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Lie'lm - The City Of Bridges

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Map Legend

I - Tirala'cor (The White Gate) The gatetower and walls are constructed of white marble.

II - Rac'anaji'cor (The West-twin gate)

III - Fara'nji'cor (The East-twin gate)

VI - Uru'cor (The Iron gate) This gate and the area it protects has never been breached, nor has it fallen to invaders

A - Tiral'inuq (The white market) The walls of this market is constructed in the same white marble as the Tirala�cor. The marble was a tribune gift to the city, while it was independent, from the city of Kofira. [after Cathon (Lie'lm - see Leilm?) defeated Kofira (Piri'lm - see PiriLmMap)] The markets are daily event. Each morning at sunrise the shopkeepers set up their wares in their stales. At night the goods are taken into the underground storage areas assigned to each shop keep. The entire market is a large walled building, complete with a high vaulted ceiling. Despite the skylights, market is often dim and requires artificial lighting. At night dogs and watchmen deter thieves. The security is similar in the other markets.

B - Nozar'inuq (The Black Market) 50 years ago a large fire swept through this section of the city destroying most of the building. The market survived but the walls remain black from the fire damage. This market is renown for its spice merchants.

C - Ji'damaragar (the direct translation is the great lion pit). This massive oval building is an arena for gladiatorial contests. The building is over 400 years old and was built when Lie�lm was under the sway of the Empire of the Tiger. There are numerous buildings around the Ji�damaragar that serve as training areas barracks and support buildings. As many as 60,000 people can attend the fights. The gladiators are slaves who are trained to fight one another, individually or in groups. The fights take place on D�ara�lom, the last day of the week. Many gladiators or gladiatorial stables have a vocal, loyal following. A small few of 1 drop is required for entrance. While the Lie'lm was an independent city state the arena was not used and fell into disrepair. The Mi�lar had to repair and rebuild several sections of the Ji'damaragar, as well as the support buildings around it.

D - Pir'ulra'ail'Ji'Ur - This great temple was built to commemorate the great general Gur'than Ur. The entire building is sheathed in copper. The copper has now turned green, giving the temple its nickname Olan'ulri (The greenhouse). This is the largest temple in the city is used for official rites administered by the city's highest priests.

E - The palace of the Ji'alifar (the Emperor). This palace has many gardens, courtyards and halls each more beautiful than the next.

F - The administration building of the city. This is the home and the office of the governor of Lie'lm.

G - Tulr'ail'alm'al (The house of the council of Alms, see _LielmIsland11_) This is the official meeting place of the council of Alms. Here the Alms or their representative can exercise their rights as Alms, to vote or propose laws, present petitions and handle disputes amongst themselves.

H - Tulr'imi'haro'jil (The Racetrack) The Mi'lar brought their love of horse to the city of Lie'lm. 200 years ago the Emperor commissioned a large permanent race track. On the second day of the week, Ha'jil'om, 30, 000 people watch the races. On the first Ha'jal'om of every month are the great races, where the best horses in the city are raced against each other. On these days the attendence triples.

I - Shav'inuq (the new market) This is the youngest of the three markets. This building is only 90 years old. The original building collapsed in a sudden rainstorm killing 1000s. The new building has hundreds of columns supporting the roof, giving the impression that one is in a forest.

1. - The West Landing - This area contains a barracks for the watch. Is home to several moneylenders and tax collectors responsible for the Western portion of the city. The between the two bridges is the Asal'imi'El'shava (The great Inn). This is the largest inn in the entire city. A good place for merchants and the well to do to find company, business and contacts.

2. The fourth oldest district. In general a low class neighbourhood. Here live the dock works and labours. The people here tend to live a hard life. Streets are narrow and confusing.

3. This island is a military post. On it is a great watchtower that serves as a lighthouse at night.

4. The third oldest district. An area of cramped streets and high density living. A large industry of weaving and tanning.

5. The second oldest district. This district has many Inns and Taverns, catering to all people. Due to the age old the place there are many different building styles, the streets have no real order. In many instances, new buildings are built on the foundations of the old.

6. This is the oldest district of the city. Except for the main streets, which are broad and easy to travel, the side streets are a labyrinth. Despite its age, many merchants live here and conduct business. The Blacksmith, Cartwright and Messenger guildhalls are found here. The harbour is busy catering to all types of boats and ships, fishermen and merchant.

7. The Island of the Ji'damaragar. This district is devoted games and slave trading. Also the site of public punishments and executions. This island boast five arena devoted to gladiatorial combat, four are small venues such as the SandArena and one massive stadium called the Ji'damaragar (JiDamaragar?).

8. This district is a middle class area. Artisans, doctors, mosaic layers, glass blowers and some merchants call this area home. The streets here are straighter and well lit after dark.

9. This district has only been developed in the last 120 years. A watchtower/lighthouse stands at the northeastern end. This island has the unique feature of several hot springs which are used by the 2 most famous bathhouses in the entire city, Tul'asi'pa and Tul'a'maj. The rest of the island is a mix of middle class housing.

10. The administration district. This area is the purvey of the rich or the important or those who job it is to support the Tulr'imi'haro'jil. Near the racetrack are a many stables and support services. The rest of the island belongs to Temples, Alms residences and to Emperor.

11. The Western half of this district has many of the Alms city residences. The northeastern portion is home to sailors, shipwrights and labours that service the harbour. Near the harbour are many warehouses and merchant-houses.

12. The northern half of this island is home to those who use the harbour. Near the market are many Inns and taverns servicing travelers. The Fist of Chal has a temple and compound here.

13. The East Landing contains the oldest temple in the area dedicated to Chal. Previously it was a temple dedicated to other gods, it is thought to be 800 years old.

14. This district is very poor. Only the most desperate live here. Before the Mi'lar conquered the city it was called the Island of the Dead. For centuries people buried their dead here. Between and beneath the houses are mausoleums, graveyards and crypts. The only church representatives here are the SistersOfTheHealingWaters?.

15. This island is sharply divided. In the north live are the city estates of the Alms. In the south live the poor. Only the poor are willing to live so close to the island of the Sja'ji'am (ShadowMages). On the southeastern peninsula is a watchtower/lighthouse.

16. The Mji'ramil (the assembly of ShadowMages)

17. This district boasts some of the best beerhouses in the entire area. They ship their wares all over the empire. The illuminators, scribes and lawyers have also congregated on this island.

• #18 - 25 - these tiny islands are an odd mix. Many who want privacy live on these islands. Opulence and poverty live side by side.
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