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I leave Lielm on one of the hottest days of the hottest months. I look boat transportation south. Leave on the 51 of Lirar
Tajal knows 5 languages: Milar, Krudrun, Hurkan, Tiger?
Chris Epting: book passage on a boat that is heading south
Chris Epting: Mining equipment and prospectors and will stop in East'haf
Chris Epting: Captain welcomes me aboard
Chris Epting: It will be a 4 day journey by boat from Lielm to East'hjaf
Chris Epting: E'st hjaf
Chris Epting: correction it is an 8 day journey because it is not the flood season
Chris Epting: The journey is relatively uneventful
Chris Epting: 59 of Lirar arrive in Easthaf
Chris Epting: Pay for my journey.
Chris Epting: Move eastwards to the source of my last vision
Chris Epting: walk at 15 - 20 miles per day for three days
Chris Epting: After I fall asleep I get a feeling similar to that when I spoke to He Who Waits. I feel pulled from myself and my vision changes. I am soaring silently through the night sky
Chris Epting: I look down and I recongnize myself sleeping far below. I look up and see the moon and I hear the movement of mice as I swoop along. I am concerned by two things. On a low ridge I see a shadow rise up and fall flat again. The shadow appears to be watching a man who is watching me sleep. Then I am released and I fall back into myself and I wake.
Chris Epting: The man watching me is north of me about 50 yards. I see an owl soar through the moonlight.
The current date is the night of the 62nd of Liraramizi
Lincoln Silk: You are currently awake, with a man 50 yards away watching you, and a shadow further back watching him.
Chris Epting: I cast my sight to where the person who is watching me is located
Chris Epting: I am read his emotions as he is looking at me. There is no anger towards me and he seems to be just waiting. Perhaps he is following me, as he is without a guide.
Chris Epting: No visible physical changes or injuries
Chris Epting: He is not being the fierce hunter at the moment
Chris Epting: He appears to tired. The shadow is still watching him and he doesn't notice it. The shadow is a man's shadow that occassionally raises his head like a swimmer lifting his head out of the water.
Chris Epting: I will commit the shape of the mages head from the nose
Chris Epting: As it gets light he will not be hidden from and so moved into the position after dark. The vision that woke me up was from HeWhoWaits?. This is unsettling and his link with me is strongly established. I suspect it is through the puzzle rock
Chris Epting: HeWhoWaits? is a cunning being to give me something that I could not resist and would allow access to me on magical and spiritual level
Chris Epting: You left me
Chris Epting: I wake up, make tea and invite Kitai to join me for tea. Kitai stands, picks up his pack and joins me at the fire.
Chris Epting: He is unconcerned yet not friendly.
Chris Epting: Would you like to join me. I don't think you mean that in way you intend. He asked to follow me at my side.
Chris Epting: I has been wanderign for three days and has observed that I am moving with a purpose.
Chris Epting: I know where I am going to, but not why. You know why but not where.
Chris Epting: I prefere my world to be clear even if I am wrong.
Chris Epting: The water looks hot if you don't mind I will provide my own leaves. He pulls out a metal mug and puts highly questionable leafs pours water and sits down.
Chris Epting: I truely believe he would have sent you regardless. He would not have been slighted if he did.
Chris Epting: He needed to send someone here who wouldn't be too quick to see the obvious.
Chris Epting: I have a clear enough vision but I refuse at time to connect the dots and Kitai believes that this is what the order master is counting on.
Chris Epting: Kitai is looking for proof that HeWhoWaits? in no longer waiting. It is interesting to go through so many hundreds of professies and connect the dots. There is one strain that can't be changed. I believe that everything is ending. The end of the Empire is approaching and I want to last a little longer than the Empire.
Chris Epting: I believe that the Dracarn are returning. HeWhoWaits? was their slave master and they ruled everything. HeWhoWaits? was their intermediary to the lower creatures.
Chris Epting: He has truely risen it is time to look for Dracarn. I want to avoid him at all costs.
Chris Epting: I started off as a chalite and I have become a myronist.
