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Koulam, Warden of the Portal, sighed softly, the tremor of the candle’s flame mirroring his disquiet. He breathed deeply, once, twice and a third time to steady himself, to assist his return to his mediation. He breathed deeply, once, twice and a third time as he focused his awareness on the flame and each flicker manifested his complete being. He breathed deeply once, twice and a third time to return his awareness to the room.

Koulam stood deliberately, smoothed his dress, ritually touched the small statues to give thanks to the builders. He stepped out of his small chamber, stopped and sent his awareness to the portal. His fleeting, ever hopeful dream that the portal was again pure evaporated. The peace he achieved from the mediation was quickly replaced with the awareness of the doom that would befall Thaelorn if the portal failed.

Koulam walked the narrow hallway that was dimly lit by glow globes and up steep stairs to the Chamber of Decisions. He stopped at the tall, narrow jade doors, breathed deeply three times and spoke the words of entrance. The doors gently swung open.

Koulam stepped through the threshold, deliberately and respectfully, and after a moment’s pause, he walked towards the stone pedestal table. Dasek waited patiently for him to approach. He had already set out The Inulin small intricate figurines that represented tactical assets, for and against.

On a side table Koulam noted three fluted, delicate glasses and a bottle. Koulam observed with pleasure that the label Srihari 317 was etched into the bottle. This must be one of last of its kind thought Koulam. He missed his daily glass of wine, but wine was rationed along with many other luxuries.

Koulam and Dasek nodded to each other in greeting and stood waiting in patient silence for 600 heartbeats.

The Marble Doors opened, and Nalia stepped through the threshold deliberately and respectfully. Nalia’s presence was palpable, and it went beyond her bearing, her height, her long silver hair, her penetrating eyes or her authority. As she approached the table, Koulam and Dasek bowed and stepped away in deference. Nalia stopped and ritually poured the wine and set the glasses on the table. In doing so she invited Dasek and Koulam to the table and established them as her equals while the wine lasted. They raised their glasses in greeting and sipped. Koulam sighed inwardly with pleasure at each note of flavour, reluctantly he returned to the council.

“The care of Thaelorn is our duty”, voiced Nalia.

“The portal is our link to Ji’aj, the materials we needed to replenish our home, materials we use to create our tools, and technology, and what we give The Wēchilnejad in exchange for their patronage. There is a growing shadow on the portal that is weakening it. We have received nothing from the Kurdrun,” responded Koulam.

As Dasek spoke, the Inoulan arranged themselves of the table, providing a physical, tangible representation of his words.
“We have enough in our stores for survival functioning for many turns of the Ji’aj if we are very careful. However, the stocks are exceptionally low”, replied Dasek.

“Three Inreutad of Yharneya have been spotted by our scouts so we must be prepared to ward them from our home”, stated Dasek.

“Yet if we do not replenish, The Wēchilnejad may revoke their favour.” replied Nalia.

“Three dangers.” Nalia, Dasek and Koulam intoned together.

“The immediate threat is the Inreutad.” stated Nalia. “Our strength will be placed for this task.”

“I will ensure they have the necessary resources.” said Dasek

“The deeper threat must wait.” stated Nalia

Koulam looked at the half-drunk glasses of wine and then took heart and prepared himself to contradict Nalia.

“I propose a small token of our strength, a hopeful throw of youth, a chance of success and knowledge.” interjected Koulam.

Nalia and Dasek lifted their heads in question, encouraging Koulam to describe his proposal.

“I suggest that we send Llihar through the Portal to investigate two mysteries,” said Koulam, “the first is to determine what is causing the shadow that is infecting the portal and the second is understand why the Kurdrun have not honoured the pact.”

Llihar is not suited to waiting and waylaying in the twilight mists, he does not have the temperament,” continued Koulam “however, he has the training, the experience and the fortitude to journey in Ji’aj.”

“He is young, not yet an adult,” stated Dasek, “but he does have an unrelenting desire to know what is behind each door and where each path leads.”

“Llihar has travelled several times to Ji’aj and is not as affected by the lights, colours, smells and sounds of the world, rather he seems to thrive there.” said Koulam. “Furthermore, he can speak to the Kurdurn and the Humans.”

“His loyalty? His duty to Thaelorn?” challenged Nalia

“Unquestionable!” responded Koulam and after a moment of consideration said, “I will send his Tii’yanur, Nouk, to be a companion and a reminder.”

Nalia and Dasek nodded to acknowledge this wisdom. All three regarded each other until they reached consensus, then they raised the wine to their lips, both to seal the plan and empty the glass to ritually end the conference.

The wine brought Koulan a brief, but delightful, respite from the task ahead. Dasek and Koulan stepped away from the table and bowed their heads until Nalia walked back through The Marble Threshold. Dasek spoke the words of gathering and the Inoulan returned to their places in their case. Koulam sighed inwardly as he left the Sru’haro 317 behind, when he approached The Jade Doors he spoke the words of exit and they swung open.

After he crossed the threshold Koulam stopped because he knew that he needed time to prepare himself to send Llihar and Nouk through the Portal. They were the correct choice but the chance of success was small and Jia’j was perilous.

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