Alm Izlijah
He is a frail old man, who has been crushed with the death of his two eldest sons and heirs. His pride sent his sons to fight in the crusade against TheHeretic and both died on the 4th of Lirar'a'mazi 372yp. During his mourning he has neglected his lands. His advisors have attempted to maintain the status quo, but some have seen fit to use the Alm’s grief as a way to benefit themselves. Only very recently has he named his brother's son Ilazar'imi'Salimar Izlijah as his heir. Ilazar'imi'Salimar Izlijah has begun the process of weeding out the corrupt officials and servants, but is unable to touch some his uncle's favorites. It is unknown at this time why his third son Tajal was not named heir. Most seem to have forgotten the existence of this son who serves as a priest with the Aviz'amar (Avizamar)