Letter to Amuari

Amuari, Sister in blood and life I feel excited, Sister. Our long heralded return is upon us. Too long have the Shawnal been biding their time, making no permanence in a temporary landscape. The Ashani have named T'j Practla the Orzan. The Pamori are excited and present here at the White Lion Ancestor stone. Come, bring the Two Spears Tribe to us. T'j's campaign brings him north toward their stone. The White Lion are in command of their own lands, the Whitepeak will be as well. It will be more difficult for the Two Spears and the Grey Coyote, but then again, what hasn't been. T'j will ally us with the Southern Lords here. We should treat them as honored guests upon our lands. We will make a common enemy of the Northern lords until their matter is settled, and all the stones are once again in our control. The lands of roaming will be different for most tribes, but none here are old enough to be slighted. The land is good here and the Shawnal will prosper. We must do as the Orzan asks, fight only when he directs, and we will once again live above the wall. Come, Sister, bring the Two Spears, I need you here. You see things beyond my ken. The tribes need your help to find their way in this unknown heritage of ours. Your brother and student Saer Nav

Letter to Arcor

Arcor, Keeper of my Courage I have stumbled into a grand adventure. The Orzan has been chosen. The White Lion Tribe is in control of their lands and their Ancestor Stone. The Whitepeak tribe will be moving our way as you read this. Come, the tribes are moving, the time has come. Bring the Grey Coyote Tribe to the White Lion Ancestor Stone. T'j Practla, Orzan of the Shawnal, will determine what is best to do from there. He has decided to ally the Shawnal with the Southern Lords of the Pirem Empire against the Northern Lords. This will create a bond of steel between us and result in our regaining what we had lost. Do not attack anyone, yet. T'j will decide the time for battle, but it will come. There will be some strife, no once can doubt that, but we have waited many centuries, a few years of patience during the transition will hurt no one. Impatience will keep us from fulfilling our ancient vow of vengeance and retribution. Saer
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