• Afa'zuna: - From Sjer's past. A Slave owned by Sjer Ahashaj; responsible for a vineyard that produces good wine.
• Arriff: (ArriffTheEye?) - Head of security in the White Market
• Azalea: - Wife of Torazi Ozamar the jockey. See TroubleAtTheTrack.
• Azaran: Groom with Sru'haro household
• Azimar: - Fought near ruins on our first trip to the ShadowedShell?. He belonged to the order of Traj'amar; answered few questions before being dispatched (see AStubbornMonk) recovered two letters from him.
• Cali Ail Fafra: Ta'im'ielm member. Knows Zali'haro
• Caraj Ari'mozor: Jockey from Tasil Ilaram stable. Was first place in horserace standings until he got a leg infection. See TroubleAtTheTrack.
• Chalam Fazool: - Priest of temple Tiral'ara. Suspected involvement with ShadowWaterCircle.
• Chiva Fas'imji: Sjer was publicly spurned by her at the age of 14, he still feels vengeful. See Sjer's top ten list.
• Ciral: Bartender/Owner at the Broken Horse tavern. Has a daughter who also works there.
• Crave'en: Sjer in disguise Disguise taken by Sjer while casing the New Market; is supposedly from Ahashaj. Also used when he accompanied Ralafa (Afalar) to the New Market. Cover is most likely blown. See FourThugsAndAFortuneTeller.
• Eija: Encountered on the Isle Of The Dead. This old woman gave us information about the rat graveyard (see AnEveningWithRats?) and adjoining maze on Isle Of The Dead. Her dead son found information about the maze.
• Eliza Imi Var'lem: Jockey at the track. Drinking buddy of Zali'haro.
• Ezek: Brought horses for second trip to ruins (with Azaran) Underling in Sru'haro household, is strong and a good fighter
• Fa'lar Tajir: Jockey from Tasil Miziras stable. Was second place then first place in horserace standings until he got injured training a new horse when his regular horse died. (see TroubleAtTheTrack)
• Famel: Afalar when meeting Mazidi Apparently from Falom, Famel got some basic information from Mazidi using two forged letters of introduction (see AMeetingWithMazidi)
• Fanar: Ta’im’ielm (TaImIelm) swords hall master.
• Fapar Lazilar: (FaparLazilar) Fapar Lazilar -
• Haij The Stout: Wine merchant in the White Market; we liberated some Pract'la wine from him. (see TheWineHeist)
• Haik: Member of the Ta’im’ielm. Helped Zali get into the guild. Introduced to Zali by Zi'aff.
• Hara'em: (TheBraid?) Bodyguard of Mahamaz 'ail Taram (youngest son of Alm Ciriah) Has connections with the Water Blades. Possible high up in that organization.
• Haram Turah: Vintner to the Pract'la Estate (fine wines)
• Iram: Scribe of Mahamaz 'ail Taram (youngest son of Alm Ciriah)
• Izek: Guard of SruharoEstate. Friend to Zali'haro.
• Jafar: Died after coming into possession of semi-precious stone from the Maze after the son of Eija died.
• Jezeral: Apparent leader of the revitalized ShadowWaterCircle. Has allied himself with the Rats of the Dead and . Players have not yet actually encountered Jerezal, but have been involved in several of his plots. See Jerezal?
• Jijliyaris: Ancient boatman who delivered Afalar, Sjer and Zali to island 2 to visit the temple Tirav'ara
• Jozial: Brother of Tateer 1, fiance of Maleesja. Has a business relationship with Hara'em, TheBraid?.
• Kaleef: Encountered in Broken Horse tavern ordering a meal.
• Kali: Rug merchant in the White Market
• Ka'ran: (Karan) 80 year old servant of the SruharoEstate. Favoured by L'talus.
• La'ila: Encountered in a New Market tavern. She has blue eyes, an extremely athletic body and is the bodyguard of Sira Talivar. (see SecretsSpilled)
• Lajas Corimalir: aka Lajas Cramalar is a jockey from the Tasil Valimar stable. Second in horserace standings behind Torazi Ozamar.
• L'talus: (Ltalus) Short, balding, white haired sommalier for the SruharoEstate.
• Mahamaz 'ail Taram: Youngest son of Alm Ciriah.
• Maleesja: Fiance of Jozial, daughter of Sru Naval.
• Man', The: Between 5'7" and 5'10", slim, short black hair, balding, large nose, walks in a hurried manner; meets with TheBraid? on the 8th, 9th or 10th every week in the Broken Horse.
• Mas'am: SruharoEstate's chamberlain
• Milizaro, Dr.: Physician to the family Ciriah; identified by Sru'haro's doctor as the owner of the mark on the bottle that was found on Hara'em's person.
• Miral, Dr.: Doctor recommended by Barkeep in New Market tavern. Located on Fountain Road. Sign has large M on it with mortar and pestle on a blue field
• Mi'shalia: Wine merchant in the White Market
• Mazidi: Mentioned in letter stolen from Azimar. Mazidi was associated with Jezeral. Mazidi is deceased. (see EscapeIntoTheRuins)
• Nalis: Is the proprietor of the Inn converted from a water mill outside the city of Lie'lm
• Naval, Sru: Master of the Kingfisher dock; does busines with the Water Blades; father of Maleesja
• Oraji, Sru: Good customer of Haij The Stout; had a shouting match with Zali; likes a good stiff whiskey.
• Orazol Calimodal: A stripling with green eyes, he is a new addition to the Emperor's staff. Has eyes for D7(but the dowry price is too high for him). Tried to rig the races (see TheJockeysFreedom) to gain money for a wedding match. Now owes L'talus.
• Prupumara: (Prupumara?)Encountered in New Market by Sjer while disguised as Crave'en. Female mystic with a stall in the New Market. Has the true sight.
• Pumar: Kid hired by Sjer to show him around the New Market.
• Ralafa: Afalar in disguise. Disguise taken by Afalar while accompaning Crave'en to the New Market; a 'hunchbacked, limping ugly sob with a scar down one eye'.
• Shal Ail Vasi: (ShalAilVasi?) - Known as Jaru from the QuestForTheNozarShaDagger.
• Sicaj 'ail Taram: Eldest son of Alm Ciriah. Is the official representative of the Alm in Lie'lm.
• Sjer Ahashaj: Son of an Alm, he has belittled Sjer Mi'han's family. Owns a slave named Afa'zuna.
• Sira Talivar: Encountered in New Market tavern Older female enchantress that extracted far too much information from us. (see SecretsSpilled)
• Talimar: A dead merchant. He was found murdered in his home on the same night that Sjer's crew broke into his warehouse and confronted agents of the ShadowWaterCircle. See TheShadowWaterWarehouseVolumeOne and TheShadowWaterWarehouseVolumeTwo. The thought is that Jerezal may have had him murdered to cover the ShadowWaterCircle's tracks at his warehouse.
• Ta'teer ?: Contact person for Sicaj 'ail Taram (eldest son of Alm Ciriah)
• Tateer 1: Encountered in Broken Horse tavern Big, fat goldsmith; shop on the Road Of Fountains, symbol is four interlocked gold rings
• Tateer The Gaunt: (TateerTheGaunt?) Encountered in and around Broken Horse tavern Gaunt, hash-smoking; claims to be from the alm Mahavij (due east of Sru'haro, near the coast)
• Taval Lazilar: (TavalLazilar) Taval Lazilar -
• Torazi Ozamar: Jockey with the Tasil Zor'iris stable (owned by Azar Arajil), supposedly being blackmailed by someone to throw a race, but won through in the end with some help from Sru'haro. (see TheJockeysFreedom)
• Vish'al Amara, Dr.: Physician to the family Sru'haro
• Yamen: New Market seller of knives and silverware; most likely a fence of such goods
• Zanji Hami'm: Works in Sru-haro household and is very disrespectful of Sjer. Sjer is determined to adjust his attitude. (see Sjer's top ten list)
• Zalaf Tiramar: Zalaf is the foreman of the workers repairing the Ta'im'ielm after the fire; gave Zali some good info about the upcoming races
• Zi'aff: Guard in White Market, saved Zali's purse from pickpocket; introduced Zali to Haik.