The Church of Chal
The Church of Chal is the only church and belief system offically allowed within the Pirem Empire(PiremEmpire). The Church of Chal is a monothesistic belief in a supreme being that created the all existance. Chalites believe that Chal has the power to ensure a safe, content and blessed afterlife.
Chalite creation story
According to all Chalites, there was nothing in the beginning. Eventually a thought formed in the emptiness.
The thought became aware of itself and aware of the emptiness. The thought stretched forth and encountered only itself. The thought became lonely and began to imagine. From its dreams it created. Somethings that were created were casted aside and undone. Other things were kept. Treasured most amongst the creations were the Praj. They became the companions and servants of the thought and they named him Chal (The First Thought). As the Praj were uncomfortable in the emptiness, Chal imagined a home for them. He divided their dwelling into two parts, the heavens and the earth. This dwelling was beautiful in its scope and variety. Chal also created a home for himself, that could only be reached through him. The Praj dwelt happily in the heavens and marvelled at what Chal had created for him. Chal gave them the earth to steward, to populate and to treasure. In time the Praj created as they had been commanded to by Chal.
So the earth was given life. The Praj used the spark of life that Chal had given them to create more life. In time the some Praj became resentful and desired more than chal had given them. So they rebelled tried to take all for themselves. Other Praj were determined to stop them and fought the Praj through the heavens and the earth. So death came to the haevens and the earth. In time Chal intervened and the Dark Praj fled from the heavens into the emptiness. In his mercy Chal did not pursue the Dark Praj and hoped that they would return to him. He commanded the remaing Praj to restore the earth he had given them. However they were not able to undue the death and the suffering in the world. The Praj resolved to bring ther faithful upon death into the heavens so that they would be restored to life and be free of suffering.
The Dark Praj meet some of the things that Chal could not undue, and drew on the power that these things offered. In a last desperate at of defiance they sundered the link between the heavens and the earth and drove the emptiness between them. There they lurk able to intervene in the affaris of the world. As the souls of the dead enter the emptiness, the Dark Praj assail the Light Praj and steal the souls to feed themselves.
Chal has come to intervene once more, and will guide and protect the souls of the dead as they voyage through the emptiness to the heavens and his house. ONly Chal can guarantee a soul safe passage through the emptiness..
History of the Church of Chal
The Church of Chal was created when TheProphet I'lam Si'laj recieved a direct vision from Chal. The belief in the supreme being Chal quickly spread throughout the Mi'lar people providing them,unifying them to spread the words of the prophet. Once the Mi'lar people had established their Empire power was divided into a secular Emporer and the religious Chalem. Although theoretically independent from the Church the Emporer often owes his power to the Church's support. Although the Church of Chal presents itself as a strong unified force, it is made up of many factions and denominations, these include militaristic and peaceful orders. Currently the hardline Order of the Arahji controls the Church of Chal. The current Cha'lem
There are two dominant denominations with the Church of Chal the
There are also several lesser orders within the purview of the Church of Chal
The order of justice the Laj'al (Lajal?)
In the south of the Empire their is an man called the Heretic who is challenging some of the beliefs of the current church
The structural hierarchy of the Church of Chal
• Chal
• Ch'elm (the spiritual and temporal leader of the Church of Chal TheChelm?)
• Ch'mi'l (they are the high priests of the Church of Chal - TheChmil?)
• Che'lisim (the counsil of Ch'mi'lm)
Spiritual Life of the Chalites
• The Seven Paths of Chal (TheSevenPathsofChal)