The Charter Of Ta段m段elm
The city of Lie値m (Lielm) has given the Ta段m弾ilm the privilege to appoint those it deems worthy to freely bear arms within the sphere of Lie値m. Ta段m段elm has been granted the right to determine who is able to bear arms and sell their services within the city. The Ta段m段elm has the privilege and responsibility to protect their patrons and their patrons goods and property. In exchange the Ta段m段elm pledges to protect Lie値m from threat, destruction and damage. Responsibilities: Every member of Ta段m段elm pledges loyalty to the city of Lie値m. While in Lie値m each member is bound by oath to ensure the wellbeing of the city. Every member of the order will ensure that the city be protected, from oppression, destruction and harm. Any action that will harm the city痴 freedom, integrity or structures will be considered treasonous. When the city is threatened every member is required to mobilize to defend the city, regardless of other obligations. Every member is required to pay a tithe of one rod per year, for the privilege of belonging to the Ta段m段elm. Each member will be tattooed with the symbol of Ta段m段elm on his or her right forearm and wear a blue sash. Those found acting against the interests of Lie値m and the Ta段m段elm will be stripped of membership, lose their right arm or be put to death, subject to severity of the offense. Rights: A member of Ta段m段elm has the right to openly wear and use weapons and armour in Lie値m. Each member has the right to sell his services to anyone requiring protection for his or her person or property. A member can act freely to ensure the clients personal safety as well as the client痴 property. This includes the right to use force and kill in defense of the client痴 interests. A member of Ta段m段elm has the right to apprehend and hold anyone who bears arms who does not have a charter to do so in the city. If suspected of acting outside the charter or actively against Lie値m, the member has the right to a hearing and a right to a trial by combat. |
Individuals And Organizations Chartered To Bear Arms
• The Ta段m段elm within the walls of Lielm.
• TheEmperor's guards, must wear the emperors symbol.
• The Fist of Chal (TheFist)
• The Order of Visions, The Silimiri
• The Sja稚am - the personal guards of the Sja'ji'am (Sjajiam)
• The Zor知araz city watch and guard.
• The guards of the alms - only in the city estates, while escorting or with an Alm (or Mipal誕m) in the council halls. They must wear a white sash to indicate their station.