Letter One - Azimar's Letter of Introduction
My sister, I pray that this letter finds you well and secure. I would like to introduce Azimar to you. He has pledged his support for our cause and goal. I trust him with my life. Furthermore, his skills and abilities will be invaluable within the city walls.
He belongs to a sect called the Trajamar. This is an old order that seeks purity through disciplining the body and the mind. Their beliefs are not compatible with those who believe in Chal. As a result, the Church and the Fist have persecuted them. The Trajamar have gone into seclusion but still seek to influence the world around them. Although he is their agent and a voice for their goals he will adhere to ours.
Our uncle Karazir first introduced me to him six years ago. Throughout the following years we have engaged in several ventures together. Our uncle also vouches for him. He has pledged his loyalty to us. I have found that when he gives his word he will not renege on it. He has sworn to protect us and follow our bidding. He has also given a sworn oath to keep our goals and actions a secret.
Your brother
Letter Two - Jezeral's Update on the plot
I believe that events are unfolding as they should. I would have been surprised had our jockey caved in so quickly. I expect that he will miss the next opportunity to answer as well. The next message should be more vivid. A finger and a lock of hair will not be enough. Send an ear along with the finger and the hair. Also let him know that the next time we will send a head. You will receive word from Mazidi,, meet her in the little inn converted from a water mill run by that thick woman, Nalis. She won’t remember enough to spread any rumors.
When you meet Mazidi, could send along two letters. One is a letter of introduction, introducing me to Halizar Jori’mazi’jir from Olazamar Rolazaj. The second is a letter from Alm Calfir to his son Izil Calfir outlining his reasons for removing his support for the Church’s assault on the Heretic.
Keep well,
Your brother
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