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The Chronicles of Tj (DjangoDunn)
Year 370
• 22nd year of the reign of the Emperor Harazin
• Vazar'a'mazi - Season of harvest - Autumn
Meet Jim Fa Ja (LincolnSilk) in the Capital Lie'lm
Find Cas'cral Ta'faract contract to Alm Azariah
Meet Alm Azariah and introduced to Shakar (DaveDarge?)
Jasil'a'mazi - Season of lamps - Winter
Jim Fa Sja's (JimFaSja) untimely death
Witnessed the Demon for the first time
Meet Gurmpa (Isobel) and Saer (LincolnSilk)
Attacked by the Demon's fireflies
Return to Alm Azariah's with Ji'al Hahfaij
Day of the Prophet - winter solstice
Year 371
• The 23rd year of the reign of the Emperor Harazin
• Zaral'a'mazi ' Season of the Lamb - Spring
Find the way station of the Gurmpa's order
Encounter with Arif the Seeker
Arrive at Alm Emajal's estate, dine with the Alm, the Heretic (Amam caj Caval), Alm Shemai'ah, Alm Ismal, Alm Prishaj, Alm Zimmahar and Alm Asarel
Spoke with the Heretic. Found the willing sacrifices - Tavi and Stafir
Lirar'a'mazi - Season of honey - Summer
Arrive in Mjai'lm
At the elevators on the Plateau
Arrive in Freetown
Battle with a rival group. The one who surrendered is magically dispatched. Has a strange tattoo
Into the badlands
Meet the coyote tribe
The Demon is bound through the sacrifice of Brem
• Vazar'a'mazi - Season of harvest- Autumn
Arrive back in Mjai'lm
Leave Mjai'lm for Olaji'm
Arrive in Olaji'lm
Speak with Ja'jeet (advisor to Alm Pract'la)
Leave the town of Olaji'lm
Arrive at the Capital of Alm Emajal
Jasil'a'mazi - Season of lamps - Winter
1st through 13th
Spend time waiting for Alm Emajal and Amam caj Caval (a.k.a. the Heretic). Receive letters and word that the will not arrive to meet either T'j or Saer. Both notice that they are followed. One who is tortured said the words "Arkabalan" and "Second Prophecy"
Leave the estate of Alm Emajal's
Meet up with Shakar
Arrive in Mi'jeris'alm (Grey Horse Inn)
Leave to travel to the lands of Alm Eral
In the lands of Alm Eral see a war party of Shawnal (White Lion Tribe)
Shakar corners and kills a man who had been following the group (unusual tattoo on his thigh.
Arrive at Alm Hahfaij
Audience with Alm Hahfaij
73rd through 91st
Rest and make plans
Saer leaves to meet with the White Lion Tribe
The day of the Prophet - winter solstice
Year 372
• 24 year of the reign of the Emperor Harazin
• Zaral'a'mazi - Season of the Lamb - Spring
T'j and Shakar leave Alm Hahfaij
Saer arrives at White Lion camp and begins preparations and Shakar meet Saer.
Shakar leaves for the lands of Alm Azariah. Know that he is being followed but can not capture the pursuer.
T'j is introduced to the White Lion Tribe
20th through the 23rd T'j is tested by the Ashani
T'j is proclaimed the Orzan
Receive a delegation from Alm Eral, agree to begin negotiations on the 39.
Meet with Alms Shal'aj and Asalam.
39rd through 46th
Negotiations with Alm Eral. He agrees to hand over power to T'j with a number of conditions
Shakar arrives at Alm Azariah's
Fifty mounted men from Alm Hahfaij arrive at Alm Azariah to escort Ji'al home.
Ji'al leaves with her escort.d
53rd through 66th
Several hundred non White Lion Shawnal arrive.
Ji'al meets T'j She is accompanied by Zaris and Ijal'is
Shakar arrives in Cas'lm. Makes contact with Lataj and Mahamat.
Receive letter from Kurak'dur Pador'Nural (Kurdrun clan-mother)
Scouts claim that the Southern Forces of the Second Fist of Chal have left their winter lair on the lands of Alm Elejazar and seem to be heading southward. It is believed that this force has broken down into smaller units and many could not be traced. This force is believed to number 7000 fighting men.
News that the Heretic is gravely ill has reached the all of you. It is believed that the Heretic has been poisoned. The would be assassin(s) has not be caught.
Cire goes back to the lands of the Shawnal and camps below the lands T'j controls.
Scouting force of Shawnal chased and caught three scouts of the 2nd Fist. Two died and one is seriously injured. These three men accounted for 7 Shawnal warriors.
1. Shawnal warriors leave T'j lands and go the Whitepeaks Ancestor Stones. They plan to move via Asalam lands. There are a number of Shawnal warriors gathering below the barrier cliffs. However the number of Shawnal coming up has slowed to a trickle.
In the middle of the night the Orzan's honor guard caught and killed an assassin inside the tent of the Orzan. The assassin died in the struggle. He has tattoo of the Assassins guild.
Cire returns to inform Saer that the Shawnal below will wait to assess the Orzan actions and abilities. No more Shawnal join the forces already gathered in the name of the Orzan. The total number of Shawnal number just under 17000. This includes some children and women. The total fighting force equals about 13000.
Saer sends and additional 5000 Shawnal to the Whitepeaks tribe. There are no obstacles to this move. However, Sepiam forces have reinforced the two fortresses he controls in that area. There have been a few clashes, with limited causalities. The Pamorii Rozaro accompanies the Shawnal to the Ashani
Scouts report that the forces of the 2nd Fist are converging on the north east corner of Sepiam's lands.
The envoy of Asalam arrives
A delegation from Alm Shal'aj arrives
Ordon arrives with several letter for Saer
• Lirar'a'mazi - Season of honey - Summer
1st T'j sends letters to Alm Asalam and Alm Shal'aj. Receives a letter from Ji'alm Prishaj.
2nd Meets with the delegate sent by Alm Asalam.
3rd Reports received that the forces of the South had engaged the North and lost two engagements
4th T'j sends one unit of troops north and another unit east to secure the border and the trade routes. Mil'aj'or is given the command of the troops sent east. Ari'jal is given the command to the north. Both units are given 70 Calvary and 130 infantry.
5th The northern forces take a number of castles from the southern lords
6th Reports come in those slaves from your lands and Alm Asalam are fleeing to the lands of Alm Sepiam to join in his army. He will set them free after 5 years of service. Note he only takes volunteer slaves.
7th One of the coal mines is now operational
8th 20 Calvary from Alm Shal'aj come with an invitation for Alm T'j to meet with Alm Shal'aj in person. These troops will provide the official escort.
9th Receive a letter from Alm Emajal - with news that the Heretic lives.
10th 2000 of the Fist have established a fort on Alm Sepiam's lands. T'j leaves for Alm Shal'aj accompanied by the escort of Shal'aj, his bodyguard, 50 Calvary, 100 infantry and a further 150 Shawnal. There are also 20 non-combatants - scribes, grooms, personal servants and messengers.
11th Southern forces lift the siege of the main city of Alm
12th Receive word that there have been several engagements between the Shawnal and Alm Sepiam's forces. These were the result of raids for horses and food. The Shawnal have sent 30 horses of various types to the Orzan.
13th A runner returns to Saer, with a tale of horror in the Whitepeaks area. Before his warning came many of the warriors explored the caves and passages that pock the mountains. Reports of insanity and infighting. A group of 100 Shawnal has been driven into the caves, by their own tribe. These seem to have become almost superhuman and killed 500 Shawnal in a frenzied killing spree.
14th The Fist is now 3000 strong and builds a second fort further inside Sepaim's lands.
15th Mil'ajar reports that he has recaptured several way stations and outposts from local bandits and declares the roads open and free. He found that the Shawnal were capable fighters and scouts, but did not have the discipline of the regular troopers.
16th T�j arrives at Alm Shal�aj�s palace.
17th Reports the Fist is now 3500 strong. T�j meets with Alm Shal�aj.
18th T�j leaves for the Whitepeaks area.
19th 2000 Fist bolster the forces of Sepaim and clash with the Shawnal at Whitepeaks.
20th Word received that the northern trade routes are being reestablished, there is continued fighting and raids against towns and troops loyal to T�j. Reportedly by renegade sergeants and warriors still loyal to Alm Eral. It is reported that they are receiving help from some of the villages.
21st First load of coal reaches the town of Galala'a. Saer recieves word that Pamorii Yaliya and 150 warriors from the Silver Eels tribe have reached the Barrier Wall and are being prevented from coming up to the Pir�em lands by Cire and his adherents.
22nd 100 infantry have been trained and equipped. This brings the total to 500 infantry and 200 horse.
23rd Letter from Mil�aj�or � the last bandit camp wiped out. The first trade caravan goes through. Sends a letter saying that he has found a flag of a Black Sun on a tan background. Amuari and 200 Two Spears warrior have reached the Barrier Wall and are being held up by Cire.
24th The Fist is at its full compliment of soldiers � 7000.
25th Received a letter from a source of Ijalis � Saip has invaded the territory of the Alms loyal to Ji�alm Jas�caj and Ji�alm Shalar. This opens a new theater of war.
26th The 4000 Fist and 2000 Sepiam's troops near the Whitepeaks. The rest are in reserve two days away. Pamorii Yaliya and Amuari and their people have left the encampment below the wall and are seeking to meet up with Arcor and Irani Nea of the Grey Coyote tribe. Cire has sent a force lead by the Thunder Tribe to stop Irani Nea from reaching Saer and the Orzan. Cire has been reinforced by 1000 Thunder tribe warriors.
32nd Assassination attempt on T'j's life by the Shadow Mage Kagnoi. This was foiled by Telal, Cira and Kuria.
The story continues