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A letter from a noble to her brother

Mi'alm Rajimar Arafah

May Chal continue to bless your house,

My brother, my heart is heavy and weak from worry. My children continue to insist on making my life more anxious, although with no fault of their own. Aliz'ali'a, is becoming a women and reaching the age of marriage. I have little desire to see her joined in a hateful marriage, I know too well that life as you well know.
Many suitors have come to call on her. They bring me gifts and sweet promises to secure my blessing, however, most are just seeking advancement through marriage. My wealth and the lack of a male heir make Aliz'ali'a very desirable prize. Therefore, I have seen a rash of young ambitious men seeking to raise their lot in life and host of men old enough to be my father. My daughter to young, she is still swayed by sweet words, a fancy gift and a handsome face. I desire to steer her to right decision and avoid making a choice for my own benefit. This city is full of wolves and only my position as Mipal’am in the service of my Alm keeps them civil as five years is too long to claim to be in mourning.
You have always given me good counsel and have been a good friend to me. I seek your advice in this situation. How do I do what is right for my child. How long can I hold off the wolves and prevent my daughter from being used as a playing piece to acquire my name, position and fortune. Give me your thoughts and your advice so that I can steer clear of the shadows that seek to ensnare me.
My thoughts are with you and your family. Tell me the news of your youngest, Ramir. Has he ridden his first horse yet? He will ride as fast as the east wind, as your did in your youth. I hear that Jazil is a rising star in military service of his Alm and will soon assume a leadership position. You must be proud. Send news soon and keep well. I pray that Chal will continue to light your life with joy.

Your sister,

Ami'jala Jiraha

A letter to the Rats of the Dead from a Kur'drun clan the Burkural

Arizi Maviral

I write to you on behave of Kurak'dur Tarmar Burkural. Kornur'urkural took the matter of the knives to her after you made your request known to us.
What you have asked for is a delicate request. Both you and the Burkural could suffer the wrath of the Sja'ji'am if they believe the knives were directed at them. Even if the Sja'ji'am believed you were aiming the knives at someone else, they would take extreme interest in the matter as it falls under their purview.
Kurak'dur Tarmar Burkural accepts the risk. The payment will be as follows: a sum of 2 spheres per knife, three loads of cedar, two loads of olive and two loads of walnut spars. The wood shipments must be contracted prior to the commencement of the smelting.
If you wish to pursue this sent a letter via the Messanger's Guild. If you leave a letter in the hands of Vazir imi'Ozira'vari'al he will ensure that I will receive the letter. He can be found in the main guildhall. Arrange any shipping documents to come through Vazir imi'Ozira'vari'al and address them to me.
Kurak'dur Tarmar Burkural welcomes your patronage and wishes you success in your endeavors.

On behalf of Kurak'dur Tarmar Burkural

Durkurn 'Urkural

A Membership list of the Water Blades (WaterBlades?)

Known members of the Water Blades
Hara'em (the braid) - a mid ranking enforcer and tough, who was allied with the youngest of the
Ivaraj O'marizi - He is the leader of the Waterblades. Older man with greying temples, square build. Broken Nose. Owner of the Barrel and Net
Favar - Owns Favar's Red Rags - sells cloth/dyes/threads. While fence any such goods
Ptaj - Child, about 10 years old. Slave to Leraj. Used as an information runner.
Leraj - Runs the Drunken Camel. Large fat man with a silver earing.
Himaj - A pickpocket, who works in and around the New Market. Small man, hands are scarred from training fighting fowl.
Jica - Bonded to Ivaraj. A squat, bulky man who has his hair braided into a hundred different strands, apparently one for every fight he has been in.
Zija'ah - Works the Eastern gates as a pickpocket. Tall, angular man with a hair lip, bad teeth and a lazy eye.
Sajah - She works with Zija'ah, a smaller thin women, with green eyes, probably from the Western islands.
Scaj - Bonded to La'ila, both smuggle illegal goods and substances into the city via a small fishing boat.
Saraji - The chief of the New Market security. An ex-pitfighter who was freed six years ago by Ivaraj.
Emra - Head of the city guard of the Eastern Gate. He allowing Waterblade smuggling caravans into the city without too much inspection or onerous taxes.
E'ja - The second in command. Does most the day to day work. Not enough information on him.
Crel - A Waterblade enforcer, a slave who belongs to E'ja. Works the protection racket and drives off the competition. A medium build man, left check has burn scars.
Fepi Torijal- A licensing offical, gives the Waterblades licenses for all of their businesses.
La'ila - Smuggler, a tall women with a hawk nose.
Misha - Runs the House of Rose Petals
Naval - Short, stocky, close shaven man.
Yamen Morizar - Judge. Ensures that the Waterblades receive light sentences or are released without imprisonment.

