QuestForTheNozarShaDagger part 11
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Basho lands us at the gates of Jar'helm.
"For "Is" and "Is-Not" though with Rule and Line
And "Up-And-Down" by Loic I define,
Of all that one should care to fathom, I
Was never deep in anything but --Wine."
After the fight and flight we dipped down skimmed a lake while Basho scooped a drink.
It is now late at night on the 23rd. Basho informs us that we are approaching Jar'helm.
We decide to touch down inside the city in order to avoid any knowledge of our arriving. As we approach the Northern section we see a fire involving a couple of buildings. We touch down on the beach and then Basho flies off to the North, straight across the ocean.
We decide to climb up and over a very tall guard wall that runs around the city. With a little help from Sjer, all five of us glide up over the wall and head off into the city. At least that was the plan. After Ezra, Jaru?, and Afalar all went up and over, then a lone guard patrolling the top of the wall causes us to change the plans.
After 20 minutes or so, we all regroup at the shopping area. After some food and a little haggling we leave the market.
The urchin leads us to an ambush in an abondoned alley. He and his friends died for their troubles.
Afalar and volorn head to Lazalar's place. It is a large compound and one corner is on fire. The building that is aflame is made of straw and wood and it looks like it will go up rather quickly.
Afalar heads around the side lookin for a place to climb up and over.
Afalar stops on an interior balconey, hears some voices from inside a room without making out what they are saying, and then heads along the roof. As Afalar breaks into an interior storeroom, Zali heads around back to the front. He flashes past a battle betwwen the irate neighbours and the Lazalar guards.
Afalar gets further inside and overhears a heavyset fellow complainin to a light, spry individual that, "If that mob out front doesn't settle down, they'll blow the trap and ruin months of planning."
Afalar continues on over the roof and down inside one of the buildings. Inside he finds a table covered in body parts and blood. While he is inside he overhears the same two people walk by saying, "We had best get this locked up, or it will be our heads."
As they go by Afalar sees them carrying a small box. He watches them through a window as they proceed outside and over to another building situated right by the back gate.
Following them with stealth and precision inside that building, Afalar surprises them by knocking over their lantern just as they are putting the box into an intricate locking mechanism for safe keeping. He has used a device of FaparLazilar to see in the dark. With his opponents blind in the dark, he dispatches them.