Garadis Dir
Braman: The Spirit of Graradis is a large tree whose bark is completely black. The people here call it Braman. There are several orchards within a kilometre of Braman that well tended and fruitful, Dates, Figs, Apples
Benorn: Blacksmith, Dromar, 40 – 50, Nadina’s cousin. Supports Nadina but more practical in nature, considered to be an honest person.
Bnarar: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Tamradis
Bstan: Nadina’s son, mid/late 20s, Dromar, 3 young children
Chazul Zalaf: (early 20 Mi’lar) of the order Arahij. A follower
Chazul Crel: (Mi’lar 30 ish) of the order Arahij. Stringent and fervent in his belief of Chal’s salvation.
Chazul Hatimaj: (Mi’lar 70ish) of the order Vamiri (more moderate). Current head of the church, has a truce with Nadina.
Gasina: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Mriradis
Ginan: son, youngest child of Benorn’s is the current apprentice
Grandma Tesina: Nadina’s grandmother, Dromar well past her eighties, she is going blind and starting to be plagued with dementia. Somewhat grumpy
Mirina: eldest daughter of Benorn and Nina, late 20s, Benorn’s journeyman, a very capable smith.
Nadan: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Draradis
Nadina: Head Innkeeper – Dromar female, around 50 years old. A friendly welcoming person, who has a dislike for Mi’lar. She keeps the traditions alive as best as she knows. Her Inn is famous for Boborta, a cider and fig based alcohol.
Nina: She is Dromarian, about 40ish, and is Benorn’s wife
Ores: Brother of Kuria, Stable hand of the Inn. Shawnal, dead in the of TheSheepAndTheForest
Rinanan: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Tresradis
Sarina: Bstan’s wife (from Aranis Dir), Dromar, 3 young children
Segar: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Bigraradis
Tarina: Leader of Graradis Dir sub village Seradis