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Turn Fourteen Results for 27 - 52 of Lirar'a'mazi 372yp

• 27
• 28 Saer leaves for the cliffs with 1500 Shawnal. 2500 Shawnal move east, under the leadership of Usharan and Shaili.
• 29 Alm Shal'aj's 300 Calvary catch up with T'j and accompany him to the Whitepeaks. Usharan and Shaili send 30 Shawnal to find the flag.
• 30 Saer arrives at the cliffs and gives his speach to Cire.
• 31 Cire challenges Saer to a ritual arguement.
• 32 T'j spoke with three travellers who came with tidings of an attack. These travellers were successful in keeping the Orzan safe during TheFinalConfrontation with an assassin. One of the travellers was Kurai who was a Shawnal of TheGhostCallers tribe. He brought with him a sacred spear whose importance was realized when he encountered TheMageAndTheKurdrun.
• 33 The challenge begins between Saer and Cire.
• 34 The challenges continues unabatted, however when the flag with the black sun appears Cire stops the challenge and leaves with the warriors under his command. Usharan and Shaili encounter a 1000 strong raiding, scouting party of calvary comprising 500 First and 500 Sepiams calvary. A battle ensues and the Shawnal take the worst of it and the enemy rides west. Usharan and Shaili chose to send 1000 Shawnal back to Tir'aman. The rest follow the Scouting party.
• 35 T'j arrives at the Whitepeaks and takes command of the Shawnal there.
• 36 Saer leaves for the Whitepeaks. 1500 Whitepeaks warriors enthusiastically join Saer and travel to the Whitepeaks. This brings the force Saer is leading to 3000.
• 37 500 Whitelions,300 Grey coyote, 400 Four stone tribe,500 Ghost callers, 200 Two spears and Amuari Naer, 450 Silver Eels and Pamorii Yaliya leave for Tir'aman to settle in.
• 38 The Krudrun comes to Shakar to investigate the tatoo.
• 39 Alm E'pval (AlmEpval?) sends 2000 men to Alm Sepiam (AlmSepiam)
• 40
• 41
• 42
• 43
• 44
• 45
• 46
• 47 Sear arrives at the Whitepeaks, bringing the total Shawnal fighting force to 9000 Shawnal.
• 48
• 49 Word reaches T'j that Sepiam and E'vpal have pulled their forces from the fight against the Church. These men should bolster their forces by as many 5000 men. These will be in place within seven days.
• 50
• 51
• 52 3000 spears of Grey Coyotes lead by Irani Nea arrives at the base of the Barrier Cliff.

Tj's Results
There have been many skirmishes between the Fist & Sepiam and the Shawnal. There have been light causalities on both sides, the Shawnal have attempted to scatter the horses, but have had limited results. Your scouts believe that they are fighting a holding action, trying to keep the Shawnal bottled up in the mountains, while they scout your lands in force. The Shawnal are wary of retreating to deeply into the mountains as a few scouts have been attacked by corpses of the Shawnal.

You have several conversations with Pamorii regardig the Shawnal's needs. The Shawnal are a group of herders, gatherers and small farmers. They have a defined territory that they migrate around in. As a result they need a much larger territory than their number might suggest. A typical tribe might have 20000 - 50000 people in each tribe. For example Alm Hama'ij might have a total population of 250000. As a result they might need a territory of 1/5 of the Alm's lands. The Shawnal would be willing to enter into a trade agreement with the Alms as well as a military agreement. They would be happy to raid, plunder or fight their own tribal foes as well as anyone who encroaches on the Alms territory.
Location of the ancestor stones see Ashani Map.

T'j recieves a letter from Alm Hamaij

T'j ' Hand of Chal
Thankyou for your kind words. I can only guess that the decisions before you and the angst these may cause. I have made the Shawnal of the Thunder Tribe welcome the few who have come and have issued a command that no one is to go within 2 miles of their stone. The Thunder Tribe has isolated itself from the the other Shawnal who have travelled with them. The issues that continues to plague me is crumbling of the Southern Alms cause. E'pval and Sepiam have with drawn their forces from the Heretic's cause, this has created a weakness in the overall defenses. Furthermore, E'pval actions and words have become a threat to my lands. Soon I must chose to remove the Shawnal from my lands or recall my forces from the Heretic's cause to counter E'pval. T'j Pract'la I pray to Chal that you act soon.

A supporter of Amam Caj Caval, Alm Hamaij

T'j recieves this letter from Shakar

"It is time for action. The Southern Lords are being held to the flame by the North, and the coiled serpent, Saip, has sunk his teeth into their flank. Azariah has his eyes on lands of Pelajah. And the Fist have mustered and will not lie in wait for long. Soon our corner of Jiaj will be a swarm of death and ruin.

