These are the adventures of Mahir, Drovan and Taval who have become known as TheThree. The characters they meet (TheSheepAndTheForestNPCs) in the geographical region of SouthEastTerritoryAlmHician begins as TheQuestIsGiven, and features our heroes battling the mysterious forces that control the evil CedarKin. The campaign is set on western edge of the Va’fa’na’var (Vafanavar) against the mountains called Casm’ajmi (Casmajmi) on the lands of Alm Hi'cian (AlmHician) and in the forest that lies between the plains and the mountains. The campaign begins in the year 372yp on the 78th day of the month of Lirar'a'mazi.
Wardens of the Forsaken Fold (WardensoftheForsakenFold)