TheKurdrunMission part 3
[prev: TheChaseFromTheInn][next: AChastenedGroup]
We stand in the aftermath of the foiled ambush sorting out equipment and carting bodies to the pyre.
Ezra piled on whatever he could find, while Zali and Afalar were more selective, making sure nothing of value was missed.
Sjer returned to the scene of his battle with the bearded man. The stench and decay that greeted his eyes was most surprising. The body whom he had left only minutes before was already decomposing. He appeared to be already a week stale and was changing at a visible rate. The man was definitely one of the four described by Karan. On his heel is a tatoo.
Sjer returns and Ezra takes his leave for home. The remaining three companions gather the spare armour and weapons and head off eastward. Just at dawn we pass the last outposts of Lie'lm and head on betwwen the river and the mountains.
After another hour we find an abandoned shack.
It is now the morning of the 75th of Summer. Sjer and Volorn bed down inside.
Then with a little time we look inside the satchel of the bearded man. There is a note in code which Afalar deciphers to read, "We know Sru'haro is involved, the spy told us that. Send the man as a message to keep the dogs off our back. If you do not contact me tonight I will know you have failed. Also, if you are able, kill L'talus's man Ka'ran. If you do not contact me, I will know you are dead."
Volorn and Sjer and Afalar go to sleep. Zali keeps watch for 6 hours and then wakes Afalar. Sjer continues to snore.
On the evening of the 76th we enter a small town. We pay 6 drops to enter, and then trade an old saddle maker a full suit of fine chainmail for a new fancy saddle for Zali'haro.
We then continue travelling by night for 4 nights, bringing us to the evening of the 80th. We head off again
We travel all throughout the night and then we continue the next day. On the 81st we come within sight of the river. The river parallels the road. Just after noon on the 81st we are heading on down the road when We really start feeling fatigued. Sjer at one point almost drops from the saddle, when we decide to camp. We head off the road to find a sleeping spot. Just as we find camp, Afalar spots a child watching us. He tries to follow and catch the boy. Afalar returns after 40 minutes without having caught the boy.