The Praj
Those who believe in Chal, believe that some of the first beings Chal created were the Praj. These beings were Chal's favourites and were given immense power. See TheChurchOfChal and the creation story.
At one point some of the Praj rebelled, however these Praj (dubbed the Dark Praj) were defeated by the remaining Praj (dubbed the Light Praj)
Chalites believe at every culture that believes in a God or Gods is actually praying to a Praj, and not the supreme deity.
• Dark Praj
Praj who rebelled against Chal. These Praj were exiled into the empty. It is believed that these Dark Praj now desired nothing more than to interfer with Chal's creation and meddle as they can. They are also believed to try and steal the dead so that the person's soul cannot reach Chal.
Many Chalites will blame the Crak Praj for strange or unusual occurance, particularily bad luck, any evil action and the source of all magic.
The Vamiri will also seek to destroy the influences of the Dark Praj. While the Light Praj are to be tolerated they are of little importance in saving souls and no one can be certain which Praj are light and which are dark.
The Arahji believe that every Praj is a Dark Praj and it's influence must be actively fought and it's followers destroyed or converted.
• Light Praj