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Previous adventure TrackingTheCascralTafract

An Interlude is a period of time between game session. This is a time for characters to heal, see to daily tasks, investigate and digest new information and perhaps plan for the next adventure.

This interlude begins on the first day of 373yp which is called C’asal (see PiremCalendar) and will last until the 9th day of winter. C'asal begins a seven day long festival which celebrates Chal's revelation to The Prophet. (See Ch'ilasala for more details)

This year's festival is more subdued, somber and tinged with apprehension. The Church's blames the current troubles on the Praj. Furthermore the Church of Chal blames the empire for it's own misfortune. The message is that the presence and apparent tolerance of beliefs other than Chal, the rampant use of magic and flouting of Chal's laws is giving the Praj the power and nerve to interfere with the will of Chal.

Talimar's Warehouse was burned and this was thought to be the result of a robbery or a targeted attack as several charred bodies were found on the site. Talimar was found murdered in his bed the same day his Warehouse was attacked and burned. Little evidence was found at the warehouse.

Ishimar Beasthandlers (of IshimarsBeastStable?) were called out to capture or kill a monstrous spider. Prior to their services having been rendered, the spider had killed up to 20 people including several Imperial soldiers and a Ta’im’ielm (TaImIelm). Apparently they captured the spider alive and it will be brought to the arena to celebrate the Emperor's birthday.

During the festivals several bodies were found hanged on the hanging bridge. These people were marked with the symbol of evil.

• The Church has caught several servants of the Dark Praj and will publicly burn them within a week.
• Reports of strange creatures within the Empire that are thought to be creeping out of the Western Mountains
• A delegation came to Emperor from west beyond the Empire.

What are your character's routines?
What are they interested in?
How are they connected to Sjer?
What do your characters want to accomplish during the interlude and what do they want to know?

Please use this space to write your answers.

Tameer's Actions:

I am escorted to the Isle of the Dead by Sjer and Volorn. There I am introduced to an alley of interest to Sjer. He speaks of rats that turn into men and vice versa. He wishes me to keep a watch here occasionally and report what I can.
I spend a total of three nights here during the interlude. I tend to arrive after my shift around 3am and stay until 9am. I exercise caution and keep my distance. Plenty of time to move closer later. I am informed this is a long term project.

My nights at the tavern are spend trying to coax information and speculation out of patrons concerning the captured servants of the Dark Praj.

• Tameer notes that the building that Sjer was interested in has been repaired and is occuppied by an extended family. The family appears to support itself by weaving and quietly distilling unlicensed spirits. There are five adults and 4 children living there. As a note there are an unusual number of rats in the area and very few cats.
• Regarding the Church's captives Tameer believes that they have captured at least two Myronists (Myronism) and a follower of the ancient Milar beliefs. It is believed when he was captured he was talking to an owl.

Sjer's Actions And Instructions:

I escort Tame'er to the Isle of the Dead and show him the alley that is the top entrance to the Tomb of the Empire of the Tiger. This is where myself, Zali'haro, and Afalar barely escaped with our lives from the GhostsOfTheTiger.

I ask Tavisja to inquire about a Sira Olivira Talivar. (double check first name) Find out as much general information as possible without coming under her spell. I relate the story of my last encounter with her in SecretsSpilled and suggest that third hand information is quite acceptable at this point. I also ask Tavisja to find out who Talimar was. It was his warehouse that we recovered these items from and I would like to know more about a man who's death is on my hands.

• If Tavisja agrees he discovers the following ...

Myself and Ja'liim will spend most of our efforts on the items recovered. I wish to know about the large cylinders, the mirror, and whatever else was recovered that night at TheShadowWaterWarehouseVolumeTwo. (Please edit and list items if you remember.)

• You learn that the mirror is old and not created by the Shadowmages. You believe that the mirror traps people within it. Access to each person is governed by a cylinder that fits into the mirror like a puzzle piece. There are 14 spots for 14 different keys. You also suspect that you could destroy the mirror and it might release those trapped inside, but the process might also kill them. You guess that there are between 8 to 10 trapped inside the mirror.
• The large rings are two feet in diameter and made out of white marble. They have a number of markings written on them in a language you can't read. Some of the markings are the same on both rings. You believe that these rings can move things from one location to another. For example you put a sack of coins in one ring and the sack will appear in another ring. Each ring has a partner that it moves items to. The rings you have are not a set. The inside of the ring is approximately 14 - 16 inches wide.

I currently am conducting all of my affairs and investigations at the back of my soon to be wine shop. At the moment I don't have enough stock to make a go of it, and so I don't believe I will attract too much attention yet. I have purchased the shop quietly from the previous owner, a recently widowed cobbler's wife. I have asked for a meeting with the Waterblades (name to follow) on the 15th so that I don't get any unexpected visits in the interim.

For the next adventure I would like to pursue getting people out of the mirror. Whether that entails interacting with the Shadow Water Circle in a violent manner or a commercial manner is up to the GM and what you guys want in an adventure. Please boldly state your preference.

Ja'Liims Actions:

I am trying to keep a low profile in Lie'lm for now. I would spend most of my time with S'Jer helping to investigate the items we've found (mirror, etc), and to glean more about this man I was sent to aid.(please see my comments in the R.O.T.M discussion page) Some other things I'd do to occupy my time:

• communicate with my Master (Sja'm 'ail Asra, if that works for Chris & Don) about some of the things i've encountered so far (strange wizards, ancient tunnels, odd magic devices and symbols, etc), to ask for guidance and/or enlightenment. Communication with your master of writing a message on a piece of paper and placing it in a small box. The message burns and disappears. Within a few days a letter appears in the box.
• The return message


Thank you for your message, the magic you have seen is very interesting. I am curious to know more about the nature of the magic used by the Shadow Water Circle. This group was previously attacked by the Shadowmages and was thought to be destroyed. I want to know how this magic survived the past attack, how they continue to elude the Silimiri and why the Assembly is quiet about these mages.
If you can keep the items you have found for my inspection that would be best.
If you can discover more about the Cascral Ta’frac’t I would be very grateful. I know nothing about them and the Assembly either refuses to acknowledge their existence or says the Cascral Ta’frac’t is a taboo subject.
Continue to support Sjer’s efforts and keep me appraised of his actions. I and his uncle believe that he is working to strengthen the Empire and the Emperor. A strong Emperor and Empire is good for us.


• I would further investigate the items I've collected:
1. box w/signet ring
• belongs to Alm Elajrah
2. Piece of paper w/strange writing I found on boat
• You have check with several linguists and they haven't been able to identify the language. Many think that the writing is a code.
3. I've found 11 total misc vials. What's in them? The alchemist in your group might be able to identify them.
• 1 vial of Viv’er’im poison, 3 vials of spider poison 2 vials of dust of tracelessness 1 vial dust of appearance 3 vials - potions of neutralize poison 1 vial of cure moderate wounds
4. 2 keys (I think one of them opened a door or chest already)
• One you already have used in the warehouse raid. The other one you don't have a lock for.
5. Box w/5 gems, which if not possesing strange properties, I would cash in for rods and/or drops, please let know their value.
• These turn out to be regular gems are three bloodstones with a combined worth of 3000 drops, one amethyst worth 1700 drops and a white pearl worth 2000 drops. You will not be able to get full value for them, perhaps 60 - 75% of the full value.

• See if the shadowwaterwarehouse has been abandoned after the carnage or if it is still in use by anyone. - It was burned and destroyed and at this time there appears to be no one using the warehouse.

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