This is the page of DonBarthel 's second character, Cira.
TRAITS: Attractive, short, athletic with dark hair and lightly tanned skin. Very much in tune with her physical body if not her psyche. When the going gets rough, she puts on a brave face but inside she's not tough. She often uses her sex appeal to manipulate men and get what she wants. With her flirtations, she's often thought of by other women as a slut but she doesn't follow through (with one notable exception [excerpt here]). Very much has a 'looking out for number one' attitude, she doesn't often share her loyalty. Has a new tatoo on sole of left foot signifying the slave stable of TheSand. BACKGROUND: Not a Monk but a circus performer, acrobat. Proficient on the floor and in the air, with skills similar to a martial artist except not trained in fighting technique. Also has experience with horses as they were used (sparingly) in the circus. Abandoned by her mother when she was newborn, she was brought up in the company of circus performers. Her education is entirely practical and not scholarly. However, she has an above average intelligence that occasionally surprises her acquaintances. Has a new tatoo on sole of left foot signifying the slave stable of The Sand. STATS: |