This campaign was a short lived game that was run in 1999, 2000. It featured two player Dave Darge and Jen Rogers. They played sibling who are cousins to the Alm Armalis. Their family was in charge of south western portion of the Armalis Lands when the advance force of Saip began raiding their lands. We will try and piece together the events of this campaign.
Timeline of the Armalis campaign
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 6 The start of the ArmalisCampaign
• 7 There is an assassination on Alexanjar's life. The weapon is a large poisonous spider.
• 8 Izzac is made captain
• 9 Alexanjar give a rousing speach to his few troops, as he alerts them to the dangers of raiding troops
• 10 While out on patrol, several dead shepherds are found. There bodies are dry lifeless husks. It appears that something may have drained their lives away. A horse that got too close to one of the bodies dies in the night.
• 11 Find signs of a six legged cat, whereever the cat goes it leaves a trail of decay and lifelessness.
• 12 Visit the Iron mine and on the way manage to kill one of the six legged cats. It looks like a six legged black leopard (although 1.5 times the size)
• 13 Track a second beast to its lair.
• 14
• 15 Discover that copper is effective in damaging and destroying the second beast.
• 16
• 17
• 18 Return to the keep
• 19 Begin to smelt and work copper arrow heads. Send out further patrols.
• 20
• 21
• 22
• 23 Recieve a letter from the Alm's son. The news is that the Alm is dead. Serafima scrys and learn that the Alm is dead, is eldest son is gravely injured and Alexanjar's and Serafima's father is also gravely injured.
• 24
• 25 Recieve a letter from Feran. They visit the descerated site, which is sending out the same effect as the beasts. Anything that is tainted by the descreation results either in death or being created as a zombie or ghoul like creation that is control by the site. Serafima leaves for AlmManasseh
• 26
• 27 A Sja'jiam arrives. Serafima arrives at Mi'al Arjan'imi Dorfalis and recieves the news that Saip's raiding parties have attacked his lands as well.
• 28 The Sja'ji'am along with the Priest go and investigate the descecration.
• 29
• 30 Warriors from the Wandering Tribes arrive at the keep. Serafima has an audience with AlmManasseh.
• 31
• 32
• 33
• 34
• 35
• 36
• 37
• 38
• 39
• 40
• 41
• 42
• 43
• 44
• 45
• 46
• 47
• 48
• 49
• 50
• 51
• 52
• 53
• 54
• 55
• 56
• 57
• 58
• 59
• 60
• 61
• 62 Alexanjar and Serafima descend into their iron mine via an old abandoned shaft.
• 63
• 64
• 65 Alexanjar and Serafima find Dra'carn eggs. These are still warm.
• 66
• 67 Alexanjar and Serafima exit the iron mine and it collapses behind them.
• 68
• 69
• 70
• 71
• 72
• 73 Alexanjar and Serafima arrive in Na'ha'lm (Nahalm)
• 74
• 75
• 76
• 77
• 78
• 79
• 80
• 81 Alexanjar and Serafima arrive in the Imperial city Alo'amari'lm (Aloamarilm)
• 82
• 83
• 84
• 85
• 86
• 87
• 88
• 89
• 90
• 91
The game ended before these grand schemes could be put in place. This are the schemes that were to be put into place and await fulfillment.
NPC's Of Note:
Tarim - sergeant
Maswa - sergeant
Tariq – 'Newly promoted sergeant'
Faran – Aged trainer, sent to Fara’Na’Var
Miru – scout, bowman
Faral – infantry, bowman
Mishal Sja Ji Am – Shadow mage in capital
Cafal – Herder, sent 5 sons to aid in the defense of the land
Siraj – Smith at the mine
Anur – tribesman scout
Harim – serving boy
Uri - spokesman for the Uzorlo
Afalar – captain of the capital’s cavalry
Armalis Military Might
Military Strength at it's peak during the campaign (all hell has broken loose, since these numbers were recorded)
Cavalry x 36 (spear, sword, shield)
Infantry x 42 (30 bowman, 12 sword/spearman)
Tribesman x 53
Cavalry x 50
Guardsmen x 100 (most to stay)
alzar'var (north):
they'll probably not be used unless we have complete confidence in our Northern neighbors.
Cavalry x 5
Infantry x 20
ciral'iraj (south):
Cavalry x 5
Infantry x 30
Calvalry x 5
Infantry x 15
Faran said he could probably raise another 40 riders and an unspecified number of infantry (im sure he isn’t one to overestimate) :)
Estimated totals: (assuming that most garrisons have a defending home-force and might have raised a few more troops in the weeks I've had this letter)
Cavalry x 141
Infantry x 180
Tribesmen x 53(hopefully we can pick up a few more en route)
The other missing link is any aid we receive from neighboring Alms. I would expect some from Manasseh. I hope this helps make the possible carnage more easy to deal with.
O Mighty GM,
Jen and I spoke last night about plans for Serafima and Alexan'Jar.
We decided on a few courses of action to pursue. Keep in mind that we
realise that many of these objectives will need to be role played (and
we hope they are!) with you to add colour and enjoyment, as well as your
input to the outcome. Results may vary! :)
First off we need to rest for a short while to gather some
strength... but only for a day or so. Next we move to a nearby Northern
city/town/outpost of either our own land or our neighbor to the North.
On the way we have used some of Serafima's special magical powers to...
well, I'll let her talk to you about the possibility of this plan, let's
just say that the hoped for outcome will be to a)communicate news to our
allies & b)spread the word of our might! :)
After we arrive at this town we will send out messengers to proclaim
that Chal has smited our enemies through the 'Chosen' two; Alex and
Sera... who have come unscathed from Chal's explosion of power that was
felt and seen for miles around and has dealt a blow to ours (and Chal's)
enemies. (this news will work really well with the tricks Serafima has
up her sleeve). The messengers will proclaim that we are raising a
mighty army to finish off our enemies, and drive them from our lands.
As this is happening, we will arrange a ceremony to name the men that
were in the mines with us 'The Protectors of the Chosen' or some such
thing along the lines of a 'Kingsguard' with matching uniforms (or a
least an amulet or something). I think that would be really cool... I
did say that I took the best of the best down there with me, and they
all went through Hell with me. The 'P.O.T.C.' will then perform the
following tasks: 1) half of them will best sent out with messages bound
for various people we want to inform of what is going on 2)the other
half will acompany me back to our Keep to bring the force we left in the
hidden lake back North and scout the area to see what the remainder of
our enemy is up to.
Perhaps we will leave a P.O.T.C. member or two back with Sera to help
her do her tasks. She will gather the huge army that converges to join
and fight with the 'Chosen'(tm) :) against our evil enemy, driving them
from our lands.
Anyway, I hope this gives you a good amount to work with so we can
resume playing, and making a Pirem Legend! Also, please realise that we
are aware that these ideas are merely our plans and goals that may go
awry or need some altering to succeed based on the wringer you decide to
put us through :) - Dave (Alexan'jar)
The collected ArmalisLetters
This is a collection of letters written in during the course of the campaign.