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Hey guys. This here page is for us to talk about what we want out of the adventure.
Our first adventure was a break in and recover/snoop operation.
Our second adventure is going to be a follow the trail to the person and get some info kind of adventure.
What other kinds would you like? What equipment should we bring ahead of time on the upcoming mission?
If there is some trait or ability that you want to define your character, posting it here will help the rest of us keep it in mind and reference it in game play. This always makes it more enjoyable to play that character.
Edit this page and add your thoughts.
Ja'Liim Background
During the last session the possiblity was discussed of Ja'Liim serving Sja'm 'ail Asra, the dearly departed Afalar's father. Does this work for both Don and the DM? It seems to me like it could work well within the context of the story. If this relationship works for you guys, I noticed (while reading content on blearyowl) that the Sru'haro family has a fairly big presence in Lie'lm. Where is Asra now? If not in Lie'lm, can I get messages to/from him through the Shadowmage guild(?). Would I have resources within the city connected to the Shadowmages?
• I too like the idea that Ja'Liim is serving Saj'm 'ail Asra so lets go with it. He is currently in Alm Sru'haro lands visiting friends. You have been in The Mji’ramil (the Shadowmage's guildhouse see entry 28 - should be 16 LielmMap), however you need to be accompanied by a Shadowmage to enter or need to have a sealed letter of introdution. This letter would also state what your purpose was and who or what you were planning on seeing. In general you do not have access to shadow mage resources, unless Asra connected you to someone.