The Shadow Water Circle was created by a group of mages who chose not to be members of the Shadow Mage Assembly. They operated out of Lie'lm. They ran into a rival group called the Iron Cobra who had some odd beliefs about Chal. The Cobra came in and began to hit the city hard, they came from outside the city. The Circle fought back and then the Shadowmages stepped in and conducted a year and a half campaign to eradicate that circle, meanwhile the Fist came in and took on the Iron Cobra.
There was a family who owned a keep outside of Lie'lm. They were legitimizing the Shadow Water Circle and even began climbing in political power. The Emperor himself signed the warrants against these people and they were killed. The keep is now referred to as TheShadowedShell?.
The last family occupying this land was Fazajalavor some 115 years ago. It is believed that that particular family was a member of the Black Water Circle. This family owned it for a period of 100 years.
As Remembered By PruPruMara?
"I was only ten years old when it happened, so the exact time of this is well over 100 years ago. At that time there were two major underworld powers. The Cobra, or the IronCobra?, and the Shadow Water Circle. This was one of the first times that the fist and the mages worked together -- to defeat them. They began a war using powers that no one wanted them to use. The mages did their job and the fist did theirs. That castle was attacked and destroyed by the shadow mages and ripped asunder. TheFist rooted out who they could and sent them packing."
see Jerezal?