Lincoln Silk: The churning bubbles of the other fish cloud your vision momentarily. Then the dark shape above becomes visible again. It blocks the warmth and light that normally streams down from the withering place where breathing is not possible. Suddenly the waters around you cloud with bubbles again as something violently enters the realm of life. The thrashing is incredible, but then calmness returns. Something large and strange floats down toward the bottom. It's skin pale and it's eyes bugged. It is huge, and cannot swim, but the life has not completely faded from it yet. On it's forehead are seven lines coming out from a circle.
Suddenly you are being crushed and you cannot breathe as the wetness leaves you. You know you are dying in the withering place. You stare into fierce eyes. The eyes of a hunter. Then darkness. Then you awaken. You are Tajal. You have just seen Kitai.
Chris Epting: This dream means that a person has dropped into the river. The dark shape above was the bottom of the boat. A person fell into the water and may have died. I was then caught perhaps by the pale thing. Kitai has watched my vision. Has he seen what I have seen?
Chris Epting: It is the morning of the 47th of Lirar'a'maz year 372.
Lincoln Silk: The morning light streams in through the window frame. There is no glass, just an open view down to the docks and the water.
Chris Epting: I will wash up, find some breakfast, say goodbye and head to the docks
Lincoln Silk: You see young Tam waiting beside a boat that is being loaded. The men look like they are working quickly. Tam appears to be haggling.
Lincoln Silk: After you make you way down, and grab a waiting food bag with your name on it, you see Tam handing over some money to a slim, fierce looking, sailor type.
Chris Epting: Good morning Tam. Thank you for arranging the passage.
Lincoln Silk: You are most welcome. Anything I can do for you and the order. My most humble respects to Arakel Sominal.
Chris Epting: Be blessed as you walk with Chal.
Lincoln Silk: My name is Tad. Step aboard and sit toward the stern. We leave when that last bag is heaved on and we won't stop until we hit Lie'lm two days hence. Welcome.
Chris Epting: Dusk of the of the 47 the sail is being taken down. One person at the rudder, much activity of wildlife at the river's edge. A rolling body is being carried down the river. The Captain acrobatic manover hawls the body to the boat. The human is tied off at the stern. The clothing is of the Shawnal and has a deep tatoo on his brow. A half circle with seven radiating lines. It looks very fierce. The body is only one day old. With a broken neck.
Chris Epting: Tad finds a flat leather pouch that runs along his spine and pulls out a map that is very old. It is a shawnal map of the ancestor stones.
Chris Epting: We arrive at Lielm on the evening of the 48th
Lincoln Silk: The boat sails directly to the fourth oldest district of Lie'lm, the harbour where the dock workers and labourers live.