The Heretic preaches that Chal is the creator of all things, and that Chal is pleased with all things that serve him. He also preaches that Chal can communicate with all of his creation, even those created by the Praj, since they were created through his spark of life. Therefore many of the Praj are to be actively cooperated with, in the struggle against the Dark Praj. Each person can recieve enlightnment regarding the goodness or evilness of a Praj and his or her servants. In fact a person maybe to pray to both Chal and the Praj, as some Praj maybe more concerned with some matter than Chal is. Furthermore, the Heretic argues that the costly spells, rituals and cleansings are not the sole provinence of the Priests. Each person may under go and or lead the prayers and cleansings that make the soul fit for Chal to see.