TheKurdrunMission part 7
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The definition of a two cask whiskey, the one the whiskey comes out of the and the one the whiskey puts you in.
We start at a spoiled ambush. The party is scattered and the intended targets are heading oblivious further down the road.
Zali'haro signals Afalar that the intended victims are gone. Afalar motions for him to continue.
Their shapes are dissappearing ever so completely into the dark.
Afalar runs back and signals Sjer. Sjer brings the horses up and we continue the chase.
We catch up at the standing stones.
Afalar gets ahead and waits for them. As they approach and pass him he makes his move. Zali and Afalar are a few seconds behind them.
Afalar slips his ring on and cuts loose the extra horses. He then ducks off the road.
Zali'haro meanwhile comes screaming up and attacks one of the men unsuccessfully.
We give it our best. Afalar seems at his deadly best, punching arrows into foes unaware, yet something is amiss, for the man Afalar is targeting seems to avoid his surgical strikes like a recoiling snake, almost subconsciously. The two well-armed men attack Zali. He is valiant, but they outnumber him. Sjer tries to help with his sling, but to no avail. The bites of horseflies would have been better.
Sometime later, Afalar is in the hands of Alm Jamilar's henchmen. Sjer and Zali are routed after Zali is struck unconscious by the larger of the two foes. Only his horse prevented his capture. Volorn, Sjer, and Zali meet up past the stone and sleep the night away.
The morning brings healing and a clear head. They soon head down the road on the trail of the taken Afalar.
A liberal dose of bribery sees the Three across the river and with confirmation of Afalar's direction.
Mari, a guard at the gate points Sjer to a man with the skills to find Afalar. He is to be found in the PurpleSlippers. a brothel. Azir runs it, but the cook is the man we need. He has a good nose and taste for wines, his name is Urale. urale. He can find things out and knows people.
6pm. 9:00 pm mage armour runs out and 11:30 no more dex.