• This interlude begins on the dawn of 11th day of Jasil'a'mazi.
• The proposed meeting by Jerezal is scheduled to occur on the evening of the 11th.
A suggestion that this interlude will last either 14 days, or until the man with the owl is scheduled to die (any other suggestions?)
• The interlude will go no longer than the 18th.
Sjer's Goals
1. Get some wine stock
— a) Write home and ask for 20 cases of the Mihan wine, various years
— b) Approach L'talus for a few donations to get the ball rolling (let him know I am back)
• The letter has been sent and you are waiting for a reply.
2. Find out about the man held by the Church, the man with the owl. (Assign this task to Tameer.
— a) When is he scheduled to die?
• See below
3. Move the mirror to Ezra (Sjer and Dave's new character will do this the evening of the day they met.
• Mirror is delivered, Erza was restless and happy to have a task.
4. Send Volorn to Ezra with the mirror. (Ask him to look after Ezra and the horse. Come within range if anything happens.
• Volorn is not happy being away from Sjer.
5. Find out as much as possible about Jerezal's current whereabouts
— a)Send Tameer and Jaliim to learn as much as possible about Jerezal Fazajalavor's organization
— b)He has used the proprietor of the Broken Horse as a contact for message with the rats of the dead.
— c) He has also used the Inn of the Yellow Stallions as a place to be reached.
— d) The temple Tiral'ara Pir'ulra was the place used to collect a message from the jockey Torazi Ozamar
— e) The Fish and Kettle is the place he mentioned as a meeting place for our exchange. All of these places are on the same Island.
• See below
6. Meet with the WaterBlades? to bury the hatchet(I would ask for a sit down with them, Braid and all)
• The Waterblades will agree to meet with you. Date to be arranged. They are concerned about the attention you are bring to the New Market.
7. Get Tavisja to investigate Sira Olari'a Talivar (Scout around and let me know what you find. Who is her main employer?)
• Sira Olari'a Talivar runs her own Bath House "The House of Dreams". Apparently she was a employee of the bath house, prior to her purchase of the bath house 15 years ago. She suddenly came into money and there was no hint of it before. She has many clients among the rich, the nobles, those pretending to higher station and those who move and shake Lie'lm. Either invitation or money will allow access to "The House of Dreams". Once in guest are surrounded by the lap of luxury, and the House is able to cater to any whim (for a price of course). Men and Women are invited, there are areas designated exclusively for each gender and a common area as well. A high spot/search roll is required for further information. "The House of Dreams" is a large building located on island 5. The building is plainly adorned from the outside, the glimpses revealed from the windows paint a different picture.
• Question for Sjer - were are you staying and what arrangements have you made for your place in the New Market (NewMarket?).
Tameer's Actions
1. I use my formidable urban skills to find the out about the location and circumstances of the arrest of the owl man. If there were witnesses to the arrest I find them and question them. I wish to know what facts the Church knows, and I will find out by questioning who they questioned. They should need to blow off steam about the Church's treatment of them during the questioning and I will present a sympathetic injured air toward the callousness of the Churches methods.
• The man with the owl is schedule to burn on the 19th of winter when the red moon is new. His name is Maro'raj. He is being held on island 10 in the church's administration building catacombs and is reputedly being questioned by the Silimiri. The Innkeeper who got to know him claims he was looking for a Mi'lar named S'jer Mi'han. One of the those who clean the administration building claim that the interrogation was being delayed until Ba'alar Turnaq arrived. Witnesses claim that he was new to the city, and had a pet owl. Some claim that this owl haunts the Church's buildings. He was arrested by a junior Silimiri apparently under the direction of another man who seemed to "know" about Maro'raj. Several days before the arrest Maro'raj became agitated and moved Inns.
JaLiim's Actions
I will prepare myself to leave Lielm. Re-equip and provision myself for the Journey to the Shadowed Shell and beyond.
• Ja'liim is met by Izaraj (IzaRaj)on the evening of the 12th and arrives at TheShadowedShell? on the evening of the 13th day. See SecretsoftheShadowedShell.
I will go with Tameer to stake out the Fish and Bell, we will keep an eye out for anyone else who may be surveying the premises. If possible anyone who seems to be connected to the Shadow Water Circle will be tailed, to find out more of their haunts within (or without)the city.
• See above below
Death's Actions
End the life of Hajim Rijmar. The corrupt son of Maraj Rijmar, a local trader of illicit goods.
• Maraj Rijimar dies in a manner of Death's choosing and as public or graphic as deemed necessary.
• He has been found on the ground, face up. He is dressed in fine clothes with no blood upon them. His arms and legs are spread out evenly. Each of his fingers has been severed at the knuckle and placed a hand span away from it's original location. One foot, the left one, has also been severed. The dead man's eyes are open and he stares at his foot which hangs from a sprig of garlic. A note has been left on his chest which reads: "Those who sleep must remain so. Do not wake them."
Lie'lm's Actions
Stand very quietly, hoping that death does not see you.
• Lie'lm is a tense city, full of conflict, fear and ripe opportunity. Change is creates volatility and the poor just hope to survive.
• Ja'liim and Tameer spend the day and the evening of 11th skulking around the Fish and Kettle. It is a sizeable Inn with stables and a tavern. The tavern boast a reasonably sized staff, Amir the owner, 2 stable hands, a cleaning wench, a cook and a serving woman. Throughout the course of the day there were five individuals who were given leave to move throughout the Inn as they pleased and the staff of the Inn followed their directions even if it took them away from their responsibilities. The five people are all identifiable to Tameer and Ja'liim and seemed to be involved in the meeting for the mirror and throughout the day they were able to establish their names or aliases.
• Izar - The leader of the group. A short compact tank of a man, who moves with grace that rivaled Afalar. He is a handsome man, with a commanding presence. He sports shoulder length hair and a goatee.
• Mali'a - An average looking women with piercing eyes and a voice that demanded attention. If described to Sjer, he would recognize her as the woman who was involved in the attack on the Sru'haro household in TheLastStand.
• Izika - Appears to be in his late 30s or early 40s. His hair is already showing signs of grey. He is of medium height and build. His face shows signs of Pox scars and is missing several teeth.
• Rozilam - This man was more comfortable with the animals in the stables than other people. Treated most others with distain, yet his natural charisma carried his interactions with people. He is a tall thin man, who is constantly watching and assessing his surroundings. He has one green eye and one blue one.
• O'jalam - A man with cropped black hair and brown eyes. A heavily built man with an extra layer of fat. Burn scars on his hands.
During the day another woman came and gave Izar a small bag and she claimed that she had brought several of the keys. The plan it seems was to use the keys as a way of gaining trust before a trap was sprung in the stable. She was tracked back to the Inn of the Yellow Stallions. There it was learned that her name was Ir'alila. Ja'liim spent the 12th tracking her on island 21 and he was certain that she was on her way to see JerezalFazajalavor?.
The Shadow Water circle has effectively taken over the Black Hands operations on islands 2 and 4. They are also making inroads on area 5 because the Malijors were weakened in their fight with the WaterBlades? when they allied with the Servants of Razil. The Inn of the Yellow Stallions and the Kettle and Fish are additions to the Black Hands organization. Many of the low ranking members of the Black Hands have stayed on. Most of the higher ranking members have disappeared.
Sjer's Actions
Sjer and his new Milar friend will stay at the inn on the Isle of the Dead named Jasil's Rest. We will stay there the night of the 12th and 13th.
• While you are staying at Jasil's Rest you learn that your place in the New Market has been broken into and searched. People were also asking questions about your whereabouts.
When Volorn returns from his trip with Jaliim, I will summon him back to me and we will find a place to hide in the slums of this ancient Isle.
Tameer's Follow-up Actions
Tameer will follow up on this information. He will attempt to glean the identity of the man who fingered Maro'raj. He will also listen for rumours of Maro'raj's current condition and will attempt a visual on the owl. This is all in preparation for the next live session.
In addition he will do some basic surveillance about busy times and quiet times in the compound. Possible entrances via main and tradesman's doors. If there are pipes under the street he will attempt to locate the nearest entrances and exits. Local urchins would be an excellent source of this type of information.
I anticipate an easy gathering of information due the unlikelihood of anyone being stupid enough to break into church grounds.
Tameer will also attempt to locate a replacement owl and a stand-in double for the condemned man. No sense in leaving a trail if its unnecessary.
• Tameer discovered that Maro'raj was moved to the Church of the Sun and the Stars on the evening 14th. This Church is located on island 25. It is located on the top of a rocky outcropping, not far from the Silimiri Hall on the same island. There are no wall around the Church, as there is only one staircase to the Church and a there is usually someone keeping vigil at the top. The Silimiri Hall is a modestly sized building that has a good view of the island of The Mji’ramil (island 16 LielmMap) There are no known entrances other that the one set of Church doors. Research indicates that there was a structure here before the Church was built, but the nature of that building suspected to have been part observatory and part laboratory. The quietest times around the Church is in the late evening. The whole island is quiet at that time. I will attempt to create a map of the island as soon as possible. The man who fingered The Mji’ramil worked directly for Ba'alar Turnaq.
Tameer was able to locate an owl, however a double alive might be tricky, but a dead one is easier but it is hard to know how much the double might look like Maro'raj.
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