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Taval ail Vaf'im imi Vamiri

Warden of the Forsaken Fold (WardensoftheForsakenFold)

Cha'zul Taval is a Milar Cleric. He wields a long Kurdrun spear and an ghostly magical sword and is a master of healing.

He wears a medallion of Chal around his neck:

He is a travelling companion to Drovan and Mahir on the TheSheepAndTheForest story.

An acolyte of the Church of Chal (TheChurchOfChal - belonging to the order Vamiri,) he was assigned this remote post as punishment for reading forbidden books about TheHeretic.

12th son of the Alm Vaf'im (AlmVafim), Taval grew up stuying herblore and archery, and showed great insight by saving the life of an injured friend by using his new-found medical training.

Alm Vaf'im is near to alm Hi'Cian. This is the family (AlmHician) that his older sister Arala na' Hician (AralaHician) married into. My father was very old and had several wives, but it was her that was closest to being a mother to Taval.

Map of the region:

From that day on, Taval knew he wanted to heal the injured, feed the hungry, and devote his life to helping others, through ay means possible, including forbidden knowledge.

Taval is a neutral good cleric. His intentions are pure, but he is secretly willing to break the rules to achieve them. For one thing to live, another must die. He is tempted by dark magics, for his greatest wish is to conquer death.

My home town is called Jaram'el.


Level 5 Milar Cleric - 8825xp - Ha'ic - acolyte
HP:45 (max:45)
AC:14 (magic kurdrun shield:17) 
INIT: +0 (dex) 
STR [+3] 16
DEX [+0] 10
CON [+3] 16
INT [+0] 11
WIS [+3] 16
CHA [+1] 13
	- hit +6 [+3wis+3prof]
	- dam 1d8+3d [+wis]
Kurdrun Mythril spear
	- hit +7 [+1spear+3str+3prof]
	- dam 1d8+3str one handed
	- dam 1d10+3str two handed
	- Reach 10 feet. As a reaction can take an attack of opportunity 
	  to something entering your threat range. Has Kurdrun markings 
	  as well as the Mi'lar words [Eagle Child of] Voliraji 'ail Rajialar
SHORTBOW: +3hit (+3prf+0dex) 1d6dam (+0dex) 
	- range: short'80 - long320'
	- 50x kurdrun-arrows (paid fletcher: cost 1 rod)
ARMOUR: padded gambison 14AC [phb 143] + kurdrun shield (+3AC)
AXE: handcrafted handaxe: +4hit 1d6+2dam
SKILLS [p.175] (*=prof bonus added)
+0  Acrobatics (Dex)		+3  Animal Handling (Wis)
+0  Arcana (Int)		+2  Athletics (Str)
+3* Deception (Cha)		+0  History (Int)
+5* Insight (Wis)		+1  Intimidation (Cha)
+0  Investigation (Int)		+3  Medicine (Wis)
- to stabilize [PHB 197]: DC 10 Wisdom check to gain +1 hp each 1d4 hrs
+0  Nature (Int)		+3  PERCEPTION (Wis)
+1  Performance (Cha)		+1  Persuasion (Cha)
+2* Religion (Int)		+0  Sleight of Hand (Dex)
+2* Stealth (Dex)		+3  Survival (Wis) (tracking)
variant human: 2 stats +1, one new feat, new proficiency
[14000 is lvl6] - [+3 proficiency bonus now that I'm level 5!
Level 5: "Destroy Undead Bonus" (if CR1/2 fails turn undead)

Feat: HEALER - You are an able physician, allowing you to mend wounds
quickly and get your allies back in the fight. Vou gain the
following benefits:

"healer's kit" proficiency - (8) (used:xxxx) uses - free stabilize
	- When you use a healer's kit to stabilize a dying creature,
		that creature also regains 1 hit point.
	- As an action. you can spend one use of a healer's kit to
	tend to a creature and restore 1d6 + 4 hit points to it,
	plus additional hit points equal to the creature's maximum
	number of Hit Dice. The creature can't regain
	hit points until this feat again until it finishes a short
	or long rest.

herbalism kit: proficiency: ANTI TOXIN and HEALING POTIONS
4 cantrips at level 5
Spare the Dying [PHB 277] (free stabilize)
Guidance [PHB 248] (touch one willing creature get +1d4 to next ability check)
Resistance [PHB p. 272] (touch one willing creature, +1d4 to save throw of choice)
thaumaturgy [php282] - boom, open window, thunder, sign from chal
SPELLS [life domain] (save DC=8+?ability+3prof)
[] 1 FREE HEAL: "preserve life" feature [FREE SPELL via Channel divinity PHP61]
- dam:+25hp (5x my level) to distribute in area but max hp 50% max
- uses chal symbol - can cast once per shortrest - full action - 30' RADIUS
SPELL SLOTS: [PHP 57] 4xlvl1, 3xlvl2, 4xCantrip 
DISCIPLE OF LIFE [PHB 60]: all healing gets 2+spellevel bonus
9 SPELLS - SLOTS: 4x1st [x] 3x2nd [] 2x3rd []
x SPIRITUAL WEAPON [PHB 279] - 2nd level
	- hit: +6 d20+6[+3wis+3prof]
	- dam: 1d8+3 [+wis]
	- 1 *bonus* attack action every turn including now, 20' move
	- 60' range, lasts 1 minute (10 combat turns)
	- floating, spectral weapon: melee spell attack - like normal sword:
	- 5' range dam:1d8+spellcasting ability modifier
	- extra 1d8 dam for every spell 2 slots 3rd level or higher
	- no concentration required
Pass without Trace [PHB 265] - 2nd level spell
	- +10 dex/stealth checks, untrackable 
	- any number of chosen creatures within 30'
	- lasts one hour
Cure Wounds [PHB 231]
	- Touch to heal 1d8+6 (+3wis, +3 Discipline of Life)
	- 2d8+6 if level 2 slot used
Guiding Bolt [PHB 248] +6hit (+3wis+3prof) [1st lvl spell]
	- 4d6 dam + next attacker gets glitter advantage
	- flash of light to target 120'
Bless [PHB 220]
	- 3 creatures in 30' radius (4 creatures if lvl2 slot)
	- 1d4 bonus to all attack or saving throws
	- lasts for 60sec = 10 combat rounds
	- concentration required: CON(+2) saving throw DC10
Bane [PHB 217]
	- (3?) creatures in 30' must pass charisma save
	- -1d4 on all attack/save rolls for 1min (10 rounds)
LESSER RESTORATION [PHB 256] - 2nd level
	- touch 1 creature, cure disease/blind/paralyzed/poisoned
Spirit Guardians - 3rd level
	- 10min 15' radius around self (can choose who's not affected)
	- half move speed inside
	- when entering, 3d8 radiant damage if wis save fail
	- requires Concentration
Mass Healing Word - 3rd
	- up to 6 characters
	- just a bonus action
	- d4+3 HP
*I am heretical: I believe some praj are not evil! Since all made from Chal.
Unprepared, left here for reference:
Revivify - 3rd level
	- revives anyone who has died within 1 minute to 1HP
Prayer of Healing [PHP 268] - 2nd level spell
	- 10 minutes to cast, 6 people of choice
	- 40' range get 2d8+7 hp [+3wis+4Disciple of Life]
Meld into Stone - 3rd level
	- 8hrs hidden in stone (blind, Wis(Perception) checks to hear sounds w disadvantage)
Create Food and Water - 3rd level
	- 45lbs of food (24hrs) and 30gal of water: 15 people
SAVING THROWS (*=prof bonus +3 added) php90
+3 Strength Saves		+0 Dexterity Saves 
+2 Constitution Saves 		+0 Intelligence Saves 
+5 Wisdom Saves *		+4 Charisma Saves *
DEATH SAVES: Success 000 Fail 000
	letter of intro from Mi'Alm Hician about army
	40 drops total
	rose the mule: candles, rope, canvas, lanterns, sacks
	[necklace with chal symbol for spellcasting (water drop inside a gold circle)]
	2 letters of introduction from chazul ahavi (chal) 
		1. intro to nearby city: to a "representative of a new alm"
			a twin - same family as my brother in law, 
			Alm "Isali ail Hi'cian" married my sister
		2. general intro to milar Asla (moderate)
	35 fancy KURDRUN (via cedarkin) arrowheads (sold one for 15d)
	hair comb
	bone dice
	large key 
	5 days worth of meat and berries rations
	2x kurdrun spearheads
	19x kurdrun arrowheads
	small white stone disc coaster with inscriptions
xxx	1 rod (50 drops) found in small box - spent on commissioning arrows
xxx	3x fancy kurdrun axe heads
xxx	[pendant from necklace [gave to mahir]]
xxx	[very old copper ring: drovan's village [gave to Drovan]]
	Ritual Casting [PHB 202] add 10 minutes casting time and no slot used up
	Discipline of Life (healing bonus 2+spell level)
	Spell Attack Modifier +6 (+3wis+3prof)
	Spell Save DC 13
Magic Items (DMG p. 135)
	(x used) potion of healing (2d4+2 hp)
Lifting & Carrying:
	210lbs max carrying capacity
	420lbs pushing or dragging (speed -5 ft)
	420lbs max lift 
PROFICIENCIES (at level 5 my prof bonus is +3)
	Armor: light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
	Weapons: simple weapons (+sword proficiency due to my childhood)
	Tools: disguise kit, thieves' tools
	Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
	Skills: Deception, Insight, Religion, Stealth
RACE Traits [PHB p. 29]
	Human: 35 years old
	Medium Size (5' 7", 198 lbs.)
	Neutral Good. I help others according to their needs
	and promote compassion above all else.
	[long rest (8hrs) PHB 186 full heal + regain 1/2 hit dice for short rests]
	[short rest PHB - roll two hit dice + constitution mod]
BACKGROUND: Spy [PHB p. 129]
	Feature: Criminal Contact.
	Traits: Stays out all night long.
	Ideal: One death saves many lives.
	Bond: Merchant is local spymaster.
	Flaw: I put too much trust in those who wield power within my temple's hierarchy.
	(Easy for Church leaders to manipulate)
	Home city: Jaram'El 
	Languages: Milar (read+speak), Kokorn (read+speak) (enemies), Dromar (speak only)
Recently changed:
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