Chris Epting: The book is drivel, the title says all, and the ink is blood.
Chris Epting: I tell Kitai that I believe that the Dracarn do not use blood in the magic rather their enemies. He responds all the more reason to avoid him. Imagine something that can play double. Either you or I have it all wrong.
Chris Epting: I repare to go and He tosses a dragonfly into the air.
Chris Epting: Kitai I say you may want to use that creature to search for the Shadowmage that has been following me.
Chris Epting: Kitai says that I couldn't have known what was following him.
Chris Epting: You aren't playing me are you
Chris Epting: No, I'm not.
Chris Epting: No man followed me
Chris Epting: No? Then he is far from home
Chris Epting: He pulls an oil package and takes out some jerky like substance and offers it to me saying this will make it more difficult for him to detach you from your soul.
Chris Epting: He keeps looking off in the direction that his bug flew. He appears to be concerned and wants it back.
Chris Epting: It is a quick and quiet walk to the empty tomb.
Chris Epting: I see the owl from last night off and on as I walk
We are walking to the tomb of He Who Waits
Lincoln Silk: He is not waiting there any more.
Chris Epting: I know alright
Chris Epting: He is waiting in Lielm
Chris Epting: By a river
Chris Epting: When we arrive we see three stags standing over the tomb. They gallop off in two directions as we approach.
Chris Epting: Kitai is edgy and may have cast a prayer
Chris Epting: Fresh dirt indicates a large earth covered mound that has been dug out
Chris Epting: The structure is two feet above the ground. a myriad of carvings of animals and humaniods adorn the roof's edge inside the whole into the tomb.
Chris Epting: There is an opennign that we can jump into
Chris Epting: Kitia scrys into the tomb
Chris Epting: There is such a strong magical aura surrouding the tomb
Chris Epting: no apparent purpose of the magic, is it masking something else
Chris Epting: Very long lived and active that is tied to a natural process. The rain feeds and strengthens the magic other natural occurance as well.
Chris Epting: it appears that animals have cleared the dirt
Chris Epting: it is a square room, with a sarcophgus in the middle with its lid on the floor. the walls and the sarcophgus are covered in picutures. These might be word pictures
Chris Epting: these word pictures are contained in the book The Blood of the Ones to be added last
Chris Epting: The symbols are considered to be magical writting
Chris Epting: Kitia states the He who waits no longer waits and the last prophecies are at hand.
Chris Epting: Tajal "what will you do now"
Chris Epting: Kitia "The serpant is returning I will go to find him"
Chris Epting: Kitai you are not a complete waste of talent so are ... if you want to come with me I would not be your enemy"
Chris Epting: I am not ready to find the serpant but I don't think that I am youir enemy
Chris Epting: Kitia freezes I turn to see the manifestation of a shadow mage. The shadows in the rooom coealse around him is a slow swirling to create an inmage of a man made of shadow
Chris Epting: The shadow mage touches kitai with his hand. Kitai gasps and both rock back and forth.
Chris Epting: Shadow mage touched Kitai's shadow on the wall
Chris Epting: Shadow mage swayed and altered a bit. Kitai falls to the floor
Chris Epting: I attempt a hold person spell and the magic
Chris Epting: nothing happens
Chris Epting: The Shadow mage reaches out to grab my shadow. I pull my shadow (spellcraft) out of his grip
Chris Epting: I move to kitai to smouther the flames in Kitai's cloak
Chris Epting: shadow mage moves again for the third time to grasp my shadow
Chris Epting: he does so twice in fact
Chris Epting: he casts finger of death - save with a 20 and take 32 points of damage.
Chris Epting: heal for 28 points lose neutralize poison spell for cure critilca
Chris Epting: cast obscuring mist
Chris Epting: sm attempts to dispell it and fails and moves toward the entrance
Chris Epting: extinguish the light and move in the darkness to Kitai
Chris Epting: the mage has been in shadow form for at least 24 hours
Chris Epting: The fog disapates the mage remains and I cast santuary on myself
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