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Sjer's Tale

This night continues at my shop. We are heading out in two small groups.
Tavisja and Tameer? go off with the large rings through which Jerezal can spy on us and attack us through. JaLiim goes with them, but in his own way and time. His plan is to ensure they make it a reasonable distance away before doubling back to assist me, since I will have the true prize of the mirror. I watch their retreating backs and turn back inside to get Volorn and the Catalyst of the missing WarLeader?.

After five minutes have elapsed I lead the horse outside and close the shop. We head off on a circuitous route to allow Volorn and I a chance to spot any undesirable eyes watching us. The mirror is securely fastened to the side of the giant warhorse and a large cloth is draped over the animal and mirror both so that exact descriptions will be avoided. I feel very nervous and exposed, carrying this prize which would interest so many.

Jerezal is surely either on his way here or already has people watching. The only question is, people of what caliber?

I try not to think of the Sjajiam or the Silimiri. The thought of either causes me dread. I suddenly feel very conspicuous and ridiculously vulnerable. My feelings are picked up by Volorn who sniffs the wind and lets me know that we are indeed being followed by two individuals.

The fact that they are only observing makes me slightly more confident in my decisions. But to know that we will be tracked to our new location brings back the old feelings of entrapment. How will I ever be free and in control with so many others watching and looking to profit from my mistakes. It is bad enough that Jerezal is actively seeking my death. I could readily forget the past and make him an ally, despite the deaths he has caused, because I know we struck first. But the man is quick to act and remorseless. My ignorance of his organization's strengths continues to plague me.

By Chal's might, these two will not track me tonight. Bloody Jerezal, bloody these two following me, and bloody the rest of them. Volorn draws close as my fears force me once more to resolution. I hold nothing back this time. Volorn will become my Holy Night-terror. I strengthen him, make him quicker, give him protection, and speed. I endow him with the climbing abilities of a spider. Then, together, we create a healing energy he can use at will. Nothing tonight will stop Volorn.

I am left with little to protect me as he goes steaking back toward the pair of spies. Without him beside me I offer little menace to any other would-be attackers. The goal of a safely relocated and hidden mirror hold me steady. I will stay the course.

I turn off the main street, knowing Volorn will find me when he is finished. I change course to make it difficult for the pair of spies to concentrate on two things at once.

Tameer's Tale

After putting the rings back in their original cases and setting them on the wagon. We wrap a door to disguise it as the mirror and put that on the wagon too. Tavisja climbs onto the bench seat to drive and I climb into the back, settle in with my back against the seatbox and command the rear view.

After five minutes of rattling down the cobbled streets I see them. !Thwock! At that moment an arrow sticks hard into the wagon's sideboard. It didn't come from the direction of the two figures I now see following us. My blood starts to pound as I realize I am being hunted by men. I look again at the arrow and recognize Jali'im's fletchings. Only a shot to alert us, then. The two figures are there and my hatred flows down from my heart into my limbs. I launch myself at a dead run toward them. I am only armed with daggers and no armour, so the conflict should be suitably mortal. Tonight, someone will die.

Up ahead the two figures separate and begin to climb up the walls on either side of the street. I channel my disappointment into determination and pick the wall on the left. Above me I hear a body pass by on the top of the wall. I finish pulling myself up to see the man, or maybe a boy, running 60 feet ahead of me. The wall is high, and I can't see the walltop as well as I'd like to, but I need to catch up and deal with this one. The one on the other wall is now out of sight.

I take off at a dead run. I close the distance to half when the cobble turns under my foot and I am pitched off the wall into the street. At that moment I couldn't say whether the pain or my frustration was more debilitating. I hold on to my anger and force myself up out of the street grime and back into motion. I need the speed, so decide to get ahead of them on the road and then climb back up. I just pull up to the point Tavisja and the wagon start to appear out of the darkness and then head up the same wall. I climb, determined to get it right this time. As I reach the top I feel a blade slide into my side. The bastard is right over me and looking to finish the job my collision with the ground started. The extra push over the top magnifies the searing pain of his sword, but I am up now. I pull my two daggers and parry his next shot. Then it's my turn to cut him. Once, twice, down he goes. The wall is now coated in the blood of both of us. It mingles there, then turns down the wall and heads for the gutter. "Hm", I grunt in agreement.

My last view of his face as I descend back down the wall is suitably rewarding.

Back on the street I move once more to catch up with Tavisja. I am keeping a watchful eye for the other man, but he has vanished into the night. He either left to save his skin, report his findings, or he is much better at this than I am.

I walk behind the wagon. Better to leave my blood all over the road then all over the wagon. Tavisja has kept a cool head through all of this, maintaining an even speed with the wagon and keeping the horses calm. There are two things I can always count on Tavisja doing, keeping animals comfortable and people uncomfortable. He is an excellent companion.

Tavisja heads to one of the two spots he had in mind. A place where the road meets the water. There is no one in sight, so he heaves a ring out and into the river. We head to the next spot and loft the second ring as well as the disguised door. It is such a black night that anyone not closer to the water than us would not see the door float downstream and out of any chance of discovery. Anyone looking for the mirror here would be severely disappointed.

We head back to rendezvous with the others.

Volorn's Tale

The smell of my packmate fades behind, although his presence is always felt. Another smell is drawing closer, and sight of my quarry signals the hunt.

One of them hits me as I arrive, but the energy from my packmate absorbs it. And I take the other one down. He folds easily and, while not dead, is one bite from death. The other takes off and climbs the wall heading off towards where the sun set. I leave the first alive. There is no meat here for me.

The second leads me on a short chase, not even worthy of a hunt. As he turns to fight me and swipes at me with his long held claw, I kill him. The hot blood fills my mouth and the smell coats the front of me. Such a young cub. He was of the wrong pack. Not my pack.

I return to the first human. He is not there, but his scent moves away from where Sjer went. I let him be and rejoin my pack.

Sjer's Tale Continued

At the stables where Tavisja works we know have the mirror stashed up in the loft. We have caused two deaths this night. I can only hope they were Jerezal's men and not some other group's.

I am now satisfied with the mirror's safety and urge Tame'er, Tavisja, and Jali'im to keep the rendezvous with Jerezal. Only Jali'im hesitates. He looks at me appraisingly. I feel I do not meet with his approval.

"Do you think that is wise?" he asks me.

"What, to keep the appointment?", I reply. "I believe it is a good opportunity. The three of you needn't approach anyone, just watch and observe. If you get lucky, you might get the keys to the mirror."

Jali'im continues to look at me, though his face is becoming harder to see. "The main goal here is to safeguard the mirror. This is not a secure place, and sending us to Jerezal to perhaps be captured and reveal the location of this mirror is unwise, Sjer."

I am not actually sure whether his voice changed while he was talking, but I became acutely aware that it was very, very important that I listen to what Jali'im was telling me. I started to assure him of my faith in the abilities of the men in this room, but stopped. I began to understand that Jali'im was expressing more than a personal opinion. Asra must value this thing for some reason. I allow new avenues of thought to open up to me and quickly offer a new plan.

"Jali'im, I really want observers to go to the Fish and Bell tonight. I also wish to honor your concerns. I offer the following plan. You three will head off to the inn where, hopefully, Jerezal awaits. As you leave, I will head off with the mirror to place it in a new, and better, location. That way you three will not know where it is until you return safely. I will also make a promise to you that the mirror will not be placed in Jerezal's hands, even for an exchange of one or more of you. Will that satisfy you?"

Jali'im looks thoughtful and some of the darkness leaves his face. "I still do not like the idea of tempting fate. I have seen what lengths you will go to for those who expend effort on your behalf. That is commendable, but in this case it might be a liability. I will accept your plan, however."

"Thank you, Jali'im. I will head out now to meet someone in the New Market. When I return we will put that plan into action."

Tame'er and Tavisja both nod agreement.

My thoughts are a turmoil as I walk with Volorn to the market. I seek PruPruMara? as I am wont to do when I feel the need for guidance. I do not yet have the bottle of wine I promised her, I must make inquiries for that very soon.

I think I will bring the mirror to Ezra.

As we enter her tent, I see another man there. He has the look of the grasslands about him, and by his scars is probably a veteran of many battles.
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