QuestForTheNozarShaDagger part 7
Left temple of the Lost Lion on the 10th of Summer.
It had become even more apparent that your Jaru? was indeed afflicted by the disease of the wolfmen.
Sjer, through the use of a silver arrowhead and some basic cauterization techniques attempted to improve the Jaru?'s condition. Some incidental damage was inflicted as well, but there seemed a slight improvement.
On the 15th we hit a roadhouse on the outskirts of the holy city. After witnessing an altercation and speaking with the apparent loser, we became aware of a curfew which had recently been set. There was also great suspicion for anyone coming from the wilderness and especially anyone admitting to having seen wolves. Many moonlit murders have happened.
The FaparLazilar estate is quite impressive with private guards and an established feel to it.
FaparLazilar feeds us, and we meet his rat/familiar, Kimsha. There is something odd about FaparLazilar in that he appeared quite pale and would not eat with us. His advisor was even stranger in that e never made a sound while walking was quite tall and thin as well as being exceedingly pale.
We find that Shal Ail Vasi is definitely ill as his condition has worsened since yesterday. Whatsmore he was downplaying our contribution in the survival of the group to FaparLazilar. We are shown to our rooms and given strict instructions not to leave them during the night.
Afalar and Zali follow. They confront the guard to the FaparLazilar estate and find the man in a sort of stupour.
Afalar and Zali continue the chase into the city during the curfew.
After getting past one guard Afalar kills Fa and brings our stuff back. Apparently Fa carried a means of confusing peope. He had a pouch of powder which he used both to survive the attack on the ship, and also to get past teh guards.
The following day we went to Fejas , the money changer, and changed money, then took Jaru? to the Sisters of the Healing Water and traded all the books from the Lion temple which turned out to be the early lost history of the Sisters' order. That was worth the price of healing. Now Jaru? has three little bottles which he must take the night before the full moon on each of the next three full moons.
We save the small fancy armour which we believe to be Kurdrun made as a gift for FaparLazilarLazilar?.
We head back towards the FaparLazilar estate. We decide to accept the task of stealing a map from FaparLazilar's brother and bringing it to a ship. The map is specially made and apparently cannot be perectly copied or forged. Perhaps the map itself is also the key to something and so needs to be taken along. We agree to think about the task as well as trying to put a misleading copy in its place. We decide to ask for 7 spheres, 3 for Afalar and 2 each for Ezra and Sjer.
We re-enter the Old City, Afalar tips them a couple of drops even though they would have let us through.
We re-enter the compound and Afalar recognizes the same guard on duty as let Fa out with our stuff. The guard seems uncomfortable with our knowledge of his performance the other night.
The three companions enter the house, but Sjer leaves with permission to walk the grounds before dinner.
Sjer and Zali go out strolling the grounds. There is an old Mausoleum out back with fresh footprints leading into it. Zali senses warm air but is unsettled by the feel of it. Zali leads Sjer to the spot where the body is. There is a muddy areea which is quite trampled and has one little mound of dirt which has the body under it.
Sjer exposes the face for identification but it is the face of an old man with a bulbous nose. Sjer makes an effort to remember the man's face.The body is burried vertically feet first. Perhaps he was buried up to his neck, and then covered over when he was finished with.
Sjer returns and shares his story with the others.
Elsha, FaparLazilar's advisor, comes and escorts us to dinner.
Sjer brings the smallish armour. We make a gift of it to FaparLazilar. Afalar makes a nice speech and FaparLazilar seems genuinely appreciative of it.
We are served a cold but elegant appetizer of meat and cheeses. FaparLazilar serves us a fine wine.
Sjer asks after our Jaru? and we are told he is ill tonight but should be better tomorrow.
Ezra opens the bargaining with 2 spheres for the obtaining of the map. FaparLazilar seems alright with 2 spheres for the map, but not 2 spheres each. The bargaining has begun.
FaparLazilar offers some items of help in exchange for a lesser fee. Afalar suggests that because skill is involved a higher price is in order.
The final offer is 4 spheres plus help for Afalar in the form of a scroll and training in reading it.
We will also receive half a sphere now.
Afalar finds that the town Allem'eilm is known for its crystal work and is on the way to our destination.
We agree to the deal and then retire to our rooms. Later that night, Afalar goes off with FaparLazilar and Elsha for some instruction in a magical language for reading scrolls of the language of FaparLazilar scrolls. He is then given such a scroll to help in your task.
In the morning of the 17th we leave for the estate of Teval FaparLazilar to obtain the map.
We need to get to the port town of Jar'helm.
We head to the market on the way out with our six horses. We plan to sell up to three of them.
After 15 minutes we see Tavi the hood. We sell three horses for 50 rods.
We immediately head out of town with our remaining three horses to complete the task. We are heading for the mountains to our shortcut and then on to the port city where FaparLazilar's brother, the younger FaparLazilar has a house and a map.