There is nothing to be done to prevent bloodshed, you cannot keep the Shawnal under control for much longer, they only add to the chaos in the region. Those around you that sit on the fence must be shown an example of your might and your will, and those that follow you now must be shown that you will lead them somewhere.

Strike hard now, bring the Tribesmen to their ancestor stones which lie within the lands of those who would oppose you. The warriors who remain undecided about you, will soon enough rally to your strength and a promise delivered. This is what they understand. And the alms that wait in the wings, will rush to heel like a pack of whimpering dogs.

The Kudrun sense the unbalance in the world, and wish to see it restored. The Clanmother spoke of the return of evil that we have only witnessed the start of, the Kudrun see the path you take as the best course towards salavation and preservation. I feel they will support you in more than word.

You cannot hope to hold the fabric of the world together, you can only try to tear it into a shape that suits you."

Shakar's Results

The Clanmother lifts her eyes and focuses on the wall behind her. Shakar turns to look at what she is seeing. Runes on the top and bottom of the wall slowly become visible. Hard solid square runes framing an empty wall. Mercury seeps into the runes, overflows both down and up the wall forming a mirror. A whirlwind of images emerge, waver and dance on the wall. The images move too quickly to capture, but surely relay history as known by the Kurdrun. Ilfara?, Slith?, Dra'carn (Dracarn?), Kurdrun, Nivarn? and Humans in turn take centre stage and then become minor players. History becomes the present, the players become Tigers, Shawnal, Milar, TheProphet, TheHeretic, T'j (Tj)and war. The image becomes confused, unclear yet revealed for an instance the silhouette of a Slith? and a Dra'carn (Dracarn?), ending in the a rolling black cloud. Once the darkness fades Shakars eyes lock once more with the Clanmothers. Her voice quietly fills the entire chamber "How will you affect the fulcrum of the future'"

Rizalam of the Sja'rac'acor writes a brief note:
I know why you are not meeting me, it shows you have good sense. I accept your bribe, but to make it stick you will send me a half sphere. You will stay out of Sja'rac'acor business. I'll let you know what is ours once you send the half sphere.

Your advisors suggest that you listen and the noble is let go once the money was paid.

Re: the Fist
Your agents attempt to give TheFist's informants as much contray information as possible, you are unsure of the effectiveness of the tactic as they have managed to get all of their troops in place and have secure supply route in place.

The double agent: Navaril
You learn that the double agent for the governer has a large gambling debt that would have required him to sell his children into slavery to cover the debt. The governer has taken his children to live with him in the Cas'lm palace. The double agent won't do anything to jeopardize the lives of his children. He continues to haunt the gambling dens to ferret out information for the governer's agents. His debts are paid by the royal treasury. He is willing to supply you with information as well, but his first loyalty is too his children and whomever protects the wellbeing of his children. Lataj is not able to create a spell or device that can kill from afar.

The tatoo
Lataj believes that the tatoo is such a device. A Kurdrun comes to spend time with Lataj and together they study the man and his tatoo. Both believe that magics of the Dra'carn, Slith and Sja'ji'am were combined to create this tatoo. Apparently they probed too hard and on the 50th the tatoo is triggered and the man's brain is liquided and slowly seeps out of his skull. They briefly noted that there was at the time of the tatoo's detonation there was a link to somewhere east or north east east was severed.

Azariah's troops and his allies attack both Alm Pela'jah and Alm Ra'fimem. It appears that AlmAzariah has been planning these attacks for several seasons. He was able to send commando units into hiding on both Alm's lands, had troops secretly hiding in strategic points to attack when both Alm's were showing signs of weakness. He sent two strong contingents of troops against both Alms, which drew off their forces and then his lands were vulnerable to his hidden troops. The battle is developing in Alm Azariah's favour.

Saer's Results
You engaged in an ancient ritual that settled disputes between the Jarazine. There are three stages to this ritual. At each stage of the ritual the Pamorii preside over the affair. Most rituals are settled in the first stage.

• The Arguement - step 1 outline the speakers fitness and honour to make the arguement. If the Pamorii judge the speaker to dishonourable or unqualified to speak the arguement goes to the other. Step 2 - Presentation of the arguement. Step 3 - The questioning. Step 4 - the Pamorii's decision.
• Test of Wills - if the Pamorii cannot make a decision then the contest is moved to a test of will. The Pamorii decide what is appropriate and how long the test is to run. If the test has no decisive outcome the ritual moves on to the...
• Test of Spears - combat is fought until one person yields or dies.
Saer and Cire were in the questioning stage of the Arguement when Cire left.

Cire left with 1000 Thunder Tribe Shawnal.
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