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Shakar's Contacts


• Alisi'a Jili'ar
Your cousin Alisi'a is three years younger than you. She was smitten with you when you were children/youths and you spent a lot of time in each other's company. However, she was tested by the Sja'ji'am and found to have the talent necessary to become one of them. Due to your families religious affiliations and position with the Empire your father forbade any further contact. However, the two of you maintained contact through letters and secret meetings. You are aware that she is living in the town of Ithiri'lm in the lands of Alm Jim'am.

• Lataj Wajar'il
You made contact with Lataj via your cousin Alisi'a, as he was a one time flame of hers. You seem to have appreciated his contempt for stuffy authority and his independent streak. He is an avid historian of pre Empire history and so has made his home in Cas'lm. In the past you have been able to help each other obtain information and documents.


• Halmaj ‘ail Azali
He is the second son of Azali ‘nar Hor'alir. This family specializes in dealings of wine and supplies vintages to the Emperor's household. He had an affair with a high ranking priest's daughter. You helped him cover it up and arranged a suitor that was willing to accept "damaged" goods without the her father's awareness.

• Ij'almar Rihali
You meet this merchant during a drunken night in a dive called the Painted Horse. The master of the house persuaded you to help this down and out slave merchant. He was blackmailed and undercut by the following Alms territories: Pela'jah, Ra'fimem, Ijriri and E'halef. You introduced him to Alm Azariah who was in the market for soldier slaves and took a liking the man to pissed his rivals off. In short you saved the man from bankruptcy.

• Pamalis Tiralim
This man runs a transportation business specializing in precious items or people. His youngest son was born with a number of physical handicaps and was not able to participate in the family business. Pamalis also thought that it would be helpful to have his son work for the Imperial machinery. You managed to have him hired on as an tax accountant in the city of Ara'lm.

• Jica Carem'i
This merchant is located in the city of Hji'lm and imports cloths and wools. You are also aware that he smuggles the sand used in minting the Pirem currency.


• Raval
He is an old family friend about eighty years old and belongs to the Las'il Order (which is an offshoot of the Araji Order). He currently resides in the city of Cas'lm. Although not as active he still the title of Ch'mi'l. He is a conservative man, but maintains the Empire is growing weak and that the current political forces and structures will not be able to strengthen it.

• Rajal
He is a childhood friend that was pushed into the priesthood by his family. He chose the Vamiri Order at the age of 20. Due to his previous diplomatic training he was assigned as an assistant to Priest attending to Alm Prishja.

• Sefami
You caught this priest having sexual relations with young slave boys (which is prohibited by the Church of Chal). He begged you to keep it a secret, which you gave provided that he transfer himself away. Which he did to the main town in Alm Eja's lands (Jolnali'lm).

• Seraj ‘nar Piri'lasaj (holyhealer)
Your cousin Alisi'a revealed the this priest has the gift of the Sji'ji'am. Although untrained has been able to develop this gift and was using it to preform miracles of Chal. Many people flock to him have him preform healings. He resides in O'mala'lm at small town in the lands of Elejazar. He belongs to the order of Araji.


• Pecaji nar ralis (the bull)
He is a supply sergeant with the southern forces of the Fist of Chal. He claims that the was coerced to join the Fist and has tried to make the best of the situation. That means looking out for himself, his interests and comforts. As supply sergeant he has the best access to the best wine, food, supplies and women (prohibited by the fist). Always willing to make a deal, but will avoid risk unless the reward of really good.

• Vae'eral
The present commander of the guard for Alm Ishimaji. Know that he is addicted to Opium.

• Icaris Al'maj
An aging Mercenary commander that beginning to appreciate the finer things in life ie: stability, children and a wife. He has a child, no wife and no stability. Since killing is all he knows the other things come with a price, the unprincipaled, selfserving and haughty masters that he must serve. You know his son is currently being raised in a whore house and he feels powerless to stop it as its mother is a prized slave there. The Inn is called the Red Cock in the city of Mjail'm. You know the women in question her name is Eliza. She would leave if she could.


• Jo'ilas
You caught this theif after he had stolen prized jewelry from Afalir (an envoy of the Alm Pamij - now assigned to the city his master in the southern Alms lands). The envoy was extremely grateful and considers himself in your debt. The thief however, was terrified as he had never been caught before and you Tiger nature helped the ensure his cooperation now and in the future. Currently living in the city of Ojazi'lm.

• Mahamat
Once worked as a spy for your father, but was going to be sentenced to death, at the time you were going to be exciled. To spite your father you help him escape and the two of you travelled South to the city of Cas'lm. Mahamat is currently living there, but appears to be bored with hiding out.

• Saraji
A young female thief operating with the thieves guild in the city of Hji'lm. Made contact with her through your stay at an establishment called Amir's Oasis. She hates authority, both guild and civilian and dreams of becoming a famous thief like in the legends.

• Taris
Another former agent of your father, who trained Mahamat and was charged as well, but escaped. Mahamat believes that he may be hiding as a servant in the service of Alm Emajal.

• Zaris
A friend of yours is Cas'lm. He had previously worked for a trading house that was all but destroyed and cast him out of work. He was maintaining himself through smuggling in Cas'lm.

• I'jalis
A former agent of Eral who was cut loose when he took matters into his own hands and has been on the run from agents of Eral ever since, although that has stopped now that Eral's infrastructure is ruined. He sees the irony in working to help the same lands but bring the down fall of the regime that tried to kill him. Both will meet you about a week before spring.


• Kurak'dur Pador'Nural - Clan mother of the clan Pador'Nural (ShakarsConversationWithKurak)

Saer's Contacts


• Naelal
The leader of the White Lion tribe. He is enthusiastic and believes strongly that T’j is the Orzan. He will help as he can and will urge the Orzan to fight for the land.

• Urail - He desires to drive the Empire away from the their lands, but is skeptical of T’j and believes that he has not fulfilled enough of the prophecies to be the true one.

• Shaili
The leader of the White Lion Pamori who understands that this may not be the Orzan but is willing to let the prophecies develop. Knows that the Shawnal are not strong enough to drive the Empire away and knows they will need allies and cooperation to live here again. At best T’j is the Orzan at worst he will be a tool in the quest to serve the Ashani again.

• Rozaro
She is cautiously optimistic that T’j is the Orzan. However, her true desire is to be near the Ashani and speak with them.

• Cire - is not convinced and has worked to put thorns in Saer’s way. He believes that the timing is not right and the tribes too weak and that T’j will not be malleable enough. Cire is a cynical, white haired man who once championed calmainant to the title Orzan who was defeated by forces of the Pirem Empire. T'j was a part of that campiagn.

• Solal

• Jolarmar
You mentor. He is a white haired gentle man who inspires devotion and discipline. He encouraged you to follow you intuition and instincts at all times. He has some influence in the Hall of the Jarazine (Borathr). Currently residing at Borathr.

• Amuari
Your sister, she is two years older than you are and in many ways you want to be like her, she is resourceful, dynamic and uses her knowledge to interpret her intuition. Currently living with the Two Spears Tribe.

• Kodalr
A fellow initiate and class mate. The two of you spent much time together, he has similar views to you. He has an almost perfect memory and is an expert in the Shawnal lore and law. With the Silver Eel Tribe.

• Odorn
A man in his 40s who lives with the White Peaks Tribe. He doe not share your youthful optimism and surety that the Orzan will come in his lifetime. You saved him from the clutches of Gorass (a six legged carnivorous lizard) which was over 8 feet long. Feels that you saved him for a purpose, but feels foolish to believe in fate.

• Arcor
He is 2 years older, but was a fellow student, who often bullied you, until one day you popped him one. Ever since he has been your friend and was the one who instilled your sense of adventure through numerous pranks and mishaps while living at Borathr. Currently with the Grey Coyote Tribe.

Tj's Contacts

Ma’lor Jozaris. He is an older man in his 60s. A former general of Alm Eral, whom as part of the conditions of the hand over is to remain as leader of the Eral armies. He was not prepared to hand over the remains of the spy network that he had created and used that as a condition for handing the lands and title. The spy network would be answerable to him and he would also be given annual funds to maintain this and fund other projects.

Alms of the region

• Alm P'hral Sepiam
He is a long lanky man in his 40s. He is a high strung, bullheaded, belligerent man. He rules with righteous indignation and believes the world owes him far more that it is giving him. Despite this he is a competent administrator and tireless worker, leaving no detail unturned. He is a strong believer in Chal, and in the current church beliefs. His father was willing to follow the Heretics ideology. He believed that the southern lords were considered second class citizens and often talked about succession if the situation is not rectified. Once he begins a course of action he will pursue it until to the bitter end. He words were not considered seriously, because his father was a much more even tempered methodical man, who was skilled in compromise and diplomacy and was still young. However, since he was killed by the Blue Demon his son P=hral is now Alm and is considered a wild card in the region.

• Alm Eral
Alm Eral’s greatest concern was for the welfare of his people and he knew that if there was going to be war the common folk would be the ones to suffer the most. Alm Eral agreed to hand over power to T'j and his heirs and signed the papers agreeing to his surrender. However, he asked to remain on as an advisor and advocate for his people and asked that such a post be a permanent place.

• Alm Shal’aj

• Alm Hah’fiaj

• Alm Asalam

• Alm Epal

• Alm Hamaji
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