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Tajal Izlijah

Tajal is the 5th child of Vorimar Izlijah and Tali'a Izlijah (nee Shahara). He was born on 6th of Lirar'a'mazi 331yp. As he was the 3rd son of the Alm Izlijah's brother and was not eligible to govern. He had a choice either to join the military or join the clergy. His parents prepared and groomed him for a life with the Church of Chal. They hired a tutor Olovar'ail Aviz'amar when he was eleven years old. When he was 18 years old he elected to join the clergy, but unexpected chose the Aviz'amar (Avizamar). He has embraced the ideals and beliefs of the Aviz'amar.

Questions For Tajal

A Question To Tajal From The Head Of His Order:
TheProphet I'lam Si'laj brought to us the truth of Chal. Chal is the only safe road through the DarkPraj? and the emptiness for a soul to return to the first thought. Of what use and purpose then is our order? Why bother with other prophecy and tidings?

All orders that claim to understand the truth of Chal are being naive at best or deluded at worst. Chal is the source of all that exists and will defy our attempts at defining him into our vision of the God. I would suggest that my use of him is limiting as well, but that maybe a discussion for another time. The Arahji firmly state that all Praj are evil and they would argue that any prophecy or teaching that does not directly stem from Chal is evil as well. Furthermore the Arahji are convinced that in the struggle to save the souls of mortals that the Praj and their teachings must be eradicated from this world. Therefore the Arahji would understand the need to study and research prophecies to determine their origin. Through understanding and knowledge the prophecies can be countered and eradicated.
The Vamiri understanding of Chal and the immortal realm states that not all of the Praj are evil and some continue to serve Chal. The Vamiri would understand the need to separate out the teaching of the Dark and Light Praj. Even if the Vamiri in question believes that the Praj are irrelevant at best and frighteningly dangerous at worst, the need to seperate and understand the origin of a given prophecy is helpful.
The Heretic (Theheretic) states that some Praj are vital in the struggle to save the world from the clutches of the Dark Praj. Given this belief then it is absolutely vital to know which prophecy speaks to survival of this world and which speaks to the destruction.
The manner in which each of these three groups would carry out the function of the Avizamar would differ, but the need for our order would not cease.
According to my small glimpse of Chal I argue that understanding all of the prophecies and teachings provide a glimpse into understanding the vastness and greatness of Chal. However, that alone does not justify the existence of our order, but brings personal satisfaction and growth.
Prophecy is a glimpse into the minds of the immortals whose understanding of the universe is so much greater than our own. Perhaps in a desire to preserve our minds and sanity prophecy is one way to understand the Praj and so the universe. By understanding the prophecies we see the nature of each Praj and so its followers. Chal has given this order the task to protect the people who worship Chal. Each prophecy requires a vast amount of time to understand its meaning and how it interacts with the other prophecies. Furthermore we are tasked with determining if a prophecy comes from the Praj or the fevered dreams of a mortal. (Although some prophecies have been imparted this way, further illustrating the need for discernment). Through knowledge and discernment and trust in Chal the Avizamar protect and warn those who are entrusted with the souls of the children of Chal.

A Question For Tajal From A Boy He Once Healed Of A Fractured Arm:

Why help me. Why be nice to me and my mother if we do not mean anything to you? In my whole life, you have done the only nice thing for us in this Praj infested world! But I can see we don't really matter to you either. So, why? WHY!

I helped you because we crossed paths and at that moment we walked together. In the eyes of Chal all creatures matter and he cares for them all. I am not as gracious as Chal but you mattered to me and because we walked on a path together I was able to help. Chal showed me how to care and so you became a gift to me. At times I have to work at being nice, but nice or not doesn't impact how much you matter. You mattered enough that I made hard choices to allow you to learn and grow.

A Question For Tajal From Omir'Alir

Chal is the first thought. Chal thought to make Praj. The Praj thought to make us. We thought to make Pirem. Is Pirem a thought of Chal's?

This chain logic sequence is fraught with pitfalls and is the domain of the Arahji. This apparently easy question has a complex answer. The simplest answer is yes and a slightly more difficult answer is no. The shades of gray that true discernment requires is far more complex and is a tangled weaving of logic and faith. I think that for each person the answer will be different. In hearing and acknowledging each answer may allow us to understand the "truth". My answer is rooted in the belief that Chal understanding of the universe is so complete that he is able to glimpse all possible futures. However free will allowed chaos into existence. Chaos gives life and the unexpected. Chal would have understood that the Pirem Empire would spring to life. I am certain that what it is, is not what he wanted it to be.

A Question For Tajal From His Mother In A Dream

Tajal. Tell me what you think of your father's choice for heir? Are you happy with Ilazar'imi'Salimar Izlijah?
A good choice perhaps. I have no ill will towards him and I don't know if he has developed the skills needed to lead. Is he unselfish enough to put the family and my brother's children's rights ahead of his own? I don't know? I believe this dream is asking another unspoken question, "Do I want to lead?"
I want to lead, to be significant and so valued that I would be considered the right person to safe guard my family. However, I have been so removed from that life that I am not the right one to lead. I can only hope that my cousin is. My fear is that my father in his despair has been led down a path laced with darkness.

A Question For Tajal From Tri'jar One Year Before Tajal Joined The Avizamar

Tajal, my friend. Even third sons come to power. The world is a dangerous place. Maybe your family will need you? I urge you not to join the clergy. What can be the good of it? Come with me and be an ambassador for your lands. Together, you and I could achieve much. Two younger sons of powerful Alms, we could change things that need changing. You've heard the stirrings from the South. Will you not reconsider? At home are not given the means to affect change, but in other Alms on the other side of the Empire... Think of the adventure!

Tri'jar, I have thought hard about your offer the last time you asked and my answer is still the same. I will join the Avizamar. I admit that my first answer was incomplete and I not been truthful with myself. I do believe in the teachings of the Avizamar and feel called to be part of the order. However, there are more personal reasons for joining, I am afraid of the life you suggest as there is no security in it. I am not prepared to be disowned as my father threatened if I did not join the church in some fashion. I am not ready to take that risk and hope that my actions would lead to reconciliation. My father made it very clear that he wanted me hidden but accessible. I like to study to read and research and the Avizamar gives me that opportunity; I am good at piecing together clues and at twisting logic. In all I believe that I will be important, needed, secure and hidden in the arms of the Avizamar. Perhaps I will regret my choice, perhaps I am a coward or perhaps I do not trust Chal enough to guide me on a path I find beyond me...again thank-you for your offer and your friendship.

A Question For Tajal - What Is Your Worst Recurring Nightmare
I stand in an octagonal room that is forty feet in diameter. The walls are twenty feet high and are topped by a domed ceiling. The top of the dome is pierced by circular hole. The light of the full moon reaches down and illuminates rows and rows of written text. In the center of the room is a scale made of shadows. One arm holds my faith, another my failures. As long the arm that holds my failures doesn't touch the floor my family lives. My task is to decipher the text and the prophecies it contains before the moon completes it circle around the room. The light of the moon is my only source of light and as it moves around the room it illuminates various parts of the writing. The Empire's (land or people which I am unsure of) soul is dependent on my ability to solve the text, but as I do I make mistakes. Each mistake causes a fragment of my faith to fly to my heap of failures. The harder I work the faster I doom my family and the slower I work the faster the Empire's soul tatters. The dream ends when I fall exhausted to the floor knowing I have failed both my family and my faith.

A Question For Tajal From Omir'alir - Something Stirs Behind The Walls Of Mogen - Is It A Past Prophecy Or A Future One?
The Arkhabalan prophecies speaks to the past as well as the present. My current interpretation suggests that the cloud that kills was trapped by a wall in Mogen. This "cloud" will be released from the walls of Mogen, once the guardians of the wall fail to hold it back. If the Empire plunges into disorder there will be too few who will have time or the resources to help maintain the wall. My concern is that the guardians are not able to reinforce themselves and need constant new blood. Unfortunately fewer and fewer reinforcements are sent to that wall. So in time the wall will fall. The Myronists knew this and their strategy was to reinforce the wall with magic and prevent chaos that will allow the wall to fall. Some suggest that the third marker prophecy has already come to pass. Time will tell if the third marker prophecy has been fulfilled. Even if it hasn't the wall can not be forgotten. In fact I do not believe that pride or the return of the serpants or war will cause the wall to fail. I believe that the prophecy warns us to never neglect the wall or those who defend it.
I have never seen this wall, nor spoken to someone who has. I do know it exists because written accounts suggests that it does. Lastly I do not know who the people who man the wall are affected by living in the presence of Mogen. The only reinforcements to the wall I have read of are criminals who are given a choice of death or the wall.
I am curious to know if the defenders have attempted to venture into Mogen to confront the cloud directly. Perhaps they dare not to as that would deplete their numbers to much.
There is also the Visions of the Kurdrun Clanmother and the prophecy of Las'alan the cryer of Zula'sja...

Question To Tajal From Tri'jar When They Were 10 And 12
You had just finished wishing Gurdan, the Kurdrun the two of you rescued, goodbye. Tri'jar turns to you and asks, "I sense that one day Gurdan and I will need your help to save the Empire. I am not sure that you will share our passion. Will you be ready? Will you be true?"
(The voice of the 10 year old Tajal)
Ready? True? Of course I will be, why are you asking me this? Are you worried about me? I know that you are the faster, stronger, older and braver, but I love my family, our land and the people in it. I can't fail you or them, I can't...I won't...I believe I will.
Tri'jar I have seen visions that scare me, I have to stop them.

Question To Tajal From Jahafra
Imagine you are standing on a barren plain. The Pirem Empire is no more and the plague from Mogen has come and gone. There are a few tribesmen around, but nothing and no one you would recognize as Pirem. Place yourself there completely, without reservations, make it real to your soul and then tell me what you would find important and meaningful.
Thank you for not patronizing me with a long winded meditation. I understand what you are asking me to do. My own desire to respond nobly and purely clouds my deeper desires and needs. I know that I am not noble and I don't have a pure heart. So ... I am stripped of everything I hold dear, my family, my safety, my purpose and my land. In effect I am a stranger without ties... I yearn to know that my God is real, that I am valued by my God and then dare to draw closer to my God.
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