QuestForTheNozarShaDagger part 4
"Oh Thou who burn'st in Heart for those who burn
With the Dark Praj whose fires thyself shall feed in turn;
How long be crying, 'Mercy on them, Chal!'
Why, who art Thou to teach, and He to learn?"
The currents are picking up, the white water is swirling around the front of our barge as we enter the foothills of the mountains. The weather is turning against us as the rain pours down, and the wind slows our progress. Unexpectedly the boat is stuck on a sand bank.
The captain calls for Ezek to get four of the slaves to get off and push.
Afalar suggests we put up the sails and try to use that to help us get off the sand bar. Ezra notices across the water two men on horseback that are hiding from us. They are crouching down beside their horses in order to stay out of sight.
Our barge is currently stuck and we are in a vulnerable situation.
Ezra also sees the charred remains of a cart or small structure on the same side of the river that we are on but further down.
Ezra wants to take a look by getting out, perhaps we should take the row boat and have a look.
The other two wolves close in as the last man mounts his horse and moves to go back to his building. Afalar receives a bite from one of the wolves, as does Ezra. All of the opponents are quickly dispatched. Ezra and Afalar begin inspecting the building. It appears to be an old holy site of sorts. There is a broken statue and a large building that appears to be worn down. The grounds contain a well and many trees and bushes. It appears that the enclosure has been inhabited by more than just two men and three wolves, as Afalar enters the compound to have a look around he is stabbed with a spear by someone waiting in the bushes. Another battle ensues between 5 assailants and Ezra and Afalar. Sjer and Zali arrive sometime later after fighting a couple of wolves while out looking at our barge with appears eerily silent.