A denomination of the Church of Chal who follow the interpretations of Vamirasi Ur ail Sil'aj. The Vamiri believe that some Praj remain loyal to Chal. Although these Praj have the best interest of their followers in mind, they are not always successful in ensuring a souls safe passage back to the heavens. While the goal of the Chalities is to ensure that all souls are able to join in heaven, this order believes that each person has a choice as to what to believe and will not force conversion. However, this order will seek to convert and actively prostellitizes. It will also seek to destroy the influences of the Dark Praj. While the Light Praj are to be tolerated they are of little importance in saving souls and no one can be certain which Praj are light and which are dark.
A letter written by a priest of the Vamiri to Serafima Armalis. (ALetterToSerafima)