The current funeral rites are a hold over from the pre-Chal beliefs. Those who believe in Chal burn their dead. It is believed that a body that is burned will rise quickly to meet with Chal. It is also believed that an unburned body will be vulnerable to the Praj who wish to steal the souls of the dead.
With the advent of the Shadow mages the belief in burning the dead has intensified, without a body the shadow or the soul cannot be stolen and kept away from Chal.
The burning of the body has become a preoccupation with Chalites. Many believe that an unburned body will not be make it to Chal and will be doomed to the Praj.
As a result the funeral rites center around the burning of the body.
Funeral Process
Upon death a body will be sent to a funeral temple. This temple serves two purposes, to protect the dead from the praj and shadow stealers and to prepare the body for the journey to Chal. It is believed that a properly consecrated temple can guard a body until it is ready to make the journey to Chal. It is a thirteen-day process to ready the body. Spells, Ointments and Oils are used, to ensure that nothing but a fine ash is left over after the burning.
During the preparations friends and family are to be in a state of mourning where they are fasting and praying for the soul of the body.
The day of the sending must begin during the daylight hours and the body must be completely consumed (sent to C ha) before sunset. A typical ceremony can take anywhere from 4 - 8 hours. During the funeral the mourners sing about the deceased and call to Chal to receive the soul that is being sent to him.
Once the body has been consumed the priests collect the ashes and then scatter them across the land or the water, by throwing them to the wind. At that time the funeral its self is over.
Depending on the family or friends, the mouners are invited to a dinner or feast in the deads honour. this is also the time that the will is executed and the gifts are distributed or sentences are carried out.
Cultural Influences
How elaborare the funeral is depends on what the dead or the lving could afford, The degree and skill of preparation of the body is also cost dependent. Only in rare cases will priest prepare the body free of charge. There is one order dedicated to funerals of those who do not have the means for a proper funeral. In most cases people believe that those who are not able to fund thier own funerals or have others to fund it are not fit for the journey to Chal. As a resutl the order of women who look to give a proper funeral to the unwanted
Funerals have become a lucrative business as most indivinduals are focused on ensuring that they have the best chance to make the journey to Chal. Many spare no expense on mouners, chanters woods oils and ointments.. Even the spells cast will determine the cost.
Alternate Beliefs to current practice
The Heretic believes that the current practice is unjust and unholy. The Heretic believes that all that ask for Chal intercession and in life have respected the paths of Chal live gain his protection and a place in the afterworld with him.
The Heretic also believes that not all of the Praj are evil and some will take their followers to the secondary paradise of their creation. This is of course not as secure from the Dark Praj.