AnAdventurousIntroductionToLeilm part 17
[prev: TheSpoilsOfTheShadowedShell] [next: ASecondEveningWithRats]
The day is now 65th of Zaral'a'mazi.
Afalar has the urge to visit the white market. We head to the Tulri'zali which is a large store. We head to the jewelry counter. Afalar takes out a white pearl and one lapis-lazuli stone. The man gives a price of 100 drops for the lapis-lazuli and 1000 for the pearl. We also find that a good silk rope costs 150 drops, a hemp rope 15 to 20.
-- Islands 4 and 6 are the armourers and weapons. --
Afalar heads off to check with another appraiser about the pearls.
Once back we casually pass the evening. Then the morning of the 66th arises. We take a stroll to the New Market. There Sjer sees Prupumara. We speak briefly and she calls Zali by name and welcomes him. She offers that she awaits in the city for certain items to appear. She believes they are somewhere in the city. When Sjer mentions the outing coming up Prupumara immediately mentions rats, thousands of rats. She also mentions something huge that must have been made, not born and was the size of a horse.
Later Afalar enters a jewelry shop in the New Market and begins haggling with the jeweler to sell the three white pearls. After a few pleasantries he manages to sell all three for 4000 drops.
On the way back Afalar and Zali stop by a blacksmith where Afalar orders a fancy climbing harness and a hammer and pitons. After a few descriptions and some haggling the man agrees to the do the job for a mere 300 drops. The man's name is Amir. His stall is east of the New Market where the stables are.
Once we are back, Zali washes his boots because they stink. L'talus calls us in and let's us know that we have received the head of the boy, Halam. L'talus informs us that the jockey will ride free. That means we have gained the favour of the jockey. Orazul Kalimnodal, the man behind the scheme, has been paid his money under the condition that he sever his ties with the Shadow Water Circle and is now under L'talus's employ.
That night we are all feeling inflated and in good spirits. The maids of the house have a taken a shine to a few of us. Not one of us spends the night alone.
Torazi comes in third for the race and so was crowned as the long distance king.
We decide to get another day's rest and let Zali pick up his shield before we go down the stairs to face the rats.
[next: ASecondEveningWithRats]