The first letter from Jerezal to Arizi Maviral

Arizi Maviral


I write to you upon the recommendation of Sira Olari'a Talivar, who believes that we may be able to help each other. Sira Talivar graciously and with due consideration gave me your name and after careful thought I have taken the liberty to begin communications with you.
Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Jerezal Fazajalavor. For many years my family name has not been uttered within the territory of City of Bridge and my birthright was stolen from us. I seek to reclaim my family's position and influence, however I must confess that I need allies to do so.
I know that you and your organization have been removed from the territory you profited from by the upstarts who call themselves the Waterblades. I believe that we can help one another regain what we have lost and reassert our mutual influence. We have both been wronged and driven out of by those who foolishly believe that we are too weak to redress matters.
I propose to help you to destroy the Waterblades and thereby assist you in regaining control of the Shav’inuq and eastern islands. I can offer people who are unknown to the Waterblades, whose talents and gifts are not matched by them and the financial resources to fund such a campaign. Perhaps with your knowledge and men and my resources we can realize your revenge on the Waterblades.
In return I would ask for your assistance in regaining control over the northern islands. Although I have complete faith in the abilities of my people, we know too little of the workings of the city and would need your advice and manpower. As a token of my sincerity I offer the gift enclose in this letter.
Once we have achieved our goals I suggest that we come to an arrangement regarding the division of spoils and resources offered by this fair city and resolve disputes in a business like fashion. Should you believe that we can assist one another leave a message for me with the proprietor of the Broken Horse and we will arrange a time to meet with one another.

May the opportunities given to us by Chal be our guide,

Jerezal Fazajalavor

The second letter from Jerezal to Arizi

Arizi Maviral,

Thank-you for your response to my earlier letter. I will address the issues you posed and suggest some that you may not have considered. I appreciate the information you have sent to me in good faith. I believe that I can return your confidence.
I believe that I have two types of enemies, those who will stand in my way and those who I seek revenge on. I am able to separate these out and will not allow my desire for revenge to jeopardize my goals and ambitions.
Those who I consider to stand in my way are Halizar Jori’mazi’jir, the Black Hands, and the Malijors. Halizar Jori'mazi'jir owns land that was once belonged to my family and I believe that he sits on valuable items, which would aid both of our causes. While he controls the estate I can not retrieve the items.
Those I desire revenge upon are Sjer Mi'han, Afalar `ail Asra and Zali'haro all of who are in the service of Sru'haro household. These individuals are attempting to make their mark in this city and on behalf of their house. I would caution you to keep an eye on their were about. Recent information leads me to believe that they have had a run in with Waterblades. Perhaps we can use them against each other. They caused the death of my love and my cousins, furthermore they know what my sister looks like. So although their deaths would satisfy my need to avenge many deaths, it would also make the city a more secure place for us. I believe that they may have taken an interest in the activities on the Isle of the Dead. They have been seen there several times and a have taken a keen interest in an ancient graveyard of the Har'lar.
I also seek revenge on Orazol Calimodal, he has refused to pay us for our work and has been making noises suggesting that he would betray us to the authorities. I have a contract that he signed, implicating him in illegal activities and this prevents him from moving against us. Therefore we can use him as an asset.
At this time the city illegal trades are divided by five groups, the Black Hand, the Waterblades, the Malijors, the Sja' Linuq and Servants of Razil. Their meager profits are split between them and they do not have full control over any one trade. If you and I were to split the city between us we would come to a fruitful and prosperous arrangement. Therefore I propose to arrange a war between these groups and rise up in the confusion and take our rightful place. As this is a growing time of turmoil and war threatens to break out throughout the empire we could take advantage of the distraction.
To prove my worth to you I will begin by eliminating E'ja nar Izifalo and I will pin the murder on the Servants of Razil. Thereby beginning the feud war. You can continue to reach me through the Inn of the Yellow Stallions.

May the opportunities given to us by Chal be our guide,

Jerezal Fazajalavor

A contract between the Cas'cral Ta'frac't and the Rats of the Dead

Yraris - Cas'cral Ta'frac't

Contract for Services,
The Cas'cral Ta'frac't has engaged the Rats of the Dead to a service contract. Arizi Maviral has given personal assurance on behalf of the Rats of the Dead that the letter of the contract will be fulfilled. The Rats of the Dead will provide Cas'cral Ta'frac't with living tissue and organs from human and animal as needed by the Cas'cral Ta'frac't. The Rats of the Dead will be given the means to extract the tissue and organs from living hosts and to preserve the material. The Rats of the Dead will fulfill the requirements of the order within two weeks. No more than two orders will be required per season. This contract will last for the duration of one year and will expire on 45 day of Jasil'a'mazi 372, the 24th year of reign of the Emperor Harazin. Arizi Maviral will be contacted for the specific orders and will be told where to deliver the order. The Rats of the Dead will receive continued service for the Yarizoral and the N'ral Rats as well as a sum of 10 rods per season for the length of the contract. The Cas'cral Ta'frac't has a copy of this contract.

Oril ail Cas'cral Ta'frac't

A bill of sale from Cas'cral Ta'fract to The Rats of the Dead

Frat - Cas'cral Ta'frac't

Record of purchase

I, Arizi Maviral purchased a Yarizoral and a number of N'ral Rats from the Cas'cral Ta'frac't for the sum of 2 spheres. This document serves as a record for Arizi Maviral on behalf of the Rats of the Dead. A copy of this document resides with Cas'cral Ta'frac't.

Arizi Maviral

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