Political Arrangements of TheMilar
The Mi’lar system of government was originally based around a large extended family. The family laid claim to a particular area for hunting, herding and water access. The family could claim several regions as their own. Eventually the family structure became too unwieldy and the family basis became a clan-based organization. The entire clan claimed a large territory. Within the clan there were lesser names which had rights to particular regions within the clan. The rights within the clan were inherited, usually by a direct descendent. Several clans amalgamated to become a tribe. The leaders of each clan elected the tribal chief. The tribe was responsible for ensuring the survival and growth of the individual clans and regulating the conduct of amongst the clans. However, the rights of the clans were not alienated by the power of the tribe. Mi’lar system of government was a mixture of elected tribal chiefs and hereditary clan chiefs and inherited rights to trade, territory and